the keza journal

They've got a billion eyes. Thats how they do it! but my poems are really crap. When she said my poems were good, my whole group burst out in a fits of giggles. Actually they started laughing after I did, but we were still laughing.
lmao, well at least you can laugh about it i guess lol, and yeah they do have that many eyes its scary, they can shout at someone whos doing something like behind a door...hmmmm ET's
No no no no no no yes...
they have a **** load of mirrors that you can't see because of some as yet unknown reason.
Or there is about seven teachers, but you can only see one because your eyes lack the sensory ability to notice them.
I know this because I have seen the depression they make in the space-time continuum.
awwww...i think msn is boring and gay lol...but atm its being nice so i wont say anything bad incase it hurts me...*pats msn*

well update, going to a party in a few hours so sitting here in dressing gown, very pretty looking hehe jk...

AND ITS MY BIRTHDAY so happy ^^ yeah thats all./...oh i bought a cake and it has this pic of a fairy on it, very mature looking, <3 it^^
that is all, you are dismissed
yeah i love my dressing gown, but its kinda too big for me, always slips off lol...thanks for coming by sweetie, yeah im gonna be 17, last 50 mins being 16yrs old wooooooooooooooot <3 u

heya buddah, awww youre so cute, checking on me i <3 u lol
yey a party, am i invited hehe <3 u

well the party was awesome, when we arrived the first band sucked but the last three were it was all good, it was so cute we saw my friends boyfriend there and his mates started getting rowdy and he came to protect cute lol...
but yeah it was really good, apart from this one cand, he was trying to be all emo and screamy, i always thought everyone could scream but he couldnt even scream in tune *shivers*
well im babbling now and all hyper so will stop now^^
of course you're invited to your own b-day party! congrats! :)

and of course, I'm your husband, I have to, and I would even if I weren't :)
thankyou heartlp such a cutie!!!

aww thanks fribby!!!!

my eyesbrows are sticky..i got them waxed yeah sticky sticky hmmm
cuz they were BUSHY AND MASSIVE, so yeah now theyre small and pretty ha, you can see my eyes now, they were that bad *sigh* but as interesting as my eyebrows are im sure you dont care lmfao... <3 u buddah

update, well woke up today to mummi, neil and bro singing,so cute...all of them out of tune brought tears to my eyes of pain, im joking, it was cute
my brother got me a cd he was so proud cuz he used his own money...aww i <3 little kids
then we went to mass and i nearly started crying lol...long story wont go into it just now hehe
then neil took me to breahead shopping centre and he got me a cd, he got this really cool cd its kinda reggae...surprisingly good ^^ lol
well when my mum comes back im gonna stuff myself with fairy cake then sit infront of the tv and watch my new life is content hehe <3
omg this place is working <~~yeah i know im stating the obvious but thats what i do^^

heart lp...whats that??? threading??? never heard of it lol...yeah my day was good, ate cake and basically watched dvds, but the day past real quick!! <3 u thanks for coming round bud *huggles*

twi~ thankyou my sweet, thats really nice of you hehe...havent seen much of you around lately >.< *huggles* <3 u loads

fribby~ lol, <3 u loads my little buddah, thanks for coming by

well last night was pretty shite...long ass story so wont get into it...but was in a terrible mood so i apologise to those i inflicted it on eg kambei and bobby, sorry..not that you come to my journal lol but ive said it ^^
had a really bad sleep last night so was shattered this morning going to school, but my friends cheered me up, well some of them, theres one who always rubs it in that shes way richer than everyone else, kinda gets annoying afyer a while lol, but the others were really sweet today yey!^^
took my doggy to the vet today and he better yey!!! so happy hes well again, and now just listening to cds etc
thats my boring day. now to go see other peoples more exciting ones^^ <3