White People

Political correctness propaganda? What the hell are you talking about? Did you even read my posts?

And I think you are taking the "****ing retard" too seriously. I read the first few pages of this thread, and it was the most racist thing I'd ever seen. No one was even debating, they were just attacking people. So I called them ****ing retards. I wasn't calling all of WYPO retards, it was aimed at a couple people whose posts I read and thought..."wow you are ignorant." Okay?
Forty years of welfare have harmed blacks more than three hundred and fifty years of slavery and Jim Crow.
kiFF said:
If you think America is "the land of oportunity" and is completely fair, you are insane. First of all, who do you think the SAT's are written by? Lower-class blacks, right? Yea..okay lol. You think those tests are fair to minorities in poverty? Of course not. Obviously the rich white kids are going to princeton review and scoring high and getting into good colleges and getting good jobs. Meanwhile, you have some black kid at home (not all black kids, this is just an example, one I've seen a lot) whose parents do not value schooling. They don't want their kid "acting white". Studies show that parents who value schooling hav children who value schooling. But because the parents don't want their kid's ending up like those "white devils" they are keeping their child in what economists call "the circle of poverty". The parents are poor, their kids will be poor, and THEIR kids will be poor. And they can't get out of this circle. We need SOMETHING to help them get out. Maybe affirmative action isn't the ideal solution, but SOMETHING needs to be done.

Why do whites from families making less than 10K a year outscore blacks from families making over 100k on the SAT? Answer that question PC pussyboy.

Mental tests do tend to be biased against stupid people.
Why do whites from families making less than 10K a year outscore blacks from families making over 100k on the SAT? Answer that question PC pussyboy.

Source please? Because I've read that blacks score just as high as whites at the same income level.
kiFF said:
Source please? Because I've read that blacks score just as high as whites at the same income level.

Source please?

Here's a source for Hugo's argument a little bit: Link to PDF File

Still, I'd like to see some comparitive scores based on income and locale.
kiFF said:
Source please? Because I've read that blacks score just as high as whites at the same income level.


Please give your source now, as already requested. Don't debate on here if you are ignorant of the subject matter.

From my source The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

But there is a major flaw in the thesis that income differences explain the racial gap. Consider these three observable facts from The College Board's 2005 data on the SAT:

• Whites from families with incomes of less than $10,000 had a mean SAT score of 993. This is 129 points higher than the national mean for all blacks.

• Whites from families with incomes below $10,000 had a mean SAT test score that was 61 points higher than blacks whose families had incomes of between $80,000 and $100,000.

• Blacks from families with incomes of more than $100,000 had a mean SAT score that was 85 points below the mean score for whites from all income levels, 139 points below the mean score of whites from families at the same income level, and 10 points below the average score of white students from families whose income was less than $10,000.
That IS interesting data. But It conflicts with all the things I've read. My Source came from Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt. He said "a high socioeconomic status is strongly correlated to higher test scores" and "socioeconomic status is a strong indicator of success in general". He also mentioned how a black student and a white student from the same income level score exactly the same on tests. I can't find the quote for that right now though.

So I wasn't ignorant on the subject matter, YOU could be a little more open minded you know.
kiFF said:
That IS interesting data. But It conflicts with all the things I've read. My Source came from Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt. He said "a high socioeconomic status is strongly correlated to higher test scores" and "socioeconomic status is a strong indicator of success in general". He also mentioned how a black student and a white student from the same income level score exactly the same on tests. I can't find the quote for that right now though.

So I wasn't ignorant on the subject matter, YOU could be a little more open minded you know.

So now it's OUR fault?

Looks like your source was pretty damn unreliable. That is why I always verify my information before throwing it out for public viewing. Actually, the Levitt quotes you supply are accurate. On average the greater family income the higher SAT scores. It is the quote, that you can't supply, that is false.
kiFF said:
What the hell are you talking about? Calm down, all you've done is bitch at me this whole time. What's your problem?

I don't have a problem... yet. Want to make a problem?

Don't fly in here like gangbusters, telling folk what's what, and expect a warm welcome.
That's bullcrap. What, because I said people were ****ing retards? I felt that way because like I said, everyone was so god dam racist. It wasn't even a debate, people were just saying "go back to africa".
Ok I found this in the book:

"ECLS data reveal that black students in good schools don't lose ground to their white counterparts, and black students in good schools outperform whites in poor schools". So I was wrong about the income part. It's just that a black kid and white kid in the same shool do just as well. This is what the data says.
"It’s not what you don’t know that disturbs me, it’s what you know that isn’t true!" Ronald Reagan
kiFF said:
Ok I found this in the book:

"ECLS data reveal that black students in good schools don't lose ground to their white counterparts, and black students in good schools outperform whites in poor schools". So I was wrong about the income part. It's just that a black kid and white kid in the same shool do just as well. This is what the data says.

That is another lie. Blacks, in the same schools, score significantly below whites on average.