the keza journal

Hiya... did everyone go to school today? Arnt we s'pose to get a day off for thanksgiveing monday or something like that?.. Oh well i get to stay home so its Sorry for that day huh?...
Hey lovely.*hugs and kisses*
Aww,im sorry to hear you were having a bad day. Hope everything is all good now.^^

Hope you're doing well,hun.
Take care.<3
kris~we dont do thanksgiving here...britain doesnt celebrate it so holiday there lol..^^ and you got to stay at home while i was *cough* working really hard at lessons...yup yup!!^^<3 u, thanks for dropping past...*ugs u*

fribby~lol yeah i guess it is while shite on you even on your birthday^^ hehe oh well i'll get over it and move always>.< thans for coming by hon *huggles*

HEYA FADED BLUE! thanks sweetie, yeah everythings fine thanks lol...*hugs u tightly* thanks for coming by, miss you aorund here ur not on very often!!!! <3 u


well nothings been happening really apart from im practically being stalked byt this guy...well not like physically stalked but everytime i turn around...HES THERE STARING!! AHHHH help lol
i have to run everywhere haha, me running = very funny so yeah...

we break up for the oct hols soon so thats really good...but we're moving house and i cant really be bothered to pack all my stuff then unpack it like a day later...too much effort that i dont possess ^^
well i cant really be bothered to say more of my day i may come back and add to it if i can be bothered..^^
haha you think lol...yeah he asked me out and then i said yes then quickly backtrack without hurting his he now thinks i have a boyfriend so im safe, for the time being lol^^
no not really...hes not really my type lol, and hes a yr younger than me so its not really going to happen...well it would if i felt THAT way about him, and hes kinda
lol I wouldn't go out with that guy either...maybe cause I'm straight...XD

no seriously I wouldn't if I were you, he stalks you, he's weird, and not even your type lmao

and hey, thank you so much for that rep! :)
lol, no problem anytime my lovely^^
YOU SHOULD GO OUT WITH HIM AND THAT'D SAVE ME...but i share you with vero dont really want to share you bad
dw i wont go out with
i mean ive gone out with weird...but he's like boardering on insanity...
aww :)
hey sorry I didn't reply earlier...some **** with my brother..pff

well lol I wouldn't go out with a boarderline insane guy
and lol no, don't share me with some guy XD
ahhh..thats annoying..!!! i never expect my mum to be ontime anywhere cuz she rarely is ^^
glad ur back on>.<

hehe...yeah i dont think hes bi anyway, hes best mate is though so jking^^
lol I didn't even think about him being bi lol
I may not be the straightest guy out there lol, but I'm not gay, nor bi :p

youre not the straightest guy!!! oooo er what you been up to lmfao...

haha you sounded really funny there...yeah mums...if we werent puntual itd be nag...but when their not its...'ive had a hard day kerryann...' well i expect your mum doesnt call you kerryann but you know what i mean^^
no lol not in that way lol...I don't swing that way :p

I meant I'm not like all fat with a beer watching the ball games and dissing women...that's the straightest guy out

mums? wait...does that mean something else as well? you'll have to explain that lol
and yeah totally know what you mean
ForgottenKid said:
Boo..! uhh.... umm...hi.

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kris my little member^^

edit...haha i have no idea what you were on about then, with the mum thing lol...^^ *smiles and nods*

oh right lol..thats the straightest guy out there...well glad youre not like that...but i dont totally believe you...hehe jking^^
lol ok...i'm starting to lose memory of that...:p

and well I'm glad too

and you had me believe you didn't believe me for a moment there...and the paranoid I am...started to panic...XD