What Do You Really Think Of......???

RoyalOrleans said:
I never say "goodbye" on the phone, either. It's a sickness.

That truly does not surprise me. I know people that do that and I can definately see you just hanging up LOL
Komrade Vostok Hazard: He wants everyone to be placed on an equal playing field regardless of skill or effort. Yet, he has no problems with compromising his values in order to buy a Premium membership, therefore elevating himself above the Regular and Legacy members. I fear what he would do if he ever got a taste of real power. I think he was picked on a lot in high school. Now he is overly touchy and hostile. Instead of realizing that high school doesn
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
1. Premium? When the hell did this happen? I don't have a premium. Last time I checked, it still said "GF Pioneer" meaning I'm still LEGACY. NOT PREMIUM.

2. I wasn't picked on in HS. In fact those years were so uneventful and so little happened that they're hardly memorable.

3. I'm not really hostile, I'm just moody.

4. And of course I give a **** about what people think. TO A CERTAIN DEGREE. If I didn't have a care in the world, I'd probably just be laying around in ignorant bliss

5. What would I do with real power? It would probably not be as bad as what all these doucheclowns who let EVERYTHING get to their head and end up so full of themselves and think they're ****ing royalty would do.
Opps. Sorry. Not a premium. All else still remains my perception.

What does someone 'who thinks they're royalty' do with power? Make posts? Talk in the chat room? Goof off in threads with other members? Wow. Now that is some scary ****.
tizz said:
That truly does not surprise me. I know people that do that and I can definately see you just hanging up LOL

I've been told I do this a number of times. I say "Alright, (insert name)." click .
Oh, so many people in this thread need a verbal spanking. But who to spank first?

Decisions, decisions.

I'll just have to take them down, one by one (all in the name of bumping up the page count, of course)

Let Mortal Kombat Begin!
Allah Is Great said:
****! Anna nailed it on the head AGAIN. I have no comeback .....

Oh, I know, I'll just resort to what I always do - make a weak and utterly unconvincing attempt at sarcasm, and hope that nobody notices what a total ****ing loser I am

I thought you said you weren't going to pay any attention to me?

And hey, weren't you leaving FOREVER?

What's that, you say?

You're full of ****? OMG NO WAY!

But wait, there's more?

You're a desperate and insecure attention whore, and you lied to see if anyone would care if you stayed or went?

Wow, I knew you were gay, but not that gay! I never would have thought you'd sink so low.

Congratulations, you're yet another GF sad act. Say hi to Sixes for me.

p.s. Builder gave my post that you quoted a 10. I guess he saw the funny truth in it. Not that you care, of course. ;)
ToriAllen said:
Cute, really. You must have given yourself a nice pat on the back after writing that load of ****.
Those were just responses dumb butt. My opinions about the members will be coming shortly. I'm taking my time. I have been advised to be honest, so instead of writing some smartass remarks down I'm actually writing descriptions.

Just a reminder: many people think you are self absorbed and conceited, not just me, and the thread title asked what you thought of others, not what you thought of their opinions of you. The fact that you decided the unimportant latter should take precedence is what makes you so laughable. Not only that, but you inexplicably provided (completely impromptu) a list of your achievements and also described yourself (at length) in a flattering light. Why? Regardless, excuse me while I contact Germaine Greer and let her know all about you, especially in regards to the heights you've risen to in the auspicious world of forum moderation - because I'm sure she'll want to congratulate you personally :p

My last post about you was merely pointing out that it's the things you DO that show us how egocentric you are, and so there is no point in you telling us that you're not. You just end up contradicting yourself.

Now, many people think my posts are witty, intelligent, and amusing - hence the various positive comments I received in this thread, the 10's Phreak and Builder like to give me frequently, and also the fact that I am now 1st place in the rep points ladder after only one month of posting, which is all thanks to various mods & sponsors thinking my posts are excellent.

My descriptions were my brutally honest opinions. Just because they were humourous doesn't mean that they weren't truly how I feel. I find most of the members here to be hilariously ridiculous, and my descriptions reflected that. So, say what you will to try and discredit me - because I've noticed that it's what you always do when you don't like what someone says about you - but lots of people agree with my descriptions. Especially with my one of you :p

So, basically, to make it clear - you are totally up yourself and my posts MUST be awesome, otherwise they wouldn't generate so much applause (so of course I am proud of them) :p

Now, if you don't like the way people perceive you, and if you don't want me to make fun of you for being such a delusional twit, whining about it and trying to portray your detractors in a negative light isn't going to change anything. People aren't as stupid as you'd like them to be. They can see right through you, dear.

All you have to do, really, is pull your head out of your arse and stop acting like an uppity bitch. It's so simple. Why don't you understand?
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
I don't like Anna. She makes me ANGRY! She DARED to DEFY my ONLINE AUTHORITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. That makes me ANGRY! She is friends with BUILDER. I don't like BUILDER! He makes me look STUPID! That makes me ANGRY!!



But I have to keep my cool, damnit!

So, I tell people that Anna is an IDIOT; that Anna is a MAN; that Anna is a CHEAP AUSTRALIAN WHORE.

I say these things to everyone about Anna because, the few times I have tried to take her on directly, she has made me look very foolish - which makes me ANGRY. I HATE LOOKING STUPID!!

Also, I say these things because I can't think up very good insults. The only words I know are IDIOT and WHORE.

Did I mention that I spent hours looking up her name on google, but I found nothing of consequence? ****! I will post the information I found, anyway!


And in case it wasn't obvious, I am also a disproportionately vindictive ******* with no life, and a tiny penis that only gets hard when I can abuse my lame powers as moderator of a silly little internet forum

You forgot to mention that you are almost always two weeks behind, aswell. Anyone with half a brain and a moderate capability for paying attention now knows that I am not a man, or an idiot, or a whore.

Try and keep up, Sloth

Now, a drink for CES:

The Psychotic Mutant Gremlin on a Pointless Mission

400ml undiluted & concentrated green cordial
300ml urine of a syphilitic leper
100ml pureed toad's testicles
100ml filthy old bong water
100ml New Orleans Mississippi river water

Shake it all up and serve in a very tall glass. Hold the gremlin down (with force if necessary) and make him drink this concoction on the hour, every hour, until he dies in a pool of his own vomit.

But if your efforts fail, whatever you do, don't feed him after midnight.

CES says: Anna. My dear. Your capacity at misrepresentation and outright lies knows no boundries. It would seem that you are once again not taking your Lithium and Thorazine as the doctor has told you to do. I know...You find the voices disturbing and yet, intoxicating at the same time, but believe me when I tell you that they are EVIL and not to listen to them.

Nevertheless, if you don't start taking your medication again like you are supposed to, then the bad men in the ice cream uniforms will come and take you back to the sanitarium and do bad things to you again.
Builder said:

Bah, Vorty's just jealous because you've never given him a 10.

Builder, you and Phreak, as bona fide Sucks Alumni, should keep giving me 10's as long as you want to. It's an excellent tradition to uphold, and it's the fastest, easiest way to let someone know that their post ROX.

Also, I won't deny that I love it. That's right, ME. The one getting the 10's. The one who still wants to get 10's from you. My opinion on this subject is more important than his.

P.S. Keep bumping the thread, yeah, bumping the thread ....
Anna Perenna said:
Bah, Vorty's just jealous because you've never given him a 10.

Builder, you and Phreak, as bona fide Sucks Alumni, should keep giving me 10's as long as you want to. It's an excellent tradition to uphold, and it's the fastest, easiest way to let someone know that their post ROX.

Also, I won't deny that I love it. That's right, ME. The one getting the 10's. The one who still wants to get 10's from you. My opinion on this subject is more important than his.

P.S. Keep bumping the thread, yeah, bumping the thread ....

baby darlin' im not sucks alumni...thats why i said it....

there is no need to be unoriginal on here.

i have scanned sucks (yes as recently as yesterday) and see the 10 appear there over and over and over and over again...

originality is the key...and the first 5 times is cute and witty..after that...

its a lazy post :)

love ya anyhow!
ToriAllen said:
Vortex: Fun, witty, and the epitome of all that is gay. Sometimes I find myself wondering if he is not a strait man having some fun by portraying the ultimate in fun loving homosexuality. Then I read the hormonal, catty posts, and realize it would have to be a straight woman. I have only recently become acquainted with Vorty, but find him impossible to dislike. If he is ever in the Atlanta area we will have to get together for a day of shopping and being pampered at the spa
Vortex said:
baby darlin' im not sucks alumni...thats why i said it....

there is no need to be unoriginal on here.

i have scanned sucks (yes as recently as yesterday) and see the 10 appear there over and over and over and over again...

originality is the key...and the first 5 times is cute and witty..after that...

its a lazy post :)

love ya anyhow!

Lazy and unoriginal as giving a 10 may be, I love getting them!

Don't discourage people from giving them to me. Please :p
Anna Perenna said:
Anna Perenna - From what I can gather, Anna is a very bored, mysterious human/cyborg who remains deliberately ambiguous in regards to revealing a specific age & gender, in order to maintain a semblance of an enigmatic air. But what is his/her purpose here? Simply to stir the pot? Or is it more complex than that? Obviously Anna is highly irritable and confrontational, yet, he/she cannot resist the lure of some of the more serious topics. Hmmm. Whatever. I simply cannot stand that pugnacious little prolix! In fact, I hate Anna with a passion, and you should too.

Well well well. Enigmatic? Hardly. In fact, it's been a long time coming and quite frankly, overdue.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Anna Perenna, aka. Sarah Delore of Byron Bay Australia.

Here's her Yahoo picture and profile! http://profiles.yahoo.com/sarahdelore

And don't forget her fabulous geocities website! http://www.geocities.com/sarahdelore/

Sacy? Is that you Sacy? Thought so.

Oh, imagine that...just another 25 year old Aussie skank who thinks she is so much better than everybody else here...So wise and above it all. Barf

Nice try bitch. Go grow up and get a life.

Oh, and just so you know Miss Goodie Two Shoes, it took me about 2 minutes to locate you on the web, so don't flatter yourself...worthless skank.