The Near Death Experience of Ella Jensen

<> wrote in message
> On Jun 12, 1:31 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> > Your brain case is filled with primordial soup.

> Oh, so who's calling names now? Hypocrite. Another Christian throwing
> a fit because normal people don't believe his funny stories. Hang it
> up, Art. You've failed as a missionary. I hear they're hiring at
> McDonald's...

This sounds like no kind of Christanity I ever heard of. It isn't

> -Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
> aa#2015/KoBAAWA!
"Rob Brown" <> wrote in message
> "Aaron Kim" <> wrote in message
>> 1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

> OH NO!! Another of Darth God's storm troopers pulls out his "A fool hath
> said" light sabre. That happens all the time and it always works. Doesn't
> it? Yep, now I believe in an invisable magic guy in the sky. "Mission
> Accomplished" Kim.
> Rob Brown

If a TV set is in a living room, we know someone built it, that it didn't
just built itself or that it just magically poof! appeared out of nowhere.
So why is it so hard for you to open your mind enough to believe that we can
look at our environment which has a complex order to it that there is a
Creator of our world? Why the hostile bigotry? You'd rather put your faith
that life randomly built itself. Craziness! You need the ordinances laid on
you which is baptism and receiving of the gift of the Holy Spirit by Art
Bulla, who holds the keys to the Priesthood.

> They are corrupt, they
>> have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
>> 2 The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if
>> there were any that did understand, and seek God.
>> 3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is
>> none that doeth good, no, not one.
>> Psalms 14

In article <> "Aaron Kim" <> writes:
> "Rob Brown" <> wrote in message
> news:46702436$0$30629$
> >
> > "Aaron Kim" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> 1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

> >
> > OH NO!! Another of Darth God's storm troopers pulls out his "A fool hath
> > said" light sabre. That happens all the time and it always works. Doesn't
> > it? Yep, now I believe in an invisable magic guy in the sky. "Mission
> > Accomplished" Kim.
> > Rob Brown

> If a TV set is in a living room, we know someone built it, that it didn't

> just built itself or that it just magically poof! appeared out of nowhere.
> So why is it so hard for you to open your mind enough to believe that we can

Granting that -- and mind you, I've presented counter-arguments and
counter-examles for you, but never mind that, let's accept for the
moment that this marvelous complex world must have been built --
what about the intricity and design of this world do you
see as proof that your god did it?

Why doesn't the seeming design of the world prove that
(oh, say) Bastet created it?

-- cary
On Jun 13, 1:55 pm, "Aaron Kim" <> wrote:
> "Neil Kelsey" <> wrote in message
> > On Jun 13, 10:20 am, wrote:
> >> On Jun 13, 12:24 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:

> >> > I am not a Christian, fool.

> >> Well, so much for an attempt to be civil to such an idiot. **** you,
> >> **** your mother, and **** anyone who resembles you. I certainly hope
> >> you are struck and killed by a bus before you can pass the genes
> >> responsible for your idiocy to another generation.

> > Too late, he already did, although his ex-wife seems to have fetched
> > the authorities on him (which Art calls "religious persecution") so he
> > hasn't seen his children in a while.

> Art was persecuted no differently than all the past Prophets.

I don't recall hearing about Social Services being after Jesus for
child support, but it sounds like another interesting episode of the
missing Gospels.

By your logic, anyone who breaks the law is facing religious
persecution. I don't think it would go over too well to try to argue
your way out of a traffic ticket if you tell the judge that he will
face God's wrath if he rules against you..

> The scriptures
> says that the natural man is an enmity to God.

So what? The Scriptures are not based in reality, they are irrelevant.

> Jesus said in Matthew 10:
> 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send
> peace, but a sword.

So Jesus was another violent nutcase, what is admirable about that?

> 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the
> daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in
> law.

And he's a disruptive *****. It's hilarious that Christians think
they've copyrighted "family values" when this is what they base them

> 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.

Charming. So Jesus has no redeeming qualities, I already knew that.

> 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he
> that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

So he's a petulant megalomaniac schizophrenic, and reminds me of Art.
I find people like that to be dangerous if they aren't medicated.

> 38 And he that taketh not his across, and followeth after me, is not worthy
> of me.
> So you are just the latest generation of fools to reject the Gospel.

Huh. I feel like I'm one of the lucky ones, and thank the non-existent
deity every day that I'm not stuck in a mass hallucination like you
On Jun 13, 6:20 pm, "Bob H." <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
>> On Jun 12, 1:31 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
> > > Your brain case is filled with primordial soup.

> > Oh, so who's calling names now? Hypocrite. Another Christian throwing
> > a fit because normal people don't believe his funny stories. Hang it
> > up, Art. You've failed as a missionary. I hear they're hiring at
> > McDonald's...

> This sounds like no kind of Christanity I ever heard of. It isn't
> Christian!

You could probably tempt him into smiting a fig tree or something..

> Bobby

On Jun 13, 4:55 pm, "Aaron Kim" <> wrote:
> "Neil Kelsey" <> wrote in message
> > On Jun 13, 10:20 am, wrote:
> >> On Jun 13, 12:24 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:

> >> > I am not a Christian, fool.

> >> Well, so much for an attempt to be civil to such an idiot. **** you,
> >> **** your mother, and **** anyone who resembles you. I certainly hope
> >> you are struck and killed by a bus before you can pass the genes
> >> responsible for your idiocy to another generation.

> > Too late, he already did, although his ex-wife seems to have fetched
> > the authorities on him (which Art calls "religious persecution") so he
> > hasn't seen his children in a while.

> Art was persecuted no differently than all the past Prophets. The scriptures
> says that the natural man is an enmity to God.

Your "scriptures" are the rantings of ancient, superstitious men. They
are of no value, except to anthropologists studying those ancient,
superstitious men.

> Jesus said in Matthew 10:

Jesus probably never existed.

-Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
<> wrote in message
> On Jun 13, 2:06 am, "Aaron Kim" <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> > On Jun 12, 1:40 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
>> >> Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up
>> >> your
>> >> ass
>> >> than it already is.

>> > You're the one denying reality, and he has his head stuffed? Funny
>> > guy, you are.

>> > There's a reason no one is listening to what you have to say. It's
>> > stupid, and we've heard it all before. This is not your church, where
>> > you all support each others' fantacies.

>> > If you really want people to treat Christian mythology
>> > sympathetically, either create a coherent argument...

>> > ...OR COME UP WITH SOME STINKIN' EVIDENCE! Until you people do one or
>> > the other, what you believe is just something stupid that someone else
>> > believes. Your mythology is no different to me than the UFO Abduction
>> > cults are to you. Why is this so difficult for you folks to
>> > understand?

>> > -Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
>> > aa#2015/KoBAAWA!

>> The Gospel appeals to the soul barring reprobates like yourself. You deny
>> the existence of the Holy Spirit. You deny the numerous testimonies of
>> Jesus
>> Christ in the NT of the Bible and Book of Mormon by individuals who
>> received
>> the Spirit. Flavius Josephus spoke of Jesus and His Apostles.

> Deny? You speak as if you presuppose such creatures exist. Why do you
> morons continue to speak of these creatures as if it is universally
> accepted that they do? Are you still living in the tenth century?

The Bible is a true history of ancient Israel and the Book of Mormon is a
true history of ancient America. There are historical documents and
artifacts testifying of the events and people of both books. There is way
more proof than the one for evolution which is just a guess about how life
happened taught as fact by agenda driven atheist scientists.

> Read it again, moron. Until you idiots can provide evidence for your
> claims, to folks not brainwashed by your mythology what you believe is
> just something stupid that you believe.
>> The scriptures
>> are testimonies of God and actual history.

> No, they are not. This has been proven again and again.
>> Much more evidence than your
>> speculation of how the world came about, your religion which is
>> evolution.

> I have no religion, dumbass. You think you have the right to state
> your opinions about atheism after demonstrating that you have no idea
> what it is? Tell ya what, bunkie...since no one else will have you,
> why don't you go **** yourself.

Everyone needs to find a purpose in life. Everyone has some sort of "idol"
they worship. For some it's sports, some sort of hobby like car model
building, fast cars, for atheists it's evolution.
> -PF, Atl.
> aa#2015/KoBAAWA!
"Cary Kittrell" <> wrote in message
> In article <> "Art Bulla"
> <> writes:
>> You have a right to be an atheist. Just don't force your bullshit down my
>> throat or the throats of my children with tax monies paying for your
>> false
>> religion to captive audiences in public schools brainwashing whole
>> generations into paganism and depravity, drug use, mixing with the black
>> race of Cain, 40,000,000 murders of the unborn, filthy talk, evil
>> surmising,
>> wickedness of every kind, murder, malignity.

>> Dillan Clebold (Columbine) said he did what he did because of Darwin.

> Damn straight, Art! You're completely right with that last one!
> Well, except for the fact that his name was "Dylan", not "Dillan".
> And, well, you know, the part about his other name being "Klebold", not
> "Clebold".
> Other than that ... oh, wait, we do have to mention that he
> never said anything about Darwin having anything to do with
> anything.
> Unless, of course, you actually mis-spelled "Harris"
> as "Clebold" [sic]
> But other than that, you're 100 percent correct.
> -- cary

Hitler and Stalin were both social Darwinists. They thought like Klebold,
murdering millions of innocents is okay because human society is like a
jungle, the strong can put away the weak. Life of a human being is equated
as no more than squashing a bug. I know God exists and that there is life
after death and that this life is a probationary period where God will judge
us on how we live. I also know God has chosen his Prophet for this
generation of unbelievers, mockers, and scorners, and fools, who the Spirit
has testified is Art Bulla.
In article <> "Aaron Kim" <> writes:
> "Cary Kittrell" <> wrote in message
> news:f4pad2$78e$
> > In article <> "Art Bulla"
> > <> writes:
> >
> >> You have a right to be an atheist. Just don't force your bullshit down my
> >> throat or the throats of my children with tax monies paying for your
> >> false
> >> religion to captive audiences in public schools brainwashing whole
> >> generations into paganism and depravity, drug use, mixing with the black
> >> race of Cain, 40,000,000 murders of the unborn, filthy talk, evil
> >> surmising,
> >> wickedness of every kind, murder, malignity.

> >
> >> Dillan Clebold (Columbine) said he did what he did because of Darwin.

> >
> >
> > Damn straight, Art! You're completely right with that last one!
> >
> > Well, except for the fact that his name was "Dylan", not "Dillan".
> >
> > And, well, you know, the part about his other name being "Klebold", not
> > "Clebold".
> >
> >
> > Other than that ... oh, wait, we do have to mention that he
> > never said anything about Darwin having anything to do with
> > anything.
> >
> > Unless, of course, you actually mis-spelled "Harris"
> > as "Clebold" [sic]
> >
> >
> > But other than that, you're 100 percent correct.
> >
> >
> > -- cary

> Hitler and Stalin were both social Darwinists. They thought like Klebold,

And Darwin was not a "social Darwinist". In fact, Darwin wrote
quite explicitly against the idea of "improving" the species by
eliminating the "weak".

Darwin is about as responsible for the mis-uses of his
insights as Jesus is.

> murdering millions of innocents is okay because human society is like a
> jungle, the strong can put away the weak. Life of a human being is equated
> as no more than squashing a bug. I know God exists and that there is life
> after death and that this life is a probationary period where God will judge
> us on how we live. I also know God has chosen his Prophet for this
> generation of unbelievers, mockers, and scorners, and fools, who the Spirit
> has testified is Art Bulla.

Funny, I have not belief in any god, and yet I do not think that "Life of a human
being is equated as no more than squashing a bug".

In fact, if you are implying that if you were to decide that there is no god,
then YOU would find no reason to value human life, then I think you are rather
frightening. Kelbold-and-Harris level frightening.

-- cary
On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:13:16 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:

Oh do shut up you ****ing loon.

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"Behold the foul stench of Skeletor's breakfast burrito!"
On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 17:08:18 -0700, Aaron Kim wrote:

> Hitler and Stalin were both social Darwinists.

Social Darwinism having nothing at all to do with Darwinism of course...

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"Behold the foul stench of Skeletor's breakfast burrito!"
On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:11:14 -0700, Art Bulla wrote:

> You have a right to be an atheist.

Do I have the right for religious fruit cups to go back to their

Mark K. Bilbo a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
"Behold the foul stench of Skeletor's breakfast burrito!"
"Art Bulla" <> wrote in news:5dak1iF33tv3lU1

> I am not a Christian fool.

So what sort of fool are you?

Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Heckling
aa # 1939

Help Prevent Projectile Stupidity
Duct-Tape a Fundie's Mouth Shut Today!
"Art Bulla" <> wrote in

You're a christer scumbag ****head weasel-****ing ****-for-brains

Nothing you can do about it, bitch.

> Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up
> your ass than it already is.
> "Geoff" <> wrote in message
>> Art Bulla wrote:
>>> True Science of Theology

>> That's it! The Contradiction-Of-Terms-For-The-Day.
>> You win the home version of "I'm A Christian ****head"! Have fun, Art
>> Bullshit.


Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Heckling
aa # 1939

Help Prevent Projectile Stupidity
Duct-Tape a Fundie's Mouth Shut Today!
"Art Bulla" <> wrote in

Smells like that winkie asshole.

> duh? Moonbat! Fool! Moron!
> "The Chief Instigator" <> wrote in message
>> "Art Bulla" <> writes:
>>>"Geoff" <> wrote in message
>>>> Art Bulla wrote:
>>>>> True Science of Theology

>>>> That's it! The Contradiction-Of-Terms-For-The-Day.

>>>> You win the home version of "I'm A Christian ****head"! Have fun,
>>>> Art Bullshit.

>>>Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up
>>>your ass
>>>than it already is.

>> I'd say it to you...but then, I shoot back.

Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Heckling
aa # 1939

Help Prevent Projectile Stupidity
Duct-Tape a Fundie's Mouth Shut Today!
"Aaron Kim" <> wrote in

> <> wrote in message
>> On Jun 12, 1:40 pm, "Art Bulla" <> wrote:
>>> Say that to my face moron, and I would stick your head further up
>>> your ass
>>> than it already is.

>> You're the one denying reality, and he has his head stuffed? Funny
>> guy, you are.
>> There's a reason no one is listening to what you have to say. It's
>> stupid, and we've heard it all before. This is not your church, where
>> you all support each others' fantacies.
>> If you really want people to treat Christian mythology
>> sympathetically, either create a coherent argument...
>> ...OR COME UP WITH SOME STINKIN' EVIDENCE! Until you people do one or
>> the other, what you believe is just something stupid that someone
>> else believes. Your mythology is no different to me than the UFO
>> Abduction cults are to you. Why is this so difficult for you folks to
>> understand?
>> -Panama Floyd, Atlanta.
>> aa#2015/KoBAAWA!

> The Gos<BOUNCE>

Matt. 6:5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they
love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be
seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in

Matt. 6:6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray
to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in
secret, will reward you.

Matt. 6:7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for
they think they will be heard because of their many words.

Matt. 6:16 When you fast, do not look somber as the
hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are
fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
17 But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18 so
that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your
Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret,
will reward you.

Now shaddap and piss off.

Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Heckling
aa # 1939

Help Prevent Projectile Stupidity
Duct-Tape a Fundie's Mouth Shut Today!
"Art Bulla" <> wrote in news:5damagF33q4b2U1

> One of the first things revealed to me after my first vision and the
> ordinances of the Holy Priesthood being laid upon me

Ever notice how homoerotic these whack-job religious rants are?

"His rod and staff comfort me."

"Experience the fullness of the LORD!"

Here, punkie, go buy yourself one of these and **** off:

Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Heckling
aa # 1939

Help Prevent Projectile Stupidity
Duct-Tape a Fundie's Mouth Shut Today!
"Aaron Kim" <> wrote in

> If a TV set is in a living room, we know someone built it, that it
> didn't just built itself or that it just magically poof! appeared out
> of nowhere. So why is it so hard for you to open your mind enough to
> believe that we can look at our environment which has a complex order
> to it that there is a Creator of our world? Why the hostile bigotry?
> You'd rather put your faith that life randomly built itself.
> Craziness! You need the ordinances laid on you which is baptism and
> receiving of the gift of the Holy Spirit by Art Bulla, who holds the
> keys to the Priesthood.

No, seriously, son, you're an idiot. Just plain idiot. That's not bigotry,
it's just a statement of simple fact based on observation.

You're an idiot. That's all.

Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Heckling
aa # 1939

Help Prevent Projectile Stupidity
Duct-Tape a Fundie's Mouth Shut Today!
"Aaron Kim" <> wrote in

> Everyone needs to find a purpose in life. Everyone has some sort of
> "idol" they worship. For some it's sports, some sort of hobby like car
> model building, fast cars, for atheists it's evolution.

Apparently yours is mutual masturbation, considering all the religious tag-
team circle-jerk crap you're doing with your ladyfriend "Art" over there.

Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Heckling
aa # 1939

Help Prevent Projectile Stupidity
Duct-Tape a Fundie's Mouth Shut Today!
"Art Bulla" <> wrote in


> You have my complete contempt.

**** your contempt, you pansy-assed puppy-wanker.

> 10 And <SLAP>

Yeah, yeah, yeah, another moronic cut-n-paste-o-matic bible quote.

Ezek. 4:12 And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it
with dung that cometh out of man.

Ezek. 4:15 Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given thee cow's dung for
man's dung, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith.

Go make yerself a sammich, wonderbread.

Doc Smartass, BAAWA Knight of Heckling
aa # 1939

Help Prevent Projectile Stupidity
Duct-Tape a Fundie's Mouth Shut Today!