"What Ive Done" 30 second clip

Ok here we go...
--Yes I've listened to this clip like 50 times in the last hour coz its new..my views are that this song is kind of different than the normal LP but not too much...kinda sounds like Easier to Run or In the end..you guys are right. but i think the rest of the other songs will be much different and this song is a typical mainstream first single song for the radio masses..I personally like Chester's voice and brad's part even though i think in other songs it will be much better..thats why i cant wait for 'The Little Things Give You Away'....dont worry you gys..LP's has been working on this album for 3 years with the best producer and I know they wont dissapoint us..dont judge their entire album by this little clip..its 17 songs for god sakes..I too hope there are some qwerty like songs but think here people..is a song like qwerty ever become a first single...its impossible..its gotta be poppy and catchy...so no worries..lyrics are nice..just like EP lyrics...im happy :)...gonna stop typing now