Then ask yourself this TJ... Abortions have been performed for decades WITHOUT the use of ultrasound. How is it possible that this was able to occur if an ultra sound is medically necessary to the procedure?
I can answer that for you, so you don't have to spend the next hour typing your little fingers off: They aren't. They aren't even necessary to determine gestational age.
Try to separate "medically necessary" from "morally required" for this argument.
They are not medically necessary. I'm not sure that anyone is arguing that they are.
That doesn't take away from their relevance.
My thought is that they should still be required. At least let the lady make an informed decision.
Women are forced or coerced into deciding to have abortions everyday, be it by boyfriends, husbands, parents, friends, clinic doctors, etc. etc... Sometimes they don't really want to have an abortion, sometimes it's used like birth control. Having a procedure that allows them to see the baby that they will be murdering could strengthen the resolve of some of these women. It may change their minds about killing the miracle growing inside them, or it could make them decide that they're not ready for kids... There are several sides to this coin.