The Official **** list!

manicmonday said:
It wasn't really aimed at you. Or any on in particular. I believe in right and wrong. But social stigma is totally a different arena. I have many "social stigmas", but that doesn't mean any of them hold water. I just didn't happen to live up to the standards of purity that other people thought was appropriate. **** that ****. **** them.

I know it wasn't. I'm just in a sassy mood tonight and I think you know why!
Phantom said:
I know it wasn't. I'm just in a sassy mood tonight and I think you know why!

Yeah it good for me too! I'm having the film developed so I can have the memories captured for a life time. Don't worry though, they will be in the safe, away from prying eyes.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Yeah, but that's Vito's (Vortex) job around here, and occasionally NazzNegg's. :eek:

Nazz won't do it unless it is covered with corn...
Phantom said:
I'm glad we agree that morality and monogamy in marriage are closely tied together. Your analogy said it all. I mean, as sugar and lime juice both contain alpha acidic properties, are both organic, and are both secondary forms of their original source. I could continue but surely my sarcasm is well noted.

We don't agree on this topic. That's the whole point. Sarcasm or not.

Phantom said:
My logic may be tainted but your logic is flawed. I haven't always been religious yet I have always believed in marital fidelity.

Thank you. Come again.

My logic is never flawed you impetuous piss ant. Obviously you have forgotten to take your medications again which is the only polite way I can think of to explain your inability to grasp such a simple concept. Please make a note to yourself not to skip your Thorazine in the future.

Phantom said:
Yes, **** morals. **** fidelity. **** one partner for life. **** being faithful to the one you promised to be exclusive with. **** any sense of right and wrong. **** hurting those you care about. Social stigma doesn't bind me!

There is truth in some of what you say such as "...**** morals...". My point, which you have thus far missed entirely, is that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MORALS. They are arbitrary and differ from society to society, person to person. They are based in OPINION, never fact.

You take it for granted and are assuming that EVERYBODY agrees with you with regard to sex with other people in a marriage. Many do and many do not.

Your OPINION is not universal.

Although I have yet to read any of your other writings, I am dubiously concerned that they have been written whilst you have suffered your acute case of cranial-rectal inversion. :eek:

It's okay though. You can be eventually healed from your dreaded condition. I will help you.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
We don't agree on this topic. That's the whole point. Sarcasm or not.

My logic is never flawed you impetuous piss ant. Obviously you have forgotten to take your medications again which is the only polite way I can think of to explain your inability to grasp such a simple concept. Please make a note to yourself not to skip your Thorazine in the future.

There is truth in some of what you say such as "...**** morals...". My point, which you have thus far missed entirely, is that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MORALS. They are arbitrary and differ from society to society, person to person. They are based in OPINION, never fact.

You take it for granted and are assuming that EVERYBODY agrees with you with regard to sex with other people in a marriage. Many do and many do not.

Your OPINION is not universal.

Although I have yet to read any of your other writings, I am dubiously concerned that they have been written whilst you have suffered your acute case of cranial-rectal inversion. :eek:

It's okay though. You can be eventually healed from your dreaded condition. I will help you.

So what do you advocate? Raw instinct alone? I don't think as a species we could exist without morals. I also think morals are a part of instinct.
snafu said:
So what do you advocate? Raw instinct alone? I don't think as a species we could exist without morals. I also think morals are a part of instinct.

Would you please, in your own words, define "morals"?
The word morality is too close to what Christians talk smack about.

I don't care what someone else thinks is OK and what they don't. Maybe this is self absorbed of me but its about what I am comfortable with. AND I'm sure what I am comfortable with has been influenced by my Christian upbringing...but I work everyday to cast off the brainwashing I was raised with and make up my own mind.

I would not want to be involved in a relationship where my lover was out sleeping around...not because someone is going to hell for it, or the neighbors would talk but because its part of me trusting someone.

If I wanted to be with someone who was out sleeping around but lived at home, why not just get a roomate...charge them rent and make some money in the deal...
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
My logic is never flawed you impetuous piss ant.

Your logic was most certainly flawed in this case, you oozing, infectious little pustule.

Obviously you have forgotten to take your medications again which is the only polite way I can think of to explain your inability to grasp such a simple concept. Please make a note to yourself not to skip your Thorazine in the future.

If one wishes to lower the perception of their IQ by sinking to low blows in a debate, it is my suggestion they at least pick a personal attack somewhat grounded in fact, My Dear.

There is truth in some of what you say such as "...**** morals...". My point, which you have thus far missed entirely, is that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MORALS. They are arbitrary and differ from society to society, person to person. They are based in OPINION, never fact.

Of course core values differ from society to society, you impertinent little halfwit. However, there is still the basic knowledge of the difference between right and wrong. Theft, rape, murder, lying, etc. are frowned upon universally. You did not state this assertion before. Rather, your correlation was between religion and morals. Not society and morals.

You take it for granted and are assuming that EVERYBODY agrees with you with regard to sex with other people in a marriage. Many do and many do not.

I never claimed this. There is the select minority that accepts open marriage and considers the option of having a plethera of sexual partners while married. I simply said I am not one of them.

Your OPINION is not universal.

Neither are yours. Opinion by definition.

Although I have yet to read any of your other writings, I am dubiously concerned that they have been written whilst you have suffered your acute case of cranial-rectal inversion. :eek:

You are missing out then, My Darling. My writings are the epitome of a sound mind and grounded logic. Why, I have received so many book offers from my comments on this forum alone that I will never be able to consider them all.

It's okay though. You can be eventually healed from your dreaded condition. I will help you.

Your willingness to help the lesser fortunate like me defines you as a true humanitarian! Now prompty insert an oversized asymetrical object up your constricted anus.
GF Admin said:
Morals while displayed with an infinite amount of variations, are still morals and with out them society would not function.

I think the issue brought up by CES here was not so much "Please give me a definition of functional morality" but rather he was accusing his quarrel of stating the existence of a universal and unshakable morality. My opinion is much attune to Nazz's own in this case, though I wish to elaborate.

It was already said that each society
eisanbt said:
I think the issue brought up by CES here was not so much "Please give me a definition of functional morality" but rather he was accusing his quarrel of stating the existence of a universal and unshakable morality. My opinion is much attune to Nazz's own in this case, though I wish to elaborate.

It was already said that each society
I might thank him too but that would require me to both understand and agree with one of his comments.

And for the sanctity of vaginas everywhere, let's hope the general consensus of males in a society would not find rape provacative.
That wasn't sarcasm, thats really what I think...

**** Dr's appointments

**** insurance companies...may they collectively burn in hell fire forever...
I think we should start treating this like the PHENTERMINE thread and boxing people that don't add "**** ____" into their post somewhere.

**** derailers... (CES, Phantom, Nazz, Lethal, Snafu,...)
ToriAllen said:
I think we should start treating this like the PHENTERMINE thread and boxing people that don't add "**** ____" into their post somewhere.

**** derailers... (CES, Phantom, Nazz, Lethal, Snafu,...)

snafu? when the **** didn't I say ****? Hmm.. that's a first time I was accused of not cussing. I'll have to take a look back. ****!
ToriAllen said:
I think we should start treating this like the PHENTERMINE thread and boxing people that don't add "**** ____" into their post somewhere.

**** derailers... (CES, Phantom, Nazz, Lethal, Snafu,...)

Ok, I'll play.

**** forum Nazis!
ToriAllen said:
I think we should start treating this like the PHENTERMINE thread and boxing people that don't add "**** ____" into their post somewhere.

**** derailers... (CES, Phantom, Nazz, Lethal, Snafu,...)
**** yes, I'm with Tori.