What turns you off when it comes to a partner.

What turns me off? It is quite simple really and I'll try to make this short. I smell a spinoff...

1) SLUTS: Girls who's sole purpose is to run around like a stupid starving vagina and spread their legs at the first sign of a penis. These creatures disgust me and are the main reasons for bringing MORE knuckledraggers in the world, not to mention the spread of STDs.

2) HUGE CHICKS: Not talking about thick girls or big boned ones (not everyone is going to be as thin as a model, I am talking about a walking blob of lipids here. A stand-in for Moby Dick movies. Obviously someone doesn't care about their body and then act as if they are a minority and the world owes them everything. If you don't care for your body, why should I care for it?

3) OVERSENSITIVITY: It is okay to have emotions. It is okay to be concerned or to be sad and scared. But if you are asking me EVERY SINGLE DAY "Who are you with?" "Do I look fat in this?" "Did you miss me? (after not speaking for ONE ****ING HOUR)" or any other stupid ****ing questions like that, chances are, you won't last with me. I'll eventually get sick of you and tell you off. I don't like being blamed for YOUR problems and I have a life other than just YOU. Super-jealous girls need to go away as well.

4) PARTY ANIMALS: If this is their only lifestyle, they will not be considered. I made this mistake before. Most girls my age don't go to a party JUST to dance. Nope, they go for one thing..FUN. And "fun" usually translates into: getting drunk and looking for dick. (yes I realize there are party-goers that don't engage in such sick activities and go for other less de-moralizing reasons so quit while you're ahead). Which leads me to the next thing that turns me off...

5) DRUNKS: Need I say more?

6) SMOKERS: Don't matter if it is Newport or weed. I hate it. If it is just cigs, that doesn't mean you are eliminated but count on be not being near you if you smoke.

7) FEMINAZIS: You guys know my standing on this issue. Also a reason why the Lifetime Channel needs to be oblierated.

8) BAD HYGIENE: Obvious enough.

9) GOLD DIGGERS: Sorry bitch, but I don't have a ATM sticker on my forehead. Get a life, or better yet, die. We have enough money grubbing parasites on the planet.

10) STUCK-UPPITIES: You are not a queen. You are not all that and a bag of chips. Your boobs are fake, you are a nobody, and you can **** off.

11) DON'T TOUCH MY FEET: For the few that do make it as my girlfriend, leave my peds alone. I won't bother yours, so you don't bother mine.

12) DON'T PLUCK MY EARS: An easy ticket for me to snap.

13) STUPIDITY: Being funny and goofing around is one thing. Being a moron isn't. Don't do it.

14) BITCHES: Self-explanatory.

15) OVERCROWDING: Just like you need your space, I need mine. I don't watch "the game" but I like to play "the game". Or read. Or take a ****. Some things aren't meant to be done together unless that is something we have in common. Please be courteous and realize this.

There are MANY MORE things that turn me off but I don't want to bore you people. Trust me, I can rant about this all night. But I'll spare you people. :)
I don't like it when the man I am with watches TV in bed.
Bed is for two things, sleeping and making love. Thats not too say that you can't make love other places however...NO TV IN BED !!!
Lethalfind said:
I don't like it when the man I am with watches TV in bed.
Bed is for two things, sleeping and making love. Thats not too say that you can't make love other places however...NO TV IN BED !!!


I've used my bed for sleeping and watching television all these years. It never occurred to me to make love there.