"What Ive Done" 30 second clip

that's the worst thing I've ever heard by LP.

wow. what kind of **** is this :(

LOL i wasnt surprised that that came out from you
yeah it doesnt sound like LP exactly why they said their completely different
i still dont think u should say its **** especially since its only 30seconds long

listento the whole song, then say its ****
but i hope u like it, let it grooooooow on you
listened to it about 30 times...
nothing's changed.

chester is crap. brad's guitar riffs are freaking ****. the riff is crap. and I hate the lyrics.
what a bad song.

that's the worst thing I've ever heard by LP.

wow. what kind of **** is this :(

that's the spirit! :D

no, but seriously, you can't really judge a song by a 30 second clip. who knows, it might turn out to be amazing. as for me, i quite liked it. i'm not blown away, but like i said, it is only 30 seconds. plus, it's only the first single. i mean, look at SIB. :)
listened to it about 30 times...
nothing's changed.

chester is crap. brad's guitar riffs are freaking ****. the riff is crap. and I hate the lyrics.
what a bad song.


hmmm i dunt like the idea that our mod is saying that about lp.
well i think u should listen to the WHOLE song.
maybe this isnt your song, maybe the next single is who knows?
but i love it
I think it's good. It's a way lighter song. I mean i'd have to hear the whole song but I like it. It isnt my number one favorite LP song(obviously its only 30 secs.) but it sounds really good. it does sound like a linkin park track though. maybe like an easier to run/somewhere i belong type vibe i dunno i love it
I knew as soon as they released something that didn't sound like Hybrid Theory somebody was going to start complaining. Anyway before this thread gets out of hand let me repeat something I posted in another thread a while ago.

It's pretty much a general statement directed at people who whine about their favorite band changing. I guess that would apply to some of the people people in this thread. Don't get me wrong it's happened to me too. I use to complain that my favorite band had changed and I didn't like it. But eventually I realized their is no point in complaining about them changing because they're going to do what they want to do. I came to respect that and moved on. It's so easy to move on and just listen to somebody else and just listen to albums by them you liked. I just don't get why people want cloned albums and songs. Bands will change over time it's unavoidable. It gets boring when all the songs sound the same and such. It's like they do exactly their fans want. Make one good album then make another album and another that sound just like it. But then you have some change and people have a hysterical fit. They can't stand the idea of it being "DIFFERENT" as "DIFFERENT" suddenly equals "BAD." They're not going to make music they don't like anymore. They make the music they want to make for themselves. How would you like it if somebody made you do the exact some thing over and over again? They're not products to be sold they're musicians, they're people. They get bored and want to try new things just like you. Not all bands have pop ideology, "oh we're just going to make what our fans like and that's it." At least they aren't scared to try new things. I'll at least give them that. Whether I like it or not it's better then a 10 albums of "Crawlin' in my skin." But like I'm saying the best thing to do as at the very least wait until the album actually is released then talk about how different it is. I mean I don't even think they've released any singles for it yet. But in any case as I said in my previous post. If you don't like their new direction go listen to somebody else. Simple as that. It's much more productive then going around complaining about it, because the people do like it don't want to hear about how much the new album sucks and how much you don't like it. I wouldn't mind if people actually would intelligently conveyed that they don't like it. But all they know how to say is "ThIs Album suckS or it's eMo or gay." I'm hoping Armageddon doesn't start when Linkin Park releases their new album but something tells me it's going to happen anyway no matter how much I hope.
Hmmm, I like it, but still dont really know what to think. I even got it on my phone as a ringtone and stuff. To me it is a definate change and if its like this I really still hope there are some hard songs on there! :)
sorry if you guys didn't like my responses >_<

it's just...my favorite band, my favorite band for so long and I could swear I was their biggest fan...I had all the media...everything.

it just really dissapoints me that they changed their sound so much. really sad. :(
sorry if you guys didn't like my responses >_<

it's just...my favorite band, my favorite band for so long and I could swear I was their biggest fan...I had all the media...everything.

it just really dissapoints me that they changed their sound so much. really sad. :(

Lol well what did you expect? Disco balls and Bluegrass?
Its okay. I keep listening to it and its just, different? Well yeah, its only thirty seconds, so, not sure till I hear the whole thing. I would of liked something heavier, still makes me happy cause its like new stuff. Yesss.
sorry if you guys didn't like my responses >_<

it's just...my favorite band, my favorite band for so long and I could swear I was their biggest fan...I had all the media...everything.

it just really dissapoints me that they changed their sound so much. really sad. :(

well, the thing is you're judging a 30 second clip (and harshly at that). you haven't heard the whole song, let alone the album. don't be so quick to judge.