What Do You Really Think Of......???

Anna Perenna said:
Just a reminder: many people think you are self absorbed and conceited, not just me, and the thread title asked what you thought of others, not what you thought of their opinions of you. The fact that you decided the unimportant latter should take precedence is what makes you so laughable. Not only that, but you inexplicably provided (completely impromptu) a list of your achievements and also described yourself (at length) in a flattering light. Why? Regardless, excuse me while I contact Germaine Greer and let her know all about you, especially in regards to the heights you've risen to in the auspicious world of forum moderation - because I'm sure she'll want to congratulate you personally :p
Many other people gave opinions about what the other posters said about them including yourself, but given your selective memory, I am not surprised you would point out that I did while ignoring the others that did. I didn't actually provide a list of my achievements. In fact I stated that I am not the smartest person I know, I have limitations, and then I explained where my nickname as
Of all the people on this board who started out on my hit list, but who now rank highest in my respect meter, ToriAllen is at the very top of the list.

Anybody worth a grain of salt can see that she is anything but conceited. Although she is the "Queen Bee" she displays no airs of royalty whatsoever.

In fact, although we often times have differing viewpoints on a subject I find her to be passionate and genuine about what she feels, and unafraid to stand her ground when she feels that she is right. I respect her immensely for this.

As a Mod (the very FIRST one at that), she is unimpeachable in her conduct and to the best of my knowledge, has never really engaged in any of the shenanigans that Phreak and I often do.

Without a doubt, she is held in the highest regard by Bob, the admin of this site and I feel the exact same way.
I have seen though not received the effects of the "Tori bitch from hell" (As a woman I gotta love it) She is pretty hip, and I give props to anyone who goes back to school (I suck at it every time I try)
Tori caused a problem? WHEN WHERE I MISSED IT!! Damn must have been a good one too

If an egomaniac like this had a taste of real power there would be many problems caused

Of all the people on this board who started out on my hit list, but who now rank highest in my respect meter, ToriAllen is at the very top of the list.

Cool! I think she's a **** eater.

I have seen though not received the effects of the "Tori bitch from hell" (As a woman I gotta love it) She is pretty hip, and I give props to anyone who goes back to school (I suck at it every time I try)

Tori bitch from hell? actually ALL of womenkind are bitchy, manipulative, egocentric, users and flat out pains in the ass. I'm begining to think they should be locked in holding pens, impregnated when they reach sexual maturity (just to continue the human race) and thier offspring should be raised by the state -- and then they should be euthanized and processed into animal food.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Tori bitch from hell? actually ALL of womenkind are bitchy, manipulative, egocentric, users and flat out pains in the ass. I'm begining to think they should be locked in holding pens, impregnated when they reach sexual maturity (just to continue the human race) and thier offspring should be raised by the state -- and then they should be euthanized and processed into animal food.

C'mere Boy Wonder.

Now, Sit down.

Here, have some pie. It's blueberry. Fresh outta the oven. Little dollop of ice cream for ya, cuz ya can't just have pie now, can ya?

Now, what was it you were saying?

Roar Baby Roar. We like to see you stretch.
skategreen said:
C'mere Boy Wonder.

Now, Sit down.

Here, have some pie. It's blueberry. Fresh outta the oven. Little dollop of ice cream for ya, cuz ya can't just have pie now, can ya?

Now, what was it you were saying?

Roar Baby Roar. We like to see you stretch.

Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
actually ALL of womenkind ....should be euthanized and processed into animal food.


But KVH! ... WHO would sit you down to some nice blueberry pie??
Tori - you completely missed the point.

I don't care if people dislike me, or if they think I am conceited.


So, like I said, if you don't like the way perceive you, change.
Anna Perenna said:
CES says: Anna. My dear. Your capacity at misrepresentation and outright lies knows no boundries. It would seem that you are once again not taking your Lithium and Thorazine as the doctor has told you to do. I know...You find the voices disturbing and yet, intoxicating at the same time, but believe me when I tell you that they are EVIL and not to listen to them.

Nevertheless, if you don't start taking your medication again like you are supposed to, then the bad men in the ice cream uniforms will come and take you back to the sanitarium and do bad things to you again.

The correct spelling is "boundaries".

As for your mention of Lithium and Thorazine, and your descriptions of mental disorders - are you a doctor?

Or do you perhaps have some other sort of firsthand experience with psychosis? :p

By the way, when you are trying to portray yourself as sane, and also trying to portray some else as insane, you might not want to use large angry red ink.

It makes YOU look psychotic.


p.s. Thanks for the "negative" rep points, and your hilarious reason for giving them to me. It just proves, once again, that you take this website far too seriously :D
Anna Perenna said:
The correct spelling is "boundaries".

As for your mention of Lithium and Thorazine, and your descriptions of mental disorders - are you a doctor?

Or do you perhaps have some other sort of firsthand experience with psychosis? :p

By the way, when you are trying to portray yourself as sane, and also trying to portray some else as insane, you might not want to use large angry red ink.

It makes YOU look psychotic.


p.s. Thanks for the "negative" rep points, and your hilarious reason for giving them to me. It just proves, once again, that you take this website far too seriously :D

Hush child!

You are being corrected.

Sit quietly whilst your betters speak.