What turns you off when it comes to a partner.

Vander said:
Women that smoke and women that cuss. I know it is hypocritical. I enjoy a good cigar, and I am certainly no saint when it comes to use of the more colorful parts of the English language, but it is different for women than men.
I like classy women, and those two things can ruin the most beautiful woman for me. There is nothing sexy or sultry about a woman with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. A woman that cusses like a sailor is not attractive. The word that most readily comes to mind when seeing these things is 'trashy'.

Smoking I can handle, I smoke and it is one more thing I have in common. Cursing? I can do without. I mean, everyone gets angry and shouts expletives. That's fine, we're only human. To have a woman curse in common everyday speech is just, as you say, trashy.
RoyalOrleans said:
Smoking I can handle, I smoke and it is one more thing I have in common. Cursing? I can do without. I mean, everyone gets angry and shouts expletives. That's fine, we're only human. To have a woman curse in common everyday speech is just, as you say, trashy.
There is something masculine about most women that smoke: the voice, the skin, even the mannerisms.
I agree that I don't mind hearing the occasional curse word that accompanies a stubbed toe, or a heated fight. It is the excessive use that is repulsive.

I am used to hearing cuss rather than curse. My best friend has corrected me many times, but it still doesn
RoyalOrleans said:
My hair color in my youth was red, but as I've aged it has turned darker and darker. I'm afraid any kids of mine will have red hair until they get pass their early teens.
I think it is just the pale skin and freckles that are usually present with the red hair. Girls don
phreakwars said:
Boy, builder doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell does he ??
Awe. Builder is cute in his own little way.

Outlaw2747 said:
Problem with women who make lists like this is that if you get ONE ding it is all over. Then again, who's to say I'm not choosy myself? :)
Yeah, but it cuts down on time, too.
Vander said:
There is nothing sexy or sultry about a woman with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. A woman that cusses like a sailor is not attractive. The word that most readily comes to mind when seeing these things is 'trashy'.

Nothing wrong with a gal enjoying a cigar/cigerette! (Makes you cool ya know)
As for the cussing, yah in pretty much anyone its not appealing to me. Just seems a sign of stupidity that they can't come up with clever things to say so they just shoot off pointless cussing.

As for Tori, a list is awfully black and white is it not. Consider the following;

Statment: "If a man is attractive, caring, intelligent and a good lover then you should marry him"
This is pretty true (Were just talking scenerios here)

Statement "If a man is caring, intelligent and a good lover you shouldn't marry him"

or "If a man is Attractive, caring and a good lover you shouldn't marry him"

Are the last 2 not BS?

Settling for less then perfect(Perfect being people's reletive ideas of perfection) is not only necessary, but completely acceptable. Besides, if somebody is only taking tickets from the 'perfect' men/women of the world then they must be assuming that they themselves are perfect.
eisanbt said:
As for Tori, a list is awfully black and white is it not. Consider the following;

Statment: "If a man is attractive, caring, intelligent and a good lover then you should marry him"
This is pretty true (Were just talking scenerios here)

Statement "If a man is caring, intelligent and a good lover you shouldn't marry him"

or "If a man is Attractive, caring and a good lover you shouldn't marry him"

Are the last 2 not BS?

Settling for less then perfect(Perfect being people's reletive ideas of perfection) is not only necessary, but completely acceptable. Besides, if somebody is only taking tickets from the 'perfect' men/women of the world then they must be assuming that they themselves are perfect.
The list is made up of guidelines, not rules. There are certain things that I find unattractive. I can't change that without shock therapy. There are some things that I can put up with more than others. Remember, I'm married, and I can tell you now, he isn't perfect.

In the scenario why should I go for the guy that is 'almost' perfect for me if I can have the guy that is perfect for me? Would you turn down Miss Perfect for Miss Almost Perfect?

By the way, I am perfect. Didn't you get the memo? I'll have to talk to Phreak about that.
ToriAllen said:
I think it is just the pale skin and freckles that are usually present with the red hair. Girls don’t look so bad with red hair.

It's that Scotch-Irish gene that is so prevalent in my family. I used to get into fights when I was a wee lad, because of my hair color. If I came home with a dotted eye or busted lip, my older brothers would ride the bus with me to school the next day.

Nobody, but nobody ****ed with my oldest brother. Rodger could make mincemeat out of anyone. I remember him getting suspended once for breaking some miserable *****'s nose which in turn blackened both eyes.

I don't recall ever being pale, but I guess my freckles made me look tan. Today, I have like five freckles.
RoyalOrleans said:
It's that Scotch-Irish gene that is so prevalent in my family. I don't recall ever being pale, but I guess my freckles made me look tan. Today, I have like five freckles.
My mother and grandfather are covered with freckles. Mom
I simply can't be around people who smoke. I have asthma and my lungs will fill up with junk sitting around a camp fire or sitting too close to fireworks.
Its not that I don't think people have the right to smoke, I absolutely do however I have a hard enough time breathing the semi clean air around me. I'm a goner with people smoking. Even heavy cologne can send me into not being able to breath. I'm 38 and I have had pneumonia twice. I don't want to try for a 3rd. So for me, smokers are completely out. I can't even take it on their clothes.
ToriAllen said:
Pale skin may not be pretty skin, but it is healthy skin.

That is very true. My grandmother has very fair skin, but she is almost ageless in her face. Aside from her stooped posture and silvery hair, from a distance you'd think a young girl was appoaching.
Lethalfind said:
I simply can't be around people who smoke. I have asthma and my lungs will fill up with junk sitting around a camp fire or sitting too close to fireworks.
Its not that I don't think people have the right to smoke, I absolutely do however I have a hard enough time breathing the semi clean air around me. I'm a goner with people smoking. Even heavy cologne can send me into not being able to breath. I'm 38 and I have had pneumonia twice. I don't want to try for a 3rd. So for me, smokers are completely out. I can't even take it on their clothes.

I guess after our sexual romp, Leth, I'll have to take my after-sex-cigarette outside. That is, unless, you are at my place and then you'll have to go outside.
Lethalfind said:
lolol, yea right...

Nonsmokers can go outside when I light up and come back in when I'm done. I have to go outside everywhere else, except in my own house. It's only cordial to respect the rules of my house.
RoyalOrleans said:
Nonsmokers can go outside when I light up and come back in when I'm done. I have to go outside everywhere else, except in my own house. It's only cordial to respect the rules of my house.

I'm so sensitive to the smell of smoke I don't go to peoples house that smoke in their house. I would have a problem being close to someone in my own home that had the smell of smoke on their clothes. You just have no idea how sensitive I am about smell. The smell of strong lotions or cologne also send me into coughing and gasping for air.
When I used to work for the insurance company I had to train people one on one. They would send me these hispanic women who had to PILE On the lotion and cologne perfume what the **** ever and I would have to ask them to stop as long as they were sitting with me.
I would get into a coughing fit and not be able to catch my breath. It can get so bad that I gag and throw up but by that time I have felt it coming and gotten to the bathroom...thank god.
Haven't you guys ever noticed the signs in Doctors office asking you not too wear perfume etc. Its because of asthmatics, we can't take it.
Lethalfind said:
The smell of strong lotions or cologne also send me into coughing and gasping for air.

I don't wear cologne at all, but I do wear fragrant deodorants. Nothing too alarming, though. The last few girlfriends I've had and my second wife loved the way I smell after a long, hard work day.
ToriAllen said:
Men under 6' tall
Men that are younger than me
Men with red hair
Men with curly hair
Sissy men
Men that don't get my humor/sarcasm and take everything I say at face value
Men that are too serious and uptight

1. That's me.
2. Yer
3. Nope
4. Kinda
5. If this refers to men who aren't "macho" Then this is me -- AND I'M PROUD OF IT
6. Of course I don't get your humor. YOU AREN'T FUNNY.
7. Me uptight? No Serious? **** yes.
You know what grosses me out now? When Bobby drinks beer. The smell of is is gross. I never noticed it when I wasn't pregnant because my sense of smell wasn't nearly as sensitive, and we usually were drinking together. Thank God he only drinks every once in a while.
RoyalOrleans said:
I don't wear cologne at all, but I do wear fragrant deodorants. Nothing too alarming, though. The last few girlfriends I've had and my second wife loved the way I smell after a long, hard work day.

that I can imagine...smell, look, taste...
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
1. That's me.
2. Nope
3. Kinda
4. If this refers to men who aren't "macho" Then this is me -- AND I'M PROUD OF IT
5. Of course I don't get your humor. YOU AREN'T FUNNY.
6. Me uptight? No Serious? **** yes.
Oh darn. You were my second choice for a mate next to my husband.:rolleyes:
While I was reading the thread about fetishes, I realized another thing that turns me off.
I can't stand peoples feet, don't mess with mine and I can gaurantee I won't mess with yours. My nails are painted, I keep the calouses off, I use special lotions, if part way through the day they feel dirty, I wash them with soap and water and sometimes a baby wipe. BUT please don' **** with my feet, thats just nasty.t