Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons

Oh that is ****ing it... tomaust you will remain in the idiot box until you start expressing your OWN opinion, I don't wanna read this bullshit you post, and neither does anyone else.
Hamza123 said:
Tomaust, people don't like to read extensivley long posts about Islam... Well atleast people on these forums.

If you want their attention, and if you want to defend your beliefs, show them what your beliefs are!! Because I know just because you can make some very long posts, doesn't mean you're evil. Just simply speak your mind, not what others have to say!

I hope you take that advice.

Phreak has defended you... Just because he's not a Muslim, doesn't mean he's an asshole. He's a good guy. Hell, a lot of Muslims are bigger assholes in some cases, you just gotta' learn to accomodate all!
my so dear freakwars i apologize to you sir and to all members but this is what i think,it expresses my own point of view,notice that i stick to the subject,if my posts are so long to read that is because i take my thread very seriously and i want to present you all facts,all details,and because i have lots of serious statements to say and post,please forgive me dear sir and i assure you i will shorten my posts and threads and replies to satisfy all members,notice also in this section "what pisses you off" only my two threads "whu america is hated" and "the prophet" attract the largest number of viewers and posters more 1300 viewers for both threads,it shows you how serious and important and interesting my threads are,i am so sorry sir ,i just want to contribute to the success of this wonderful forum,i give you facts and links and documents and perspectives that you can never find in usual american controled media and internet websites.thank you again dir sir for having me here
with my kindest regards and best wishes to you and to all members and moderators
tomaust said:
my so dear freakwars i apologize to you sir and to all members but this is what i think,it expresses my own point of view,notice that i stick to the subject,if my posts are so long to read that is because i take my thread very seriously and i want to present you all facts,all details,and because i have lots of serious statements to say and post,please forgive me dear sir and i assure you i will shorten my posts and threads and replies to satisfy all members,notice also in this section "what pisses you off" only my two threads "whu america is hated" and "the prophet" attract the largest number of viewers and posters more 1300 viewers for both threads,it shows you how serious and important and interesting my threads are,i am so sorry sir ,i just want to contribute to the success of this wonderful forum,i give you facts and links and documents and perspectives that you can never find in usual american controled media and internet websites.thank you again dir sir for having me here
with my kindest regards and best wishes to you and to all members and moderators
See, now THAT is a bit better, you explained to us in your own words your reasonings. Now you need to just carry on that same tactic in your other posts as well. NOBODY here wants to read facts and details, we want to read about personal thoughts. That is what you need to understand,... we do not need to be bored with details, we just want internal expression.
phreakwars said:
See, now THAT is a bit better, you explained to us in your own words your reasonings. Now you need to just carry on that same tactic in your other posts as well. NOBODY here wants to read facts and details, we want to read about personal thoughts. That is what you need to understand,... we do not need to be bored with details, we just want internal expression.

Facts and data should only be used to back up your opinion.

If Suzie says "Jesus was gay" and has nothing to back it up, people are going to rip her to shreds.

But if Suzie offers evidence from one of the 4 gospels, and she didn't take it out of context, she will start earning respect from us. Or at least we won't rip her to shreds.

See how this works?
thank you for you post dear freakwars,please can you take me out of "the idiot box"?thank you dear sir
tomaust said:
thank you for you post dear freakwars,please can you take me out of "the idiot box"?thank you dear sir

As of right now, you might as well not even ask. I don't think you have met Phreak's requirements, aka speak your mind more and he will probably let you out.
thank you dear jokersarewild for your post,but if members keep negging me this will not encourage our so dear moderators to take me out of "the idiot box" and will put pressure on them to bann me for no valuable reasons.
**** you if you think your converting a bunch of people becuse of so many hits on the thread. I'll bet 10 people out of 1400 accutally read your crap!!:mad:
And yes I broke my promise to not reply to your **** thread again!
tomaust said:
thank you dear jokersarewild for your post,but if members keep negging me this will not encourage our so dear moderators to take me out of "the idiot box" and will put pressure on them to bann me for no valuable reasons.

Our mods don't bow down to peer pressure.
dear snafu my religion,my culture,my civilisation,my honorable ,noble and respectfull education don't allow me to respond you with your ugly naughty rude vulgar words,islam teach me to respect you and respect all the people of the world, islam teach me to adore and cherish all prophets all religions,islam teach me honor,respect,dignity,wisdom,truth,friendship,brotherhood,kindness,peace,love
tomaust said:
dear snafu my religion,my culture,my civilisation,my honorable ,noble and respectfull education don't allow me to respond you with your ugly naughty rude vulgar words,islam teach me to respect you and respect all the people of the world, islam teach me to adore and cherish all prophets all religions,islam teach me honor,respect,dignity,wisdom,truth,friendship,brotherhood,kindness,peace,love

Do you have a left testicle?
your teachings also taught you to predicate your sentences and keep them all lowercase letters without proper punctuation and not capitalization of personal pronouns nor being able to keep them intellegible and forthright and spot on the subject but moreover keep running on and rambling nonsensical bullshit.
tomaust said:
dear snafu my religion,my culture,my civilisation,my honorable ,noble and respectfull education don't allow me to respond you with your ugly naughty rude vulgar words,islam teach me to respect you and respect all the people of the world, islam teach me to adore and cherish all prophets all religions,islam teach me honor,respect,dignity,wisdom,truth,friendship,brotherhood,kindness,peace,love

I guess your going to hell then. You just responded. Not to mention your in the wrong religon.
tomaust said:
dear snafu my religion,my culture,my civilisation,my honorable ,noble and respectfull education don't allow me to respond you with your ugly naughty rude vulgar words,islam teach me to respect you and respect all the people of the world, islam teach me to adore and cherish all prophets all religions,islam teach me honor,respect,dignity,wisdom,truth,friendship,brotherhood,kindness,peace,love
dear tomaust do you have to keep writing these annoying letter style posts every time you decide to assert your own opinion? are you so insecure about your opinion that you have to distance yourself from it by using formality? i think you are smart. i also think you have the capacity to not only read and believe the views of other but to also form new and interesting ideas and arguments of your own. please don't prove me wrong. it is alright to draw from the works of others, but you need to think beyond them. add something to them. make the arguments stronger using your own logic. and please stop with the 'letters', 'kay.
snafu said:
I guess your going to hell then. You just responded. Not to mention your in the wrong religon.

Common' man, I would never tell you that you're in the wrong religion! Everyone caters to their own beliefs. And if Islam happens to be one, than so be it.
Hamza123 said:
Common' man, I would never tell you that you're in the wrong religion! Everyone caters to their own beliefs. And if Islam happens to be one, than so be it.

I was being facetious.;)
tomaust said:
dear snafu my religion,my culture,my civilisation,my honorable ,noble and respectfull education don't allow me to respond you with your ugly naughty rude vulgar words,islam teach me to respect you and respect all the people of the world, islam teach me to adore and cherish all prophets all religions,islam teach me honor,respect,dignity,wisdom,truth,friendship,brotherhood,kindness,peace,love
You forgot "bomb,rape,pillage,murder,terrorize,kidnap,kill,destroy,loot,etc"
Lethalfind said:
I'm doubting he has either a left or a right...

"my dear freakwars" ???????

What the **** is that ?

For all we know tomaust is a female secrectly using her husbands computer while he's out humping camels.

True Islam is ok; The Islam of Bin Laden and rest his motley crew is NOT true islam. It's the Islamic equivelent of devil worship.

Osama (Usama) needs to go purchase the services of a hooker and ride her until he is so relaxed he cannot remember why he is mad at jews and christians.

What a douchebag! Osama bin douchebag!!!!

I have always wondered how many of Bin Laden's children are genetically related to a camel.