the Revnge is coming American pigs (Off Topic Forum-retro post)

yeah they actualy shoot their rifle in the right direction huh? and they might have even learned how to duck but im not banking on that.
cheetah of Islam said:
Islam is stupid!!! I am so sorry for my years of stupidity. I renounce my faith! I LOVE AMERICA!!! and yes I have had sex with a few 4 year olds. but im sorry. my stupid faith made me do it. and no mohammed was not a prophet of god. I admit it. we just like to use our faith as an excuse to kill as many people as we can. you see, us muslims are sick saddistic pedophiles. and im sorry I was so blind. and yes I have had anal sex with Bin Laden. but those days are over.Im so glad I can finally admit how stupid Islam is. Its a false religion based on lies. Were just jeleuos because your so much smarter than us. and our country is soo underdeveloped. And we hide our women because were all flaming homosexuals. ISLAM IS STUPID!!!

wow cheetah, I couldn't have said it better myself.
No ******* ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb ******* die for his country.
George S. Patton
Has anyone else noticed that before we went into Iraq, that every piss ant turd world nation was mouthing off to us, but then after they saw how fast we rolled into Iraq, they SHUT THE **** UP? :D :cool:
Chuck said:
Has anyone else noticed that before we went into Iraq, that every piss ant turd world nation was mouthing off to us, but then after they saw how fast we rolled into Iraq, they SHUT THE **** UP? :D :cool:
Yes, Chuck... I noticed, and I commend you on your observation as well... too bad the liberals are so blind they couldn't see it. BTW, Iran is gettin a little upity, don't you think? I can't wait 'till we see some M1 Abrams rolling through Tehran too!
You ****ing muslim *****'s, your nothin but some goat ****ing inbreds!!!!!Marine corps4ever
Well said cheetah Of Islam,

i thought that al qeada was responsible for 9/11, not the innocent people in Iraq. The whole war in iraq started because of the oil, i mean you caught saddem hussein, so leave, and if the people of iraq want to fight each other then let them, it has nothing to do with America or the colliation of the Willing (KISS MY ASS) this whole website is based on people who hate islam, because you are firm believers in your religion, but have i ever sworn at Jesus, or Mary, all i have done is asked questions and i still got attacked, its normal for you to think whatever you want about Islam, but, when you go to far, you suffer the consiquences, and thats like afganistan and Iraq, 9/11 was based on revenge, for how many years was America "playing" peacemakers, when infact thousands of innocent lives were losted. in Iraq thousands of children die from sanctions that America has put on iraq, this so called Food for oil program, see the pictures deformed babies, they have nothing to do with it, they arent even born, it disgusts me, what stupid human beings do to one another, in Islam we dont believe in "TURNING THE OTHER CHEEK" **** with us, and get whats coming to you, the main reason behind 9/11 was because the muslims wanted israel out of palistine, and the sanctions in iraq be lifted, but your stupid shithead govermnet didnt listen. So just like we have losted thousands America losted as well, its the art of war......... and MRIH before you answer, dont speak from top of your head, i want you to reseach properly, before you start shooting your ****ing mouth out...... seriously i have evidence to back every claim i have said in this post, i can post pictures and information from experts if you want...
You really are a bunch of racist pigs, aren't you? And, yes, the Muslims could be, very loosely, considered a race. And what's this about Iraq sanctions being lifted? You said it yourself. AL QEADA(sp?) was responsible. Not Saddam. Quit watching the Fox News Channel!!! So, umm, quit contradicting yourself. You look stupid. Like a white man driving down the street in Northern California listening to (insert black rapper here). So, I was wondering. Does a crippling lack of intelligence come to you naturally, or did you undergo a lobotomy or any kind of procedure that messes with your brain? I won't be able to sink to your level either way, but if it is natural your parents need to stop reproducing.
MATT your the ignorant shithead, man i speak the truth, weather you like it or not, its not FOX news, its reality!!! you need to educate yourself and learn to make sense, why should my parents stop reproudcing, someone has to kill the ****in american scum bags trying to invade our country!!!!!! Go suck my dogs dick, and let him **** on your face, PIG
Dude, mattthebuddha is right. You are the dumb pig. Like he said, Saddam did nothing w/ this. We went to Iraq for oil. Bush pretended to go over there to rid them of a corrupt leader. You need to

a) Think before you talk.

b) Find a brain that works.

c) Figure out that Al QUEDA was the ones that attacked us.

d) Figure out that FNC is a bunch of right wing shitheads.

e) Don't reproduce, because God knows that more of your kind will lead to the downfall of society.
Yeah, umm, last time I checked, we didn't plan on invading Australia. I have heard from friends of mine in the government that we plan to do a blitzkrieg(sp) on Syria, but other than that, I don't think so.
When did i say that america was gunna invade Australia?
All i said was that America went to war in iraq, caught saddam huessin, and still hasnt left, there are no weapons of mass distruction. Ok so its oil you want, then why is there a war going on, just take it, i thought america was the biggest and strongest country in the world, i never said that Al Qeada wasnt responsible for 9/11, you dip shits are just putting words in my mouth, i'm not ignorant, i am a well educated person, and you here are all racist pigs, but i am gunna continue posting on this website, and keep debating. I am a strong belive in my religion, and i am a strong believe in the Mujhaideen, accept it or **** off!!!!
Here's your quote, Retard... Damn dude, you don't even know what YOU post, much less what anyone else posts...

Rot_in_hell_American_scum said:
MATT your the ignorant shithead, man i speak the truth, weather you like it or not, its not FOX news, its reality!!! you need to educate yourself and learn to make sense, why should my parents stop reproudcing, someone has to kill the ****in american scum bags trying to invade our country!!!!!! Go suck my dogs dick, and let him **** on your face, PIG
exactly my point, MY COUNTRY, meaning, the middle east, even though i live in Australia doesnt mean that i'm not arab, ****in dumb ass maericans it really shows how stupid you are!!! next time i will simplify it more better so you retards can understand, dickheads!!! ha ha ha
Rot_in_hell_American_scum said:
exactly my point, MY COUNTRY, meaning, the middle east, even though i live in Australia doesnt mean that i'm not arab, ****in dumb ass maericans it really shows how stupid you are!!! next time i will simplify it more better so you retards can understand, dickheads!!! ha ha ha
Yes, please... use words like COUNTRY to describe civilized regions. You should use words like ****-HOLE to describe islamic regions. Then we will understand.

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