The Lack Of Character Inside The Democrat Party

> >>> First off, I'm not an evangelist, I'm a Lutheran.

> >> ELCA, LCMS, or WELS?

> > ELCA. The largest denomination of Lutherans in the USA.

> And the most liberal.>

I'm in Hollywood, CA. What do you expect?
On Sep 4, 7:46 pm, Sanders Kaufman <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > I repeat - are you now issuing death threats to people for the sin of
> > disagreeing with you?

> What a stupidly insincere question!

Nothing remotely insincere about it. If you're making death threats,
then do so. If not, don't play coy.

> > Of course the threats are meaningless as, well,
> > you are. But the fact that you're so frustrated by discussion is very
> > telling indeed.

> > Is that the person you want to be? Because it's the person you
> > deserve to be.

> I see you're done talking about politics.

After you started issuing death threats, you left politics in the
dust. Now I want to know how crazy you are.

> It's unfortunate that you low-life neochristians tire so easily of
> intellectual pursuits, always lowering the discussion to such petty
> personal attacks.

The person who issues death threats has the gall to complain about
"petty personal attacks"?

> But I feel your pain.

> For 7 years now you've supported a War Against Islam that is now a
> near-total failure.

This just in today:

"Couric: 'Real Progress' In Iraq
Evening News Anchor Says Police Finally Making Inroads

(CBS) BAGHDAD, Iraq One week before Gen. David Petraeus is expected to
give his report on U.S. progress in Iraq, CBS Evening News anchor
Katie Couric says she has already seen dramatic improvements in the

"We hear so much about things going bad, but real progress has been
made there in terms of security and stability," Couric said Tuesday.
"I mean, obviously, infrastructure problems abound, but Sunnis and
U.S. forces are working together. They banded together because they
had a common enemy: al Qaeda."

Hardly surprising. On Monday, Bush flew to al Asad airfield, west of
Ramadi, the capital of Anbar Province. He brought with him his
secretaries of State and Defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, and the commander of U.S. Central Command. He was met at al
Asad by General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, as well as
Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kemal al Maliki, Iraqi President Jalal
Talabani, and Vice Presidents Adel Abdul Mehdi and Tariq al Hashemi.
In other words, Bush called together all of the leading political and
military figures in his administration and the Iraqi government in the
heart of Anbar Province. If ever there was a sign that we have turned
a corner in the fight against both al Qaeda in Iraq and the Sunni
insurgency, this was it.

Anbar, as everyone knows, has been one of the hotbeds and the most
important base for both the Sunni rejectionist insurgency and al Qaeda
in Iraq since 2003. It has been one of the most violent provinces in
Iraq, and one of the most dangerous for American soldiers and Marines,
until recently. Now it is one of the safest - safe enough for the war
cabinet of the United States of America to meet there with the senior
leadership of the government of Iraq to discuss strategy.
> Now, stand witness as the Kharmic pendulum swings back atcha.

The coward who issues death threats from him mommy's basement calls
for Kharma's wrath? You should quiver to think that God is just.

> BTW- Kharma is a word that comes from eastern religions. Get used to
> that kind of stuff becoming more prevalent in the US, as the ranks of
> the pseudo-Christians continue to dwindle.

Pseudo-Christianity is certainly dwindling, being replaced by actual

> >>> First off, I'm not an evangelist, I'm a Lutheran.

> >> ELCA, LCMS, or WELS?

> > ELCA. The largest denomination of Lutherans in the USA.

> And the most liberal.>

I'm in Hollywood, CA. What do you expect? wrote:
> On Sep 4, 7:46 pm, Sanders Kaufman <> wrote:

>>> I repeat - are you now issuing death threats to people for the sin of
>>> disagreeing with you?

>> What a stupidly insincere question!

> Nothing remotely insincere about it. If you're making death threats,
> then do so.

If you can't tell, then you should certainly presume that it's so.
Awww, heck. Let's just go ahead and have some fun with this.

Yes - I'm threatening your life.
I plan to kill you at 6:00pm tonight.
And I'll use nothing more than an tissue paper.

And while we're at it - I have an open contract on Rev. Bush as well.
I'm offering $1 paypal to anyone who guns his ass down - and an extra
two bits if they wing Cheney.

Now - can we get back to discussing religious extremists, their paranoid
delusions, and how irrational their cowardice is?

>> It's unfortunate that you low-life neochristians tire so easily of
>> intellectual pursuits, always lowering the discussion to such petty
>> personal attacks.

> The person who issues death threats has the gall to complain about
> "petty personal attacks"?

I know that the lack of any WMD whatsoever didn't jibe well with your
desire to be afraid of someone.
Do you feel better now that you have fuel for your paranoia?

You nut. wrote:

> I'm in Hollywood, CA. What do you expect?

The same thing you can expect in Seattle, Boston or Dallas.
Priests raping children. wrote:
>>>>> First off, I'm not an evangelist, I'm a Lutheran.

>>>> ELCA, LCMS, or WELS?

>>> ELCA. The largest denomination of Lutherans in the USA.

>> And the most liberal.>

> I'm in Hollywood, CA. What do you expect?

I'm LCMS, Check us out some time.
Yeah, you're the Nazi Lutherans.

Don't think you're what Martin had in mind.

"David Hartung" <> wrote in message
> wrote:
> >>>>> First off, I'm not an evangelist, I'm a Lutheran.

> >
> >>>> ELCA, LCMS, or WELS?

> >
> >>> ELCA. The largest denomination of Lutherans in the USA.

> >
> >> And the most liberal.>

> >
> > I'm in Hollywood, CA. What do you expect?

> I'm LCMS, Check us out some time.
> >>> I repeat - are you now issuing death threats to people for the sin of
> >>> disagreeing with you?

> >> What a stupidly insincere question!

> > Nothing remotely insincere about it. If you're making death threats,
> > then do so.

> If you can't tell,>

Oh, I can tell - you're a wind bag who desperately wants to sound

> then you should certainly presume that it's so.

Awww, heck. Let's just go ahead and have some fun with this.>

Ah, so making death threats are your idea of "fun". Charming.
(empty bluster snipped)

> Now - can we get back to discussing religious extremists, their paranoid
> delusions, and how irrational their cowardice is?>

Excuse me, you believe that making death threats from the safety of
your mother's basement is "fun" - who are you to call anyone an
extremist, paranoid, delusion, irrational or a coward?

> > The person who issues death threats has the gall to complain about
> > "petty personal attacks"?

> I know that the lack of any WMD whatsoever didn't jibe well with your
> desire to be afraid of someone.

Yeah, where are the WMD? We know that Saddam had them (he openly
bragged that he did - not to mention that he used them against
civilians.) And yet, we've never found a trace of them, or any sign
whatsoever that they were destroyed. Where are they?

> Yeah, you're the Nazi Lutherans.>

Interesting, considering that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America wasn't formed until 1988 when it merged these three churches:

The American Lutheran Church - formed in 1960,
The United Lutheran Church in America - formed in 1962 and
The Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches - formed in 1976

> >> >> First off, I'm not an evangelist, I'm a Lutheran.

> >> > ELCA, LCMS, or WELS?

> >> It seems that the Iraqis are not the only people whose nation is in
> >> crisis because of sectarian divisiveness.

> >Yeah, the Lutherans are a real threat to world peace, aren't they?

> >Here's the web page to the church I belong to. Take a look, and tell
> >me what you find most odious...

> >

> I was married in a Lutheran Church.

> Ya'll some cheerful folks ain't ya?>

We try. Would you like some pie?

> Went there for a while 'cause of the wife. Preacher...>


>... was always talking up beat and positive.>

We're also really into food.

> Never heard any of the hellfire and
> brimstone that you get with the Baptists and Pentecostals.

That pops up every now and then.
You had to be pre-Hitler to be a Nazi???

<> wrote in message
> > Yeah, you're the Nazi Lutherans.>

> Interesting, considering that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
> America wasn't formed until 1988 when it merged these three churches:
> The American Lutheran Church - formed in 1960,
> The United Lutheran Church in America - formed in 1962 and
> The Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches - formed in 1976
> wrote:
>>>>>> First off, I'm not an evangelist, I'm a Lutheran.

>>>>> ELCA, LCMS, or WELS?

>>>> It seems that the Iraqis are not the only people whose nation is in
>>>> crisis because of sectarian divisiveness.

>>> Yeah, the Lutherans are a real threat to world peace, aren't they?

>>> Here's the web page to the church I belong to. Take a look, and
>>> tell me what you find most odious...


>> I was married in a Lutheran Church.

>> Ya'll some cheerful folks ain't ya?>

> We try. Would you like some pie?
>> Went there for a while 'cause of the wife. Preacher...>

> Pastor.
>> ... was always talking up beat and positive.>

> We're also really into food.
>> Never heard any of the hellfire and
>> brimstone that you get with the Baptists and Pentecostals.

> That pops up every now and then.

So many kinds of Christians!
There is so little they agree on

> You had to be pre-Hitler to be a Nazi??? >

I'm sorry, I gave you too much credit. I assumed you believed that
the ELCA was in existance in Germany during the Nazi era. If that
were the case, it still would have been a cheap shot, but it would
reveal a touch of respect for history.

Sadly, what you offered was yet another "you're a nazi, man" bon mot
which the modern leftists so love. As artless an attack as it is
devoid of meaning.

One of the painful signs of years of dumbed-down education is how many
people are unable to make a coherent argument. They can vent their
emotions, question other people's motives, make bold assertions,
repeat slogans - anything except reason.

> So many kinds of Christians!
> There is so little they agree on

It's the nature of Christianity. Jesus rarely ordered - he asked, and
demanded that people look into their own souls.
Sorry I don't like your sect.

<> wrote in message
> > You had to be pre-Hitler to be a Nazi??? >

> I'm sorry, I gave you too much credit. I assumed you believed that
> the ELCA was in existance in Germany during the Nazi era. If that
> were the case, it still would have been a cheap shot, but it would
> reveal a touch of respect for history.
> Sadly, what you offered was yet another "you're a nazi, man" bon mot
> which the modern leftists so love. As artless an attack as it is
> devoid of meaning.
> One of the painful signs of years of dumbed-down education is how many
> people are unable to make a coherent argument. They can vent their
> emotions, question other people's motives, make bold assertions,
> repeat slogans - anything except reason.

> Sorry I don't like your sect.>

In the same sense that KKK members don't much care for the coloreds.

One day, when you grow up, you'll understand that you don't have to
share your childish hatred with perfect strangers. Let your bigotry
be a special secret you keep locked deep inside.
I was Lutheran. How does that make the KKK thing valid, you idiot.
Accepted a spot at the Upsala Seminary in North Jersey before NYU accepted
me. Yes, I considered being a Lutheran minister. In fact, when our pastor
went on vacation I would officiate the services. (yes, there would be an
ordained minister there to distribute communion, but I ran the show)

And this was the early 70's so save your vapid "grow up" remarks.

feel better?

<> wrote in message
> > Sorry I don't like your sect.>

> In the same sense that KKK members don't much care for the coloreds.
> One day, when you grow up, you'll understand that you don't have to
> share your childish hatred with perfect strangers. Let your bigotry
> be a special secret you keep locked deep inside.
On Sep 4, 7:52 pm, Sanders Kaufman <> wrote:
> Starkiller
On Sep 4, 7:49 pm, Sanders Kaufman <> wrote:
> wrote:
> >>> wrote:
> >> It seems that the Iraqis are not the only people whose nation is in
> >> crisis because of sectarian divisiveness.

> > Yeah, the Lutherans are a real threat to world peace, aren't they?

> > Here's the web page to the church I belong to. Take a look, and tell
> > me what you find most odious...

> That's a nice web page.>

> But it doesn't mention the last chapter of your bible But it doesn't mention the last chapter of your bible - the part you

believe that all the dead christians will be reincarnated into a
Xian army to wipe out the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and others.
Do you not believe that part of your bible, or do you just not like
speak openly about that part of your apocalyptic faith? >

We believe that it's a metaphore. I do find it amusing, however, when
you've been proved utterly wrong, that you suddenly introduce an
entirely new topic.