Three People Shot to Death by Gun-Goon in Ga. Hospital Shooting Spree

Gunner wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:55:41 -0700, tankfixer
> <> wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> says...
>>> Doctors, nurses, gun-loons; all shooting at each other, but that's
>>> what the gun-loons want: blood-soaked, bullet-ridden carcasses make
>>> them smile with joy....until its one of their own kinfolk that gets
>>> shot to death by thier little toys.

>> Your fascination with killing would be good subject material for a
>> toxicology major to study...

> I wonder how many hallucigens they would find?

I would think it is more delusions than hallucinations. Pure mental
process with no toxicology.

Steve Rothstein
In article <>,
tankfixer <> wrote:

> In article <>,
> says...
> > On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:55:41 -0700, tankfixer
> > <> wrote:
> >
> > >In article <>,
> > > says...
> > >>
> > >> Doctors, nurses, gun-loons; all shooting at each other, but that's
> > >> what the gun-loons want: blood-soaked, bullet-ridden carcasses make
> > >> them smile with joy....until its one of their own kinfolk that gets
> > >> shot to death by thier little toys.
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >Your fascination with killing would be good subject material for a
> > >toxicology major to study...

> >
> > I wonder how many hallucigens they would find?

> Quite a few I suspect....

Based on experience with patients where I work, I'd be more inclined to
suspect stimulants.

Cocaine and Amphetamines.

And Alcohol.

(And yes I know Alcohol is a depressant, but it's also a disinhibitor.)

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
"" <Not PC> wrote in message
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 19:29:35 -0000, "\"The Rifleman\""
> <> wrote:
>>and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream on boys.

> OH MY GAWD! At that rate, all us "yanks" will be dead of gun shots in
> only 20,000 years. (more than half the "gun dead" are from suicide)

And most of the others are criminal on criminal.
Roger Denney wrote:
> about the blood-soaked American
> gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.

Where the hell exactly do you live? Obviously it is not in the US.


"As seen in the classified ads:

Learn how to get idiots to send you a dollar and their SSN.
Send $1 & your SSN to..." -- DarkFiber /
On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 21:54:08 -0500, "WindsorFox<SS>"
<> wrote:

>Roger Denney wrote:
>> about the blood-soaked American
>> gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.

> Where the hell exactly do you live? Obviously it is not in the US.

He lives in the state of Denial.


"Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
them self determination under "play nice" rules.

Think of it as having your older brother knock the **** out of you
for torturing the cat." Gunner
On Mar 28, 4:18 am, "Maximo Gravaticus" <> wrote:

> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> Wrong again. It's time to start taking guns from gun nuts, to may innocent
> people have to suffer and die so you can pray for more guns in the hands of
> idiots. Judging by your own lack of logic or even common sense, I would say
> you're no doubt a ticking time bomb ready to go off and kill a few people in
> the name of your guns. It's past time to relieve people like you of your
> weapons. To may innocent people die for you insane love of guns.

First of all, you don't reed and rite "to" gud! And you logic is
equally flawed. Tell us again how disarming the innocent and law
abiding making them easy victims is "common sense". "common sense" is
relieving criminals of their guns. We are waiting for your plan as how
to do that... Oh that's right. Your plan is to start by disarming all
victims first. Yeah, that will work...NOT.

On Mar 28, 5:09 am, "\"The Rifleman\"" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message news:ae861c48-acf7-4354-90c5->

> > More guns and a populace trained in using them will stop these nutjobs.

> Wrong ,you would just have more morons settling petty disagreements and
> grudges with gunfire.

Bzzzttt! Wrong. The only "nut job" here is you. clearly you are
living in "dreamland" believing that all those states with concealed
carry have turned into "wild west" shootouts over parking spaces.

On Mar 28, 5:35 am, "Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names"
<> wrote:

> A gun at the nurse's station would have resulted in twice as many
> bullets flying around with more people killed or wounded.

And the way you know this is? Oh that's right. It says so right in
your "Brady Campaign" manual!

Sorry, brownshirt, but after the FIRST well-placed bullet the "nut
job" doesn't get to fire any more bullets.

On Mar 28, 7:35 am, Arfur Moo <> wrote:

> Anyway, I wonder what proportion of medical professionals would like to be
> surrounded by gun-toting colleagues of various abilities, characters and
> nervous dispositions. And if I were a _patient_ who was a candidate for such
> a medical establishment then I trust that I wouldn't be seen _dead_ there.

Obviously anonymous ***** swish-boy DEAD is exactly the way you would
be seen in one of your "gun free" zones. Yeah, we've heard from you
before. Pilots with guns on a plane really scares you, doesn't it? The
whole idea of fighting evil is a terror to you, isn't it. Maybe you
baby fat candle is burning down a bit too low these days.

Rabid anonymous loon.
On Mar 28, 12:18 pm, Anonymous <> wrote:

> Ya stupid *******, doctors kill more people each year than disgruntled
> postal workers. You're a helluva lot safer bringing your own gun to the
> emergency room if ya had one, ya dickless wonder.

Anonymous dickless wonder knows full well that doctors kill at least
TWICE as many people as do "guns" and that's using the gun-grabber
counting scheme which includes all suicides, and self-defense
incidents. Cripes. Doctors make Postal Workers look like Mother
On Mar 28, 8:52 am, "JoeSpareBedroom" <> wrote:

> I once used a handgun to stop two Dobermans which seemed bent on making a
> snack out of my son. Not a shot was fired, but the presence of the weapon
> was enough to convince the dog criminal (owner) that he had a very serious
> problem. He called the cops. The NY State Trooper ticketed him for breaking
> the law (unleashed dogs at a state owned boat launch). He mouthed off at the
> cop, who then suggested that he continue his afternoon of fishing in the
> town jail. The dog criminal became very well behaved at that point. The
> trooper waited until I had my boat out of the water, in case the dog
> criminal got any stupid ideas. The trooper said "Have a nice day" and we
> both went on our ways.
> Sounds to me like the gun did its job nicely.

Come on JoeSpare. None of the gun-grabbers here want to hear about the
hundred of thousands if not millions of times each year a firearm
STOPS a crime without firing a shot. They all know in their heart
that the only purpose of a gun is "TO KILL"! Which only has us all
wondering why you just used your gun to save your son rather than
killing the dogs and then in a blood-lust killing rage finish the job
by killing the state trooper as well. I'm pretty sure this is what
"gun rays" make you do. Oh that's right. It's because most firearms
in law-abiding hands are used to STOP crimes not commit them! I wonder
why the gun-grabbers don't know that? Oh that's right it's because
there is a POLITICAL agenda behind their pretended ignorance.
On Mar 28, 6:45 am, Roger Denney <> wrote:

> Now I see. So you don't really believe in any form of democracy,
> only your ability to own firearms to"protect" yourselves from
> "tyrants" like myself, correct?

Oh yeah, "democracy"! That's where two wolves and a sheep vote on
"what's for dinner" right? As for if you are a "tyrant" who knows? But
you sure seem to worship all the tyrants of history Who first
disarmed the population with so-called "gun control" and then began
murdering them. The only good news is that once one of your "heros"
like Pol Pot comes to power they'll start by murdering all the
"intellectuals" like you! Note that because of 'gun control" Pol
Pot's men didn't even have to waste ammunition in the killing
fields...a simple rifle butt to the head did the job! Thank you very
much, Roger!

> Clue: Your "right" to own a gun stops at my and all other person's
> rights to stay safe, alive and unharmed by gunfire from you cretins.

Learn to read, moron. You lefties seem to think that you can make
words mean whatever you say and nobody will notice. Well, pink boy, we
DO notice. There is NO such thing as a person's right to "stay safe".
Go read the Declaration of Independence again, bung boy. The right is
to "life", liberty , and the pursuit of happiness. Police have NO
duty to protect any individual. You only have a right to self-
defense. Nobody gets guaranteed "safety". Just how stupid are you?

Oh that's right. I do know how stupid you are. You rabidly believe
that the government NEVER lies to anyone. You believe that arming
those in power to the teeth with all manner of bombs and guns and WMDs
even to the point of totally militarizing police will somehow keep us
all "safe". You blindly believe that every politician only seeks th
best possible wishes for each of us and NONE of them ever has any lust
for raw political power over others. You even stupidly believe with
all your heart that people if given freedom will be so low and
ignorant as to abuse it and bring themselves and those around them
down. Gosh, you sure are one "smart' guy! I sure want you and guys
like you in charge of MY country! NOT!

In article <>,
Gunner Asch <> wrote:

> On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 21:54:08 -0500, "WindsorFox<SS>"
> <> wrote:
> >Roger Denney wrote:
> >> about the blood-soaked American
> >> gun-culture and the weapons of mass murder that they wordship.

> >
> > Where the hell exactly do you live? Obviously it is not in the US.

> He lives in the state of De-nial.
> Gunner

I thought that was a river in Egypt?

Peace! Om

"Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods. They have never
forgotten this." - Heinlein
On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:27:45 GMT, Buck Mulligan
<> wrote:

>In talk.politics.guns Roger Denney <> wrote:
>>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:14:13 -0700, tankfixer
>><> wrote:
>>>In article <>,
>>> says...
>>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree
>>>Celebrating a loon makes you one my friend

>>Who is "celebrating"?

>You are, you sick twisted ****. [chuckle]

And these is exactly the type of response I have come to associate
with gun-goons like you.

Do you really think you should be allowed to own guns by sane
people like me, when you make such crude remarks?
On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:04:44 -0400, AstonBarrett <>

>Roger Denney wrote:
>> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 17:23:17 -0400, AstonBarrett <>
>> wrote:
>>>Roger Denney wrote:
>>>>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:02:15 -0700 (PDT), stickyw
>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>Sure, blame the guns. Its never the killer's fault.
>>>>Isn't it odd that so many Americans turn to guns to kill one another?
>>>It is odd that you believe that.
>>>So very few Americans do, Roger.

>> You seem to forget that in other countries, its MUCH less due to gun
>> control laws they have there.

>You seem to forget those "other countries" also have less murder when
>using OTHER weapons as well... so your point is moot.
> So when are you going to move?

Not at all. In other countries people are not as afraid of each other
as they are here.


Because millions of cretins like you are walking around with guns at
the ready (to kill) that is.
In talk.politics.guns Roger Denney <> wrote:

>On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:27:45 GMT, Buck Mulligan
><> wrote:
>>In talk.politics.guns Roger Denney <> wrote:
>>>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:14:13 -0700, tankfixer
>>><> wrote:
>>>>In article <>,
>>>> says...
>>>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree
>>>>Celebrating a loon makes you one my friend
>>>Who is "celebrating"?

>>You are, you sick twisted ****. [chuckle]

>And these is exactly the type of response I have come to associate
>with gun-goons like you.
>Do you really think you should be allowed to own guns by sane
>people like me, when you make such crude remarks?


Our ability to discern your aberrant behavior makes us better citizens
than you. You enjoy reading about people getting shot and murdered.
Sick and twisted ****s like yourself should have their own room at
On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 00:50:15 -0700, Roger Denney <>

>On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:27:45 GMT, Buck Mulligan
><> wrote:
>>In talk.politics.guns Roger Denney <> wrote:
>>>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:14:13 -0700, tankfixer
>>><> wrote:
>>>>In article <>,
>>>> says...
>>>>> 3 killed in Ga. hospital shooting spree
>>>>Celebrating a loon makes you one my friend
>>>Who is "celebrating"?

>>You are, you sick twisted ****. [chuckle]

>And these is exactly the type of response I have come to associate
>with gun-goons like you.
>Do you really think you should be allowed to own guns by sane
>people like me, when you make such crude remarks?

You do not have that power, no matter how much you "think" you do...

The second amendment gives every law-abiding citizen the right to own
guns. You have absolutely no say in the matter.

Mike Smith
"Morton Davis" <> wrote in

> "" <Not PC> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 19:29:35 -0000, "\"The Rifleman\""
>> <> wrote:
>>>and 30,000 yanks a year dont die from gun shot wounds, yeah dream on

>> OH MY GAWD! At that rate, all us "yanks" will be dead of gun shots
>> in only 20,000 years. (more than half the "gun dead" are from
>> suicide)

> And most of the others are criminal on criminal.

About 65% of homicides in a city will involve either drug or gang
activity or both.

RD (The Sandman)

War is absolute hell.....but to give in
to terrorism is much, much worse
"Roger Denney" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:04:44 -0400, AstonBarrett <>
> wrote:
>>Roger Denney wrote:
>>> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 17:23:17 -0400, AstonBarrett <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>Roger Denney wrote:
>>>>>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:02:15 -0700 (PDT), stickyw
>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>Sure, blame the guns. Its never the killer's fault.
>>>>>Isn't it odd that so many Americans turn to guns to kill one another?
>>>>It is odd that you believe that.
>>>>So very few Americans do, Roger.
>>> You seem to forget that in other countries, its MUCH less due to gun
>>> control laws they have there.

>>You seem to forget those "other countries" also have less murder when
>>using OTHER weapons as well... so your point is moot.
>> So when are you going to move?

> Not at all. In other countries people are not as afraid of each other
> as they are here.
> Why?
> Because millions of cretins like you are walking around with guns at
> the ready (to kill) that is.

Then how do you explain all those countries that have homicide rates that
are higher than ours?
In talk.politics.guns "Scout"
<> wrote:

>"Roger Denney" <> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:04:44 -0400, AstonBarrett <>
>> wrote:
>>>Roger Denney wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 17:23:17 -0400, AstonBarrett <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>Roger Denney wrote:
>>>>>>On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 09:02:15 -0700 (PDT), stickyw
>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>Sure, blame the guns. Its never the killer's fault.
>>>>>>Isn't it odd that so many Americans turn to guns to kill one another?
>>>>>It is odd that you believe that.
>>>>>So very few Americans do, Roger.
>>>> You seem to forget that in other countries, its MUCH less due to gun
>>>> control laws they have there.
>>>You seem to forget those "other countries" also have less murder when
>>>using OTHER weapons as well... so your point is moot.
>>> So when are you going to move?

>> Not at all. In other countries people are not as afraid of each other
>> as they are here.
>> Why?
>> Because millions of cretins like you are walking around with guns at
>> the ready (to kill) that is.

>Then how do you explain all those countries that have homicide rates that
>are higher than ours?

Evil Gun Rays [tm] do not begin to dissipate until they've traveled
roughly the distance between here and Jupiter, Roger's home planet.