The "Slipknot girl's" Journal/ Ask ITOTF


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azemkamikaze03 said:
lol avril sed she hates her fans cuz they dress and act like its good for u...but bad for her... :thumbsup:

ew what a bitch lol and to think i like her.....well anywho

today was interesting...and full of hot well school was ok first period i played football with the guys \m/ eh the rest of the day was pretty normal. one of my great friends is in the hospital and im so ****ing sad i wanna go see her soooo bad. um after school i walked home with my friends listening to music and acting like the only ****ing retards.meh then came the worst and best part of the day lol...the orthadonist! eh he gave me ruber bands to wear. im in so much pain at the moment! OoOO but there was this hot guy there chunky and all in black sexy sexy sexy. lol meh on the way home i saw a really really really really really hott guy wearing a slipknot tee...what a kawinkadink i had my slipknot tee on too!!!! lol wow im pathetic.
ImTheOneThatFalls said:
ew what a bitch lol and to think i like her.....well anywho

today was interesting...and full of hot well school was ok first period i played football with the guys \m/ eh the rest of the day was pretty normal. one of my great friends is in the hospital and im so ****ing sad i wanna go see her soooo bad. um after school i walked home with my friends listening to music and acting like the only ****ing retards.meh then came the worst and best part of the day lol...the orthadonist! eh he gave me ruber bands to wear. im in so much pain at the moment! OoOO but there was this hot guy there chunky and all in black sexy sexy sexy. lol meh on the way home i saw a really really really really really hott guy wearing a slipknot tee...what a kawinkadink i had my slipknot tee on too!!!! lol wow im pathetic.

aww poor u about the friend thing, i mean not the being surrounded by hot guys...ive been at home all day
well apart from going into paisely to eat...and all the guys here minge
*hugs u*
ImTheOneThatFalls said:
ew what a bitch lol and to think i like her.....well anywho

today was interesting...and full of hot well school was ok first period i played football with the guys \m/ eh the rest of the day was pretty normal. one of my great friends is in the hospital and im so ****ing sad i wanna go see her soooo bad. um after school i walked home with my friends listening to music and acting like the only ****ing retards.meh then came the worst and best part of the day lol...the orthadonist! eh he gave me ruber bands to wear. im in so much pain at the moment! OoOO but there was this hot guy there chunky and all in black sexy sexy sexy. lol meh on the way home i saw a really really really really really hott guy wearing a slipknot tee...what a kawinkadink i had my slipknot tee on too!!!! lol wow im pathetic.
ImTheOneThatFalls said:
ew what a bitch lol and to think i like her.....well anywho

today was interesting...and full of hot well school was ok first period i played football with the guys \m/ eh the rest of the day was pretty normal. one of my great friends is in the hospital and im so ****ing sad i wanna go see her soooo bad. um after school i walked home with my friends listening to music and acting like the only ****ing retards.meh then came the worst and best part of the day lol...the orthadonist! eh he gave me ruber bands to wear. im in so much pain at the moment! OoOO but there was this hot guy there chunky and all in black sexy sexy sexy. lol meh on the way home i saw a really really really really really hott guy wearing a slipknot tee...what a kawinkadink i had my slipknot tee on too!!!! lol wow im pathetic.

hey i was that friend in the hospital thanx for thinkin of me cristina but dont wry im crazii like always!
Im a bitch! (no ****)

mikelover said:
hey i was that friend in the hospital thanx for thinkin of me cristina but dont wry im crazii like always!

yup yup and your better then ever.

well today was full of surprises....the desk in the 2nd math class had a paper in it and written on that paper was "a7x avenged sevenfold and Slipknot" and i know the only person that sits in that desk...shes a poser so i wrote " wow dude your a big poser" and on the back of that i put " yea im talking to you" so blah blah blah in the afternoon when they dismissed us i went to my locer as usual and woopty doo my locker buddy is reading a note that was put into her locker when i get to my locker shes all cristina i think this is for you so i read it and i read " wtf your a bitch your a poser you better watch out after school your gunna get hooked" and as i was reading this this girl in my classroom jarilett saw me reading it she read it and was like yo ima go with you outside if they do anything to you they gunna see. so blah blah blah mikelover told me to give it to an assistant principle so i did..he told me hed walk with me outside so w/e he did....and to make matters worse i always walk home with my 3 8th grade friends and so i guess they saw me and chicked i was prepared with this thing that you can put through your knuckles and punch the **** out of ppl with it. hahaha and when we got outside i saw one of my friends Diana ( love her) and in a pretend scared voice i was like " omg someone wants to **** me up" and she a big girl and was like "oh hell no who??" hahaha i love her!!!! well oh my god in social studies the student teacher had a huge chunk of white stuff on the side of his mouth that kept on getting bigger as he spoke and the whole class was rotf and gaging. it was the funniest!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
i supposed but these posers are taking it waaaaaaaaaaaay too far that poser girl knows where i live. and my front door got egged a couple of minutes front door it glass so my dad washed it off....i need a paintball gun!
lol remeber todaii 4/12/05 when we were mr.edler's class nd i yelled out eww wannabe lol i didnt even wanna yell it out but wat can i say im a loud person lol. damn if that bitch comes up to me omg imma **** her up i dont give a ****. nd tht daii i hope she wearin her arm warms ill be like since i ****ed u up bitch now give me ur ****in arm warmers lol!!
ImTheOneThatFalls said:
i supposed but these posers are taking it waaaaaaaaaaaay too far that poser girl knows where i live. and my front door got egged a couple of minutes front door it glass so my dad washed it off....i need a paintball gun!

wooopts ****ing doooo i was told today by one of my classmates that that poser girl told my classmate that she was the one that threw those eggs (come on i saw that coming) and that she enjoyed watching my dad clean it up! other classmate has a painball gun and he said he could lend it to me....but if i get caught i can get into alot of trouble! so screw that idea...oh also she "grilled" ashley (mikelover) and idk im waiting for my friends to pick me up cuz we are gunna go tee pee her broad daylight lol ehhh my best friend was telling me we should buy a dead fish drain the blood out in the shape of a pentagram and carve her name into the fish....right on her door step!!!!! lol sounds crazy but it just might im gunna try and talk to her tho...any suggestions?
Today was so ****ing scary!

Well as usual rosemarie (my best friend) and I walked out of school. But then we saw our friends Eliza and Edith. They were laughing thier asses off so much saying " they look hungry". But we kept asking them who was hungry but they couldnt explain, for some reason. So w/e we said our good-byes and rose and I kept walking. Then i noticed these two rocker guys following us. We made a stop, they made a stop.We made a turn, they made a turn. So then out of no where we see Eliza and Edith just laughing thier asses off STILL! I run up to them and tell them that those guys are following us. They were trying to tell us that for the past...what... 5 minutes. Then I freaked out. So Edith and Eliza offered Rose and I some protection and walked with us. Surprisingly enough, the guys still followed us. So to try and cover up thier suspisiousness ( lol sp?) they stoped and hid behind a corner we had just passed. Me being a loser points out that we should go sneak up on them. So we did then they crossed the street and we followed them. So then they stopped at a house and we stopped then J-walked ( lol ) to the other side of the street. Then they kept following us. So w/e we then ran to Rose's house and dropped her off. Edith and Eliza being great protective friends then offer to walk me home. We walked a few blocks and still those two rockers were following us. We then were crossing a street and Eliza had enough and yelled at them. They stayed quiet but still followed us. We then turn onto another block and they started screaming stuff at us

Them:posers! * repeated several times*

Me: Your mom's a poser!

One of them: my mom's not even a poser

Me: * screams* well then shes a ****ing EMO kid!


Me: oh yea! Name the first track off slipknot's self titled album! ( keep in mind i've seen one of them before wearing the metallic blue slipknot shirt)

Them: *laugh*

So that when on for a good block and a half. Finally i got to my block and me being smart decides to go to Remy's house instead of mine. So that they think i live there! MUAHAHHAHA lol Edith and Eliza left me there and went back...IDK what happened after i went in i think they followed Edith and Eliza home...But yea...Scary ****.

But one was cute..the other was just ugly and fat...hehehe did i mention i called him fat too... god im so screwed up!
Ha ha. Ones fat *starts thinking about good charlotte*. Lousy neighbors. I dont get why people call other people posers? Don't we all have our own style?

Wow...I haven't written in here in a while...Well...
Life is sad. My bestest friends are graduating on friday. I would be too if my asshole teacher would have passed me last year. One of my friends is going to boarding school...I'll barely see her. Well onto other news...I think i may have a crush on my good friend Ernesto. I've known him ever since the forth grade. But now hes...amazing...everything i've ever hoped for in a guy. Great personality, common interests, BREATH-TAKING BEAUTIFUL EYES, LIPS, AND HAIR. But the thing is...if i tell him that im starting to like him...i think we'd have a rocky friendship. I'm way out of his ****ing league who am i kidding? Most of my friends are telling me to just tell him how i feel. But im too shy. One of my friends told me that if i dont tell him ill always have that thought in the back of my mind..." What if i told him? " Hes so sweet and just a lay back type of kid...i really dont know what to do. There are only a few days left of idk. He's too good for me anyways...

:( Cristina :(
heya cristina, not seen u here in a u already sadi that but meh...

hey say good luck to ur friend going to boarding school..! wow, i just left, feels weird *cough* anyways...just felt like coming and saying hi, and update if u do decide to tell ur friend, good luck with it all
and he isnt too good for u! no one is! dont say that...well sweetie, hope all is well, and dont think bad thoughts about urself!!!!
luvu keza XxXxXx
anytime cristina!!!
*gived u the BIGGEST self confidence boosting happy energising hug ever* go get Ernesto (spell it right?) lol :p

*looks at earlier post*

yeah i did spell it right..yey :D
keza said:
anytime cristina!!!
*gived u the BIGGEST self confidence boosting happy energising hug ever* go get Ernesto (spell it right?) lol :p

*looks at earlier post*

yeah i did spell it right..yey :D

awwwwwwwwwwww your so sweet!!!! *hugs* yay

luv ya babe!
Dude that sux, cuz there was this girl steph. I rEEAALLY liked her...and she and i were like this *crosses fingers* and we dated for a lil bit and now are friendship is ruined...good luck!! Hopefully its better than mine!!! \m/