The Lack Of Character Inside The Democrat Party wrote:
>> Because I don't like conservative Lutherans.>

> Interesting. You claim to be a former Lutheran. You claim that you
> were accepted a spot at the Upsala Seminary in North Jersey and
> considered entering the Lutheran ministery.
> And yet, apparently you don't know that ELCA (the largest denomination
> of Lutherans in the USA) is also the most liberal.

So, are you the token conservative?

> I'm a writer.
> I use words to get reactions.

Then you're a very bad writer, indeed.
> >> Because I don't like conservative Lutherans.>

> > Interesting. You claim to be a former Lutheran. You claim that you
> > were accepted a spot at the Upsala Seminary in North Jersey and
> > considered entering the Lutheran ministery.

> > And yet, apparently you don't know that ELCA (the largest denomination
> > of Lutherans in the USA) is also the most liberal.

> So, are you the token conservative?

They're very nice people in my church. I like them a lot.

> >And yet, the Atheists have a far bloodier history than any religion.

> Would you care to provide a cite to back up that ridiculous claim?

> Didn't think so.>

I'd be glad to:

The communists demanded all members of their party (which ran
literally every aspect of the Soviet Union) were, without except, open

The Communists/Atheists slaughtered 100,000,000 souls in the 20th
Century alone.

Go ahead - bleep your excuses why the Atheists had nothing to do with
the Communists. I've heard all of the cheap excuses - none were
convincing. Most were downright bizarre.
Richardson-Obama in 08 wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> On Sep 4, 7:52 pm, Sanders Kaufman <> wrote:
>>> Starkiller
You've made more than five posts to me.

It worked, apparently.

<> wrote in message
> > I'm a writer.
> > I use words to get reactions.

> Then you're a very bad writer, indeed.
Where they the most liberal in 1971?

I haven't been following Team Lutheran much since then.

<> wrote in message
> > Because I don't like conservative Lutherans.>

> Interesting. You claim to be a former Lutheran. You claim that you
> were accepted a spot at the Upsala Seminary in North Jersey and
> considered entering the Lutheran ministery.
> And yet, apparently you don't know that ELCA (the largest denomination
> of Lutherans in the USA) is also the most liberal.
<> wrote in message
On Sep 4, 7:52 pm, Sanders Kaufman <> wrote:
>> Starkiller
"David Hartung" <> wrote in message
> Richardson-Obama in 08 wrote:
> > <> wrote in message
> >
> > On Sep 4, 7:52 pm, Sanders Kaufman <> wrote:
> >>> Starkiller
<> wrote in message
> > >And yet, the Atheists have a far bloodier history than any religion.

> .
> > Would you care to provide a cite to back up that ridiculous claim?

> .
> > Didn't think so.>

> I'd be glad to:
> The communists demanded all members of their party (which ran
> literally every aspect of the Soviet Union) were, without except, open
> Atheists.
> The Communists/Atheists slaughtered 100,000,000 souls in the 20th
> Century alone.
> Go ahead - bleep your excuses why the Atheists had nothing to do with
> the Communists. I've heard all of the cheap excuses - none were
> convincing. Most were downright bizarre.

I won't belabor the point about atheism and Communism, but many communists
actually were closet Greek Orthodox, despite their party's official
position. But the 100,000,000 figure I find hard to believe without a
better cite than a book title on Amazon. The bloodiest period for
Communism, by all accounts I've read, were Stalin's purges. General Dmitri
Volkogonov, while disclosing previously classified records, estimated that
the Stalin era claimed between 19 and 22 million lives, not including war
victims. When and where do you think the other 78,000,000 to 81,000,000
were killed?

> You've made more than five posts to me.

So, your idea of living large is to insult perfect strangers, so
they'll pay attention to you for a moment or so?

Wow, you're a bigger loser than I thought - and that's saying
On Sep 5, 9:32 pm, "Richardson-Obama in 08" <>
> <> wrote in message
> > > >And yet, the Atheists have a far bloodier history than any religion.

> > .
> > > Would you care to provide a cite to back up that ridiculous claim?

> > .
> > > Didn't think so.>

> > I'd be glad to:


> > The communists demanded all members of their party (which ran
> > literally every aspect of the Soviet Union) were, without except, open
> > Atheists.

> > The Communists/Atheists slaughtered 100,000,000 souls in the 20th
> > Century alone.

> > Go ahead - bleep your excuses why the Atheists had nothing to do with
> > the Communists. I've heard all of the cheap excuses - none were
> > convincing. Most were downright bizarre.

> I won't belabor the point about atheism and Communism, but many communists
> actually were closet Greek Orthodox, despite their party's official
> position. >

Would you care to provide a cite to back up that ridiculous claim?

> But the 100,000,000 figure I find hard to believe without a
> better cite than a book title on Amazon. >

The Black Book of Communism is not simply "a book title on Amazon".
It's the definative book on the subject of Communism.

The book was authored by several European academics and specialists
and edited by St

> Where they the most liberal in 1971?>

It's "were", not "where". You claim to be a writer?

And, as I posted before, they weren't in existance in 1971.

> I haven't been following Team Lutheran much since then.

If you didn't know anything ELCA, why did you feel comfortable
attacking them for being too "conservative?"
<> wrote in message
On Sep 5, 9:32 pm, "Richardson-Obama in 08" <>
>> I won't belabor the point about atheism and Communism, but many

>> actually were closet Greek Orthodox, despite their party's official
>> position. >

>Would you care to provide a cite to back up that ridiculous claim? is a good place to
start. I realize that it's just Wikipedia, but that's more authoritative

>> But the 100,000,000 figure I find hard to believe without a
>> better cite than a book title on Amazon. >

>The Black Book of Communism is not simply "a book title on Amazon".
>It's the definative book on the subject of Communism.

Perhaps it is. And perhaps you've read it. And perhaps it actually backs
up your claims. But if you expect anyone to accept a link to a place where
we could buy it as a "cite", you're out of your mind. That's like referring
to giving somebody directions to a grocery store as "feeding them".
Clinton lied about a blow job with a fat Jew. Bush lied about a trillion
dollar, 3600+ US dead and over 25,000 injured US service persons.

No one got hurt with Monica's blow job except some god damned old religious
****heads ego and gays like Larry Craig, Mark Foley, and the Reverend Ted
Haggard's pretended self righteousness along with "Diamond" Pat
Robertson's. Along with the phony assed Christians that go to Church/county
republican/ worship services every Sunday

Clinton lied and knew it. Bush Lied, and lied and lied and lied and lied
and is still lying everytime he opens his ****ing smirking mouth. It's a
god damned shame someone didn't leak his travel plans this last weekend
when he flew ovwe Iraq for his photo op with Yes men and women. Sure would
have been a shame if some relative of someone whose home was broken into
and taken over by US Marines, took a shot at Bush with a shoulder fired
missile of some sort.

Only problem in that scenario would have been that Cheney wasn't with him.
What wrote:
> Clinton lied about a blow job with a fat Jew. Bush lied about a trillion
> dollar, 3600+ US dead and over 25,000 injured US service persons.
> No one got hurt with Monica's blow job except some god damned old religious
> ****heads ego and gays like Larry Craig, Mark Foley, and the Reverend Ted
> Haggard's pretended self righteousness along with "Diamond" Pat
> Robertson's. Along with the phony assed Christians that go to Church/county
> republican/ worship services every Sunday
> Clinton lied and knew it. Bush Lied, and lied and lied and lied and lied
> and is still lying everytime he opens his ****ing smirking mouth. It's a
> god damned shame someone didn't leak his travel plans this last weekend
> when he flew ovwe Iraq for his photo op with Yes men and women. Sure would
> have been a shame if some relative of someone whose home was broken into
> and taken over by US Marines, took a shot at Bush with a shoulder fired
> missile of some sort.
> Only problem in that scenario would have been that Cheney wasn't with him.

If you are going to continue to accuse George Bush of lying, yo might wish to
provide proof. To my knowledge, the only proof of any lies on the part of GWB is
in the minds of people such as you. <> wrote:
> > Where they the most liberal in 1971?>

> It's "were", not "where". You claim to be a writer?
> And, as I posted before, they weren't in existance in 1971.
> > I haven't been following Team Lutheran much since then.

> .
> If you didn't know anything ELCA, why did you feel comfortable
> attacking them for being too "conservative?"

What does this have to do with my addiction to kiddy porn? You stupid
My mistake, I thought they might be the modern version of the Missouri

<> wrote in message
> > Where they the most liberal in 1971?>

> It's "were", not "where". You claim to be a writer?
> And, as I posted before, they weren't in existance in 1971.
> > I haven't been following Team Lutheran much since then.

> .
> If you didn't know anything ELCA, why did you feel comfortable
> attacking them for being too "conservative?"
robw wrote:
> My mistake, I thought they might be the modern version of the Missouri
> Synod.

Nah, The Missouri Synod is still alive and doing well. That is my affiliation.
You ought to check us out, perhaps you will find something you like.