the Revnge is coming American pigs (Off Topic Forum-retro post)

all i have to say is check mate. we'll blow your **** up all day long you ****ing sand jockeys.
Your So ****in Immature You Racist ****, Get Alife, And Stop Being Racist, Your Wasting Your Life Debating, When You Can Be Wasting Your Life Smoking Pot, And Catching Aids From A Freakin Ho
Rot_in_hell_American_scum said:
Your So ****in Immature You Racist ****, Get Alife, And Stop Being Racist, Your Wasting Your Life Debating, When You Can Be Wasting Your Life Smoking Pot, And Catching Aids From A Freakin Ho
RIHAS, you are without a doubt the stupidest person to grace this forum.

2 things:
1) You have no debating skills. period. Your arguments are pointless drivel and you never seem to grasp any of the presented concepts. You hurl misdirected slogans and inconclusive conjecture. You have to be explained EVERYTHING including your own name. Your grammer is attrocious and barely legible.

2) You are so full of hate and hypocrisy it is mind bogling. You think anyone elses hate is rascist while your own hate is justified. Arguing with you is about like arguing with a chicken. Neither you or the chicken understands any concept, neither you or the chicken are capable of any self-reflection, neither you or the chicken have the capicity for abstract thought.

While I trully do welcome muslims to our debates (examples... LovelyLady, and others) You really should be booted for your lack of intellect and substance. Why don't read some of LovelyLady's posts, while I disagree highly with her opinions, I have great respect for her debating skills and intelligence. Maybe you could learn something from this woman.
Islam might be dead anyways. Muhammad was last seen ass ****ing some pig named allah, to death. In keeping with koranic traditions.
Nice to hear from your camel raping ass. By the way if you see allah tell her to stop ****ing my goats.
First, lets kill all the Muslims (please!!!). They are a contaminant fouling up the human gene pool. They're violent, racist, stupid, dirty, blood-thirsty, feckless and vile.

Dirty, Dirty, DIRTY Pigs!!!!
Unregistered said:
First, lets kill all the Muslims (please!!!). They are a contaminant fouling up the human gene pool. They're violent, racist, stupid, dirty, blood-thirsty, feckless and vile.

Dirty, Dirty, DIRTY Pigs!!!!


"Clear away the Jews! Our own people has genius enough - we need no Hebrews. If we were to put in their place intelligences drawn from the great body of our people, then we should have recovered the bridge which leads to the community of the people"
- Speech of April 27, 1923 Munich, Adolf Hitler

My God...where do people like you come from...
screw you, granted america has its problems, we citizens dont know the truth of half of whats going on. dont go after citizens, we are just the slaves.
Ok, i was listening to some of the **** u muslims right...u guys are filthy pigs, you treat your women like ****...who in gods name believes that if your good in life, you get to "**** BEAUTIFUL (virgin) WOMEN IN HEAVEN"..what kinda religion has such materialistic values?????, that has got to be ths stupidest **** i have ever heard. Another thing about muslims, is that in the Quar'an it is written that its ok to KILL people for your religion. How can we call that a "peaceful" religion. Please answer me, because anyone with the right mind would question this religion.
uhh..not only are u guys filthy pigs, who believe in a false prophet..but this Prohet u guys believe in raped 7 year old girls,,,,,doesnt that clue you in?
ive studied islam for 2 years now, ive learned enough about it to make my own decision AGAINST it,,,,,half of you muslims who defend your relgion dont know what its even about, u just follow what mommy and dady told you, and ofcourse if you go against the relgion , your own family will most likely kill you.
Think about what your believing in first you gullable uneducated people.,,,
So do you, the assumedly non-Muslim person, know more about Islam than Muslims? That is a horribly ignorant statement you made.
jokersarewild said:
So do you, the assumedly non-Muslim person, know more about Islam than Muslims? That is a horribly ignorant statement you made.

yes.i believe i do know alot more then most muslims. but even if i dont, i atleast have studied religions other than my own...most muslims are very closed minded, they wont study any other relgion. for they believe theres is the only true one
O.K. so you want to be a bad ass.....well the first thing you needto do is study up on your enemy. This may be a problem because you may find after doing some research, that the real enemy is not who you think it is. We all know that every country has had it's share of less than perfect, on the fly decisions. But anyway if you want to be a martyr then do it right, dying by your own hand does not constitute a martyr, it constitutes a suicide. Not an act of bravery last time I checked, so if you want to be a martyr you have to get someone else to kill you.........I think you can do it, let us know how it turns out. :D

Get a job and read a book blow boy. The koran doesn't give a **** and Muhamhead set his muslimes to the example. With promises to any pIslamic that dies killing us, virgins, young boys for pedophilic homosexual sex and endless drunkeness.

Myartar my ass. Your ether an allah pig **** or a liberal that likes making excuses for the camel rapist.
Islam is not a religion. It is a stupid medevil cult. Much of the so called Prophet muhammed teachings are based on senseless violence and sexual deviency.

The main attraction to so many third world morons is that it allows them to dominate and control women to an extent found quite primitive in any developed world.

There is no guiding moral premise to this cult. Under Islam its quite OK to murder innocent women and children and to brutally murder anyone in primitive and disgusting ways such as beheading.

There is no attempt by any of the so called Islamic religious leaders to set any kind of moral guidelines in relation to the above. They are always either silent or openly approve.

I have noted that often when these Islamic religious devotees murder an innocent victim they like to chant "allah akhbar" or God is great.

This seems to whip them into a murderous frenzy as they pay homage to their blood soaked demon god while they carry out their atrocities.

They then go back to their homes and bash up, kill or rape their enslaved muslim women all of which actions are condoned under Islamic sharia law.

Islam is an ugly plague on this planet and thankfully it is destined to be doomed.

Stupidity of the magnitude perpetuated by Islam can only last so long before people wake up and realise for themselves just how ridiculous it all is.

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