What turns you off when it comes to a partner.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
We had a thread about what our fetishes are. What stops you in your tracks, turns you off. For the guys, whats an erection killer for you, for the girls, what spoils the mood for you.

My turn off is bad teeth, I don't mean just crooked I mean stained etc. One of the dangers of working as a Dental Assistant for years.
RoyalOrleans said:
The biggest erection softener for me are; tattoos and unusually placed piercings.

I agree there. Well tattoos aren't too bad, as long as they are not all over the body. I mean one little rose or something won't bother me. Piercings, I mean geez, I think girls go way too far with the damn things.
Outlaw2747 said:
I agree there. Well tattoos aren't too bad, as long as they are not all over the body. I mean one little rose or something won't bother me. Piercings, I mean geez, I think girls go way too far with the damn things.

Yes... a small tattoo above the ankle or asscrack is just fine. However, these nasty looking tribal tattoos draped over the back of the hip is ugly. Ugly as sin.
I would have to say that scraggly 'I haven't had a bath in days' look. Hygeine is very important. I guess I could make a list of my mood killers...

Too much hair on body (i.e. wooly mammoth)
Talking about past relationships
Bad breath/ lack of deodorant
No attempt to contain rude bodily noises
Ok! Here's a partial list of my moodkillers/penis softeners...

1. Women who say things like; "I listen to all types of music.".
2. Women who say thinks like; "Oh... I love Pink Floyd. His music is great.".
3. Tattoos... I already covered this in the above posts.
4. Piercings... especially in the clit, tongue, eyebrow, nipple(s), lip, and the nose.
5. Stretch marks because of the loss of girth or childrearing.
6. Floppy, shapeless breasts and those that have been used to nurse.
7. Fat thighs.
8. Women that call me up to chat, but have nothing important to say or anything new to report.
9. Women that use their **** to obtain financial or professional security.
10. Chicks that hate my cat and dog. (How can you hate a fat, loveable orange and white tabby and a long-haired dachsund?)
11. Ugly chicks (ie Drew Berrymore)
12. Pale chicks (ie Thora Birch)
13. Skinny chicks (ie Paris Hilton)
14. Women who think "Madonna" is a legend.
15. Really, really black women.
16. Women that drive Mustangs (Particularly the last body style)
RoyalOrleans said:
Ok! Here's a partial list of my moodkillers/penis softeners...

1. Women who say things like; "I listen to all types of music.".
2. Women who say thinks like; "Oh... I love Pink Floyd. His music is great.".
3. Tattoos... I already covered this in the above posts.
4. Piercings... especially in the clit, tongue, eyebrow, nipple(s), lip, and the nose.
5. Stretch marks because of the loss of girth or childrearing.
6. Floppy, shapeless breasts and those that have been used to nurse.
7. Fat thighs.
8. Women that call me up to chat, but have nothing important to say or anything new to report.
9. Women that use their **** to obtain financial or professional security.
10. Chicks that hate my cat and dog. (How can you hate a fat, loveable orange and white tabby and a long-haired dachsund?)
11. Ugly chicks (ie Drew Berrymore)
12. Pale chicks (ie Thora Birch)
13. Skinny chicks (ie Paris Hilton)
14. Women who think "Madonna" is a legend.
15. Really, really black women.
16. Women that drive Mustangs (Particularly the last body style)

I would love to see your kitty and dog. I especially love fat cats. My sweet Rufus loves to lay on my legs until I feel they are going to die for lack of blood circulation.
Lethalfind said:
I would love to see your kitty and dog. I especially love fat cats. My sweet Rufus loves to lay on my legs until I feel they are going to die for lack of blood circulation.

My cat is named "Bismark" and the dog, I call "Geddy Lee".
RoyalOrleans said:
1. Women who say things like; "I listen to all types of music.".
If they clearly don't, its definatly a characteristic of dipwads around the globe.

RoyalOrleans said:
2. Women who say thinks like; "Oh... I love Pink Floyd. His music is great.".
We created the Catheter for people like this.

RoyalOrleans said:
3. Tattoos... I already covered this in the above posts.
Tatoos can be hot, Personally I dispise the little wiener ones that people get on their hip, lower back etc... Its just a "Yah, I got a ttatoo:cool: " thing. Little roses are how we tag people for the gas chambers.

RoyalOrleans said:
4. Piercings... especially in the clit, tongue, eyebrow, nipple(s), lip, and the nose.
Clit is a bit much for my tastes :rolleyes: (No pun intended) But I like piercings, Hot.

RoyalOrleans said:
5. Stretch marks because of the loss of girth or childrearing.
Fraid I've not expierenced such a thing yet.

RoyalOrleans said:
6. Floppy, shapeless breasts and those that have been used to nurse.
(See above)

RoyalOrleans said:
7. Fat thighs.
I've seen them look alright on some ladies.

RoyalOrleans said:
8. Women that call me up to chat, but have nothing important to say or anything new to report.
This is one of my biggest ****ing annoyences. I can't stand idle phone chit-chat, its so irritating! My regular phone conversations last about 15seconds, any longer and I hang up! (My poor mother :p )

RoyalOrleans said:
9. Women that use their **** to obtain financial or professional security.
Shity people do shitty things. Idiots are a HUGE turn off. A poor character makes even a super-model really unattractive.

RoyalOrleans said:
10. Chicks that hate my cat and dog. (How can you hate a fat, loveable orange and white tabby and a long-haired dachsund?)
Fat Cats kick ass.

RoyalOrleans said:
11. Ugly chicks (ie Drew Berrymore)
Wouldn't call her ugly, but no my cup of tea.

RoyalOrleans said:
12. Pale chicks (ie Thora Birch)
Pale can work on the right gal.

RoyalOrleans said:
13. Skinny chicks (ie Paris Hilton)
She is so hediously skinny, such a ****ing turn off.

RoyalOrleans said:
14. Women who think "Madonna" is a legend.
Nice to see you sticking with the "Idiots aren't attractive" theme.

RoyalOrleans said:
15. Really, really black women.
Yah, we tend to look for common charactisics in a mate, really dark is too off for me.

RoyalOrleans said:
16. Women that drive Mustangs (Particularly the last body style)
You let your women drive? (Joke :D )
Well lets see...in no particular order

1) (just like ro) those that call you on the phone for no good reason
2) Big beefy muscular men that when they open their mouth sound liike a sissy
3) Use too much teeth when going down on you
4) those that give little to no reciprication (unless they are straight then its expected....and if i would even go there in the first place )
5) anyone who overdoes the bootie spank
6) hairy balls....shave them damnit
7) out of control pubes....trim it down please
8) Muscle Men/well endowed men who throw their legs in the air and want to be ****ed
9) Puke breath....why is it when some people drink their mouth smells like vomit?
10) body odor....a small bit is okay, it happens. But downright BO is unaccaptable
11) Twinks.....
12) Someone who acts like a girl. They are okay to be friends...but they are a boner kill in the bedroom
13) Too vanilla....boring...basically anyone who isnt willing to spice things up here and there (nothing major...but just some)
14) anyone who is a blatant asshole....only takes once and i loose the mood fro a long while to have sex with that person
15) Gold Diggers

Dirty Girls... Just by the way they act, look, and dress
Girls with hair thats just horrible or straight oily and died red...
Messed roots...
Over the top Acne
Crooked or stained teeth
A poon-stache
Girls who weigh more than I do (140 LBS)
Oh and very Muscular girls... Ripped girls just scare me.

Some girls who have short hair look good because it's their style and it suits them. Others don't though.
1. TOO MUCH MATURITY/LAID BACK. I don't want some bitch who wants to settle down, and who's idea of a hot date involves ANYTHING other than a back alley and goofy grass.

2. Princess complex: No I'm not going to buy you ****, and I'm not going to spoil you. **** off gold digger

3. Skanky outfits. You really don't need to show off your ass and **** for the world to see. You can stand out and occasionally show a bit of skin, but please remember the difference between standing out and looking like a whore

4. Girls who want a man to protect them. I'm not a ****ing bodyguard AND I HATE ****ING FIGHTING, So if you get yourself in trouble, that's your problem.


6. Tomboys/Gangsta ho's/Biker Dikers: You're a woman. ACT LIKE ONE. Stop being a loud mouthed bitch with a pissy attitude.

7. Ridiculous expectations: No I don't own a porsche (or any other car), I don't have a mansion on a beach in Malaysia, I'm not a model or bodybuilder, And I don't have a billion dollars. And neither does any other man you have a chance in hell with. Get used to it.

8. Bar whores. There is nothing sexy about some skank dancing ON the bar after having one too many coronas and then playing grab-ass games with OTHER GIRLS. At least they're ok for a quick romp
1. Bad teeth. A little crooked is fine, but when they're all stained, or covered in plaque..eugh. Not cool.

2. Trying to talk dirty. Like Tori, I cannot help but want to laugh when I hear people talk dirty.

3. Ass-spanking. I truly do not get what males gain out of spanking someone's ass repeatedly. Truly, it is a lump of fat and muscle with a bit of shape. It's really not that fascinating to smack and hear an echo.

4. Too much kinkyness is just..odd. We're not here to dominate you with whips, chains, handcuffs, or the like. Well, I suppose for some people, that's their thing, but it just amuses the hell out of me. How can one not laugh at, "Oh yes, I've been a bad, bad boy. I think I need to be punished."

5. Cumming in bad places (and then think you're being kinky or hot). PLEASE KEEP IT OUT OF MY HAIR. THANK YOU.

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there's more. As for how a person looks, with piercings, tatoos, weight, skin colour, that doesn't really impair what I feel.
well now that you mention it...I have thought of a few more.

I don't like men who are really hairy.

I NEVER end up in bed with a man who has pubic hair. I warn them ahead of time, if you like your dick sucked then shave...I do them the same favor.
I am also always happy to help them with the shave. Gagging like a cat with a hair ball during oral sex is not attractive.

I don't find tattos sexy at all, I would run from a man with his penis pierced...

I don't like little men, I grew up in a family of large men and I feel strange out with someone who is shorter or smaller then me. I like it when a man looks like he can take alot of abuse in the bedroom without my fearing I will break a bone.

The HUGEST turn off for me is when the umbilical cord is still attached, that SO gets in the way.
Body stink and bad breath. Expecially the breath. Helps if the ***** is nice and clean, because I do like my PIE !!;)
Lethalfind said:
My turn off is bad teeth, I don't mean just crooked I mean stained etc. One of the dangers of working as a Dental Assistant for years.


A smile is the first thing I notice. :D

Another thing that really turns me off is when guys are ****y and think they are God's gift to women.
RoyalOrleans said:
Undersized clothing on the right body can be very sexy.
I suppose it depend on the body we are referring to. When I think undersized, I think of big girls in spandex or daisy-dukes. That is just nasty.
Even on a good body there is such a thing as too small. Breasts smashed flat by the shirt, and back-fat hanging over the top of undersized low riding jeans is just sloppy looking, even on a decent body.