"What Ive Done" 30 second clip

personally I dislike it. It sounded ok at first, but overall it's too much pop for my taste. However I can't judge the song as a whole by 30 secs, so we'll see. But these 30 secs were not something I'll be playin...
the clip reminds me of Numb a bit too much, and I hate Numb.

this song has so much of a "single feel" to it, and I hope to god it's the only poppy easy listening single-ish song Warner forced them to put on the album
yay jos im glad you also like it!!!!
to all the haters this is just a soft song to promote lp on the radio...
there will be hardcore songs on the album
chill it out
Wow - firstly THANKS SO MUCH for sharing, I'm stoked to finally hear SOMETHING after all these years I almost dont care what it sounds like...

But after several listens, I actually like it. Admittedly the first run through and I almost didnt believe it was them. It was almost like a mock-up of Chas's voice. Then again having read the Brian Bennington interview a week or two back I recall he made mention of the fact that Chas himself was wanting to move away from the screaming, so it made sense. The music is slow. I'm almost dissapointed. After QWERTY I had been hoping even to some tiny degree that their sound would universally harden. They were once young men of angst now they aren't. They've matured. Its not a bad thing at all but it does leave them in a sort of predicament now when it comes to reinventing their sound and where to now take it. I wasn't expecting an album of QWERTY's edge but I am trully sincerely hoping that the album takes a step in a whole new encompassing direction. Yes the band may have lyrically, emotionally, creatively evolved, but I still fear that Brad especially is not being used to his full potential. I know there's mention of a solo for him, but I'm refering to his entire schema in this, he's got so much raw talent and half the time it seems he's playing back up melodic rifs out of boredom rather than really pushing himself. The lyrics take precedent. I'd ADORE at least one song where Brad, Phoenix and god yes even Rob got to really cut loose on a track and just retouch some raw emotion, something that with their evolving sound and all-encompassing tightness as a polished well-played synchronised band now was lost, especially with Meteora. (But dont get me wrong, I still love Meteora for the fine work of art that it is). I'm just scared in a way that they are fading. Their intentions and comitment and passion may still be as true as it ever was but their edge has long since been pared away by the industrialised machine of mainstream music.
I'd hate to see this awesome beacon of light fade to nothing more than a has-been band playing tunes in bars all over again lost to that great chasm of what could have been, lost forever between that unfathomable chasm that lies between creative exploration and the call and beccon of fame and its trappings that takes so many other bands long before their time...
Deep innit?


Oh and as for what I think of the song now (after like thirty listens to)?
Personally I think I could crank this on my stereo and like it.
As for what everyone else is gonna think of it... time will tell on that score ;)
yay jos im glad you also like it!!!!
to all the haters this is just a soft song to promote lp on the radio...
there will be hardcore songs on the album
chill it out

well honestly id rather hear chester do more screamin on this 30 secs part bc it seems like hes tryin to sing + scream at same time o_O idk
but anyways i do really love this 30secs :thumbsup:
that's the worst thing I've ever heard by LP.

wow. what kind of **** is this :(

Well, i never thought i could say this but.. i agree with u.. i mean, i love old linkin park, but i knew that they were gonna be different, but... i didnt expect this, i thought it was gonna be more... powerful, heavy, fast...
anyway, i cant judge a 30 sec song... we'll see the others

yay jos im glad you also like it!!!!
to all the haters this is just a soft song to promote lp on the radio...
there will be hardcore songs on the album
chill it out

It sounds like a part of the chorus...it's still possible that the rest of the song will be stronger...
It sounds like a part of the chorus...it's still possible that the rest of the song will be stronger...
I also think that way...

Okay, when I first heard it...I was like: WTF is this?!?:eek:
Damn, vocals are just so lame...and music...really nothin special...I think I haven't heard somethin that bad from anyone that good for long time...
But yeah, I've listened to it for about 10 times...and...it got better...I mean, I don't think it's that bad anymore...but I don't like it...I really hope the whole song is better...

And it's better for them that they put together an awesome album!>:eek:
Well, i should say u, guys, that i've listened to it at 20 min ago, and NOW... I THINK I LIKE IT!! :)
But u guys should come down, and WAIT FOR THE REST OF THE SONG, and FOR THE ALBUM!!
I was in chock at first, too... but i've changed my mind.. u all know that lp are different, we have to expect something different, but.. I ALSO HOPE THAT IT WILL BE HEAVIER SONGS ON THE ALBUM.. but all we need to do is.. wait!! so, dont be sad ;) :thumbsup:
Ugh... I really hope that whoever picked the singles for Meteora picked them for this... beacuse I didnt like the Meteora singles. BTH, why??
(Except Faint... I like Faint. lol)

Im a mix of Matt, Hailey, and Mark on this one...
...from what Ive heard so far it sounds like they took a step backwards. :'(

Even my mom said they didnt sound as good. lol

(Stenners, Victim, Hahinator in case you didnt know.)
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Tbh, I think that clip could have fitted in with the other songs on Meteora. Think Easier To Run and SIB.

So just because the clip may have come as a shock, the new album may sound completely different again to that.

For the record, its grown on me =], although I still don't like the guitar at the end...
It's not bad kinda reminds me of Easier To Run or Breaking The Habit. Hopefully the album is diverse and there will be heavy, in between, and soft songs on it. If the whole album is like this clip I'll be disappointed.
Ok are you guys literally insane? Chester even said it was going to have a dark poppy sound to it and it does. It is does have that definitive LP sound. But to say it is one of the worst songs you've heard in a while...my question is do you ever listen to the radio? I'm mean God Easier to Run was worse than this and I'm comparing 30 seconds to a full song. This kind of reminds me of when like LPF received a new layout change and people were like oh my God it sucks and some where like I love it. The ungrateful ones complained. I mean if you don't like the song that's one thing. But to say it is the worse is an overstatement. Honestly I've heard worse.

The sound immediately comes off as mainstream, but it has that Linkin Parkness to it. I could be a regular average joe hear this song and know it was Linkin Park. It sounds just like Hardly Breathe and I made the prediction it would. I like the song, it just think expecting more Screaming, and heavy riffs was a dumb thing to hope fore. There might be some screaming, but I doubt itll be qwerty type thing. get used to it, they said a long ass time ago this is how theyd sound.
[LP] In The End;471420 said:
It's not bad kinda reminds me of Easier To Run or Breaking The Habit. Hopefully the album is diverse and there will be heavy, in between, and soft songs on it. If the whole album is like this clip I'll be disappointed.

Yeah i want there 2 be alot heavy but also some soft songs, but from this 30 sec preview, i think it's from the end of the song..i don't know but it sounds to me like that
Ok are you guys literally insane? Chester even said it was going to have a dark poppy sound to it and it does. It is does have that definitive LP sound. But to say it is one of the worst songs you've heard in a while...my question is do you ever listen to the radio? I'm God Easier to Run was worse than this and I'm comparing 30 seconds to a full song. This kind of reminds me of when like LPF received a new layout change and people were like oh my God it sucks and some where like I love it. The ungrateful ones complained. I mean if you don't like the song that's one thing. But to say it is the worse is an overstatement. Honestly I've heard worse.

The sound immediately comes off as mainstream, but it has that Linkin Parkness to it. I could be a regular average joe hear this song and know it was Linkin Park. It sounds just like Hardly Breathe and I made the prediction it would. I like the song, it just think expecting more Screaming, and heavy riffs was a dumb thing to hopefore. There might be some screaming, but I doubt itll be qwerty type thing. get used to it, they said a long ass time ago this is how theyd sound.
But to say it is one of the worst songs you've heard in a while...my question is do you ever listen to the radio?
But to say it is the worse is an overstatement. Honestly I've heard worse.
I'm guessing you read my post...

Yeah, well...I do listen to the radio...but not too much...but it doesn't really matter...
I said from a good artist...which I favour...sorry, but it's just my opinion...plus, I said it sounds a bit better to me now...
And I realize that 30 seconds isn't enough to judge the whole song...but it's enough to create the first impression...weather you want it or not...sadly...but yeah, I don't know why are you attacking that much...meh...