The Official **** list!

Lethalfind said:
**** putting a pretty face on it by calling ****ing, fornicating...its **** !!!

Well **** you and me know that. I was just playing devils advocate.
snafu said:
Well **** you and me know that. I was just playing devils advocate.

For ****s sake, I knew that...I was just playing with ya...

How about adding a theme, sayings that include the word ****...


**** me runnin
For ****s sake
**** that
Sweet **** all
Bum **** Egypt

It could be a **** chain letter
How about limericks with **** in them...

There was a young man of Ostend
Whose wife caught him ****ing her friend.
"It's no use, my duck,
Interrupting our ****,
For I'm damned if I draw till I spend."

There was a young person of Kent
Who was famous wherever he went.
All the way through a ****
He would quack like a duck,
And he crowed like a **** when he spent.
Lethalfind said:
How about limericks with **** in them...

There was a young man of Ostend
Whose wife caught him ****ing her friend.
"It's no use, my duck,
Interrupting our ****,
For I'm damned if I draw till I spend."

There was a young person of Kent
Who was famous wherever he went.
All the way through a ****
He would quack like a duck,
And he crowed like a **** when he spent.

There once was a man from Peru
Who fell asleep in a canoe
While dreaming of Venus
He was playing with his penis
And woke up with a hand full of goo.

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose dick was so long, he could suck it
While wiping his chin
He cracked a grin
and said, "If my ear was a ****, I'd **** it!".


****! Can't remember anymore dirty limericks. Need to call my Grandpa... mother****er has a dirtier mouth than Andrew Dice Clay, 2 Live Crew, and Denis Leary combined.

Can somebody kick me in the ass? Yesterday I was talking with a buddy of mine. He was telling me I shouldn
**** BJ Penn!!!
**** Georges St.Pierre!!!
**** Rashad Evans!!
**** Melvin Guillard!!
**** Takanori Gomi!!
**** Lyoto Machida!!
**** Paulo Filho!!
**** Renato 'Babalu' Sobral!!
**** Hermes Franca!!
**** Yushin Okami!!
**** Diego Sanchez!
Hmm... Did I forget anyone?
**** L Ron Hubbard and
**** all his clones.
**** all these gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes
**** retro anything.
**** your tattoos.
**** all you junkies and
**** your short memory
**** smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas.
**** these dysfunctional,
Insecure actresses
phreakwars said:
But, **** all those fine ass, curvy Latino bitches. No ring required.:cool:

**** it! They are fun to look at, brother, but **** if I'll ever get ****ing involved with one again.
**** Yeah! Georges St.Pierre lost his first title defense to a TUF fighter, rofl!!!

**** Yeah! Melvin Guillard lost his fight the other day, in like 20 seconds!!

**** Takanori Gomi, I'm glad he lost his fight too!!

**** Yushin Okami, how did that faggot beat Mike Swick?!? Check that chink for steriods...

**** Yeah! Diego Sanchez lost his fight... I'm not a Kos fan, but I'm so glad he beat this *****!

I know I left some out, but I don't care! ....
GF Admin said:
There is very little left for me to ****
Soon I will have to contact some extraterrestrials.
The milky way is large
But if I can **** in cryo-sleep I will **** them all
I ****ed a Werewolf and some ghoulish Vamps
I entered the light and ****ed me a poltergeist
Night, day, rain, shine or snow I have ****ed in all of them
I have ****ed everywhere man
And now I must start ****ing the beings of the cosmos.

Don't let him fool ya. He'll **** anything with a whole in it.
GF Admin said:
Do you mean HOLE, or did you mean whole as in "he will **** your whole body"

While your down there checking HOLES go ahead and rim the whole hole for me would you?
snafu said:
While your down there checking HOLES go ahead and rim the whole hole for me would you?

ToriAllen said:
I think we should start treating this like the PHENTERMINE thread and boxing people that don't add "**** ____" into their post somewhere.

**** derailers... (CES, Phantom, Nazz, Lethal, Snafu,...)

I think I'm gonna let Tori handle this ****ing problem. :confused:
snafu said:
While your down there checking HOLES go ahead and rim the whole hole for me would you?

ToriAllen said:
I think we should start treating this like the PHENTERMINE thread and boxing people that don't add "**** ____" into their post somewhere.

**** derailers... (CES, Phantom, Nazz, Lethal, Snafu,...)

phreakwars said:

I think I'm gonna let Tori handle this ****ing problem. :confused:

**** off....