{Wood'z Journal Act 2}


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I'm not. I wrote him a letter and that letter contained some meaningful words (as I'm still in the state of shock about it and didn't know how to put everything reasonably). I'm going to delete him out of my life after last night's incident even if he somehow begs for me to stay in his life as anything. I'm not going to be treated the way he treated me last night. For a good couple of hours, I thought he was going to come into my room/the house and roll my place. I'm just so sleep deprived right now.


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This is exactly what I was referring to on the phone all those times you would ring in tears, actually, remember a week or two ago, this was what I was predicting. There's no joy in being proven right at all, and thank *** nothing worse came of it, but for the love of ******* *** would you just listen to the rest of us for ONCE and leave this (I can't even say what I really want) alone once and for all?! Jesus I'm getting mad just writing this. I care for you Sarah, you're a good friend, but there is only so much you can expect a friend to support you before the monotany and insult of being perpetually ignored becomes too much.

For ***'s sake if you need the security go back home for a while just to get him out of your life completely. You need to cut him off not just intend it. He wormed his way back time and time again and you keep allowing it. Do you want him to kill you before you get the message?



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I got the message loud and clear last night from him. I'm just so shocked that trying to do the right thing by him I ended up getting the bitter end of the stick. I know I haven't really listened to you guys, like I said in the letter -

"I don't want to go back to the manipulating, mind-controlling games..." and "I'm not going to go back and put myself in a situation where I'm the one that is going to be set alight (metaphorically speaking)" "It's unexcusable for what you did and yet you seem have shown no remorse as you walked past me as you were being kicked out". (I wanted to see his Walk of Shame that's why I waited for him to go..I was next to a bouncer anyway, so I felt safe.)

I didn't even know he was at the Vic until I ran into him with my friends. I don't know right now, I'm still emotional and peeved off that I have to see him today to give him the letter and get my **** from his place or else I know I'm never going to do it. Gonna call Imogen for her to come along.



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I have a feeling that Daniel's already out to achieve my goal, have an AVO on another. So how did it start?

Well I went over after talking to my brother about the situation, got Maccas and then knocked a couple of times at the door. No answer, so place 3 page letter addressed to Daniel down under door and then he reappears behind the gate. He then told me that he would get my stuff and then the reason why he was behind the gate was because he didn't want us to come in contact with one another. So I sat on the porch and then Kate's bf came out, felt sorry for me for some reason and let me in. So I walked into his room there he was lying on the floor doing nothing, so I went to my corner of the room, dropping the letter down on the ground and telling him "anytime" for him to read it. So he read it and he seemed unimpressed by what was said.

Now comes the juicy part.

I basically kept asking him questions because I said I would rather a happily deletion of his character than a bad deletion where questions remained unanswered and that I would only be reappearing back in his life for the answers to these questions. So I gave him the questions and basically, he blamed all last night on me, saying that I was "assaulting" him by tugging at his shirt and pulling at him. And that almost breaking my fingers was an act of defence. And that he removed himself from the Vic and he wasn't kicked out.

I asked where my money was, where my stuff was and where my food was, and he said that I am not going to get any of the above back for going to the cops last night. So I lost control, stood up quickly from my corner and slapped in him across the face. He then stormed out of the house and called the cops. I went back to my corner thought about my actions, decided they were a bit out of control and I needed to regain self control again, thus, I needed to go for a walk. So I got back up, took his phone and stormed out. So I called up Imogen asked her what she was up to and nothing much. Then went to the park and called Liam and told him basically I'm losing control of myself. He said he couldn't do anything because he was about to start work but he said txt him to update him.

One major thing he pointed out was -

"The cops ain't going to do ****. They don't care about break ups. They rather care about black kids bashing people up on the side of the road. If he's gone to get an AVO against you, that's a good six months in the court, he's dragging it on and it's just all words."

Agreed. But the funny thing is, he was taunting me to get an AVO put on him, not the other way around. Jesus, I wasn't even planning to talk to him. He wouldn't let ME get MY stuff and he didn't anyway in the long run! He just loves provoking me that *******. He knows how to **** me off and in someone with a mind like mine, when I'm ****** off I can lose self-control. I've shown in my history and really, the uni councillor is doing jackshit about helping me. Makes me wanna grab a knife and something, and then we'll see if Daniel is human, if he is, he'll pour out red blood. If he isn't pouring out red blood, there's something ******* wrong with him.

Walking home, pouring down rain. It felt good for it to rain on me. Then Imogen saw me and gave me a lift home. Thank ***, no cops. BUT one thing I have to work on, NO YELLING AT THE COPS !!! ****, they **** me off. It's in the family. They **** my brother off easily, and they somehow **** me off easily.

And all the people who don't know what an AVO is go to this website >> http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au/lawlink/local_courts/ll_localcourts.nsf/pages/lc_avo1

I thank modern technology nowadays that I ain't pregnant. Or some **** would've been stirred even more. Especially when he's made it clear to me several times that if I were, he ain't sticking around. **** him seriously.




New member


By the end of the night, we swore Brie was smashed. Hehe.



Laura was looking at the wrong camera, Brie still doesn't look normal. I'm tawl.


Some randoms.


I look evil and Liz looks prettiful :)


Margo <3s the finger. Aaron, I and Phil are being camera whores.



New member
Sarah here is your letter thingy I said I would write. I would have done it earlier but I have been very sick recently. It sucks that in the 3-4 years we have been here we never really talked until what the last 3 or 4. It was fun though and I am glad you let me in your LPF family. I would write more, but I am not doing good right now. Peace.







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Well I'm overally unimpressed. I can't/don't want to talk to him because I feel like I'll lose self control and probs end up in jail or some ****. I don't want to get Kate involved cos let's just say, she's isn't like normal humans. I don't know what happens at times. It's like something in my head that tells me that its ok to physically attack specifically him. I guess he's done a lot of things to push me over the edge at times, so this was kinda expected. I've still got his phone and no one has called and I haven't touched it, I'm just waiting how long it takes him to realise that his phone is missing and I doubt he could pin me to anything. I mean, how can he prove that I slapped him across the face if he were to charge me with assault? No one else was there to start with. It's my word against his. Plain and simple.

Dammit, I'm just not happy unless I see him suffer more and more. I was tempted to take his philosophy notes and just anything I could fit into my pockets or bag. I want to see him suffer - just like how he made me suffer through all the manipulation and mind controlling games. Ergh!



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Okay I've been told I basically cannot go back to photography....both Dark Room and Adv. Digital Imaging, because I kinda didnt know that since I failed last term's photography course, it was a prerequisite....so I'm putting an end to my university misery, well the school admin is, I'm going to go back to either Bathurst to stay with Dad or go to Sydney and stay with Mum. Taking a year off, and going to ask for leave. Go out and work. Like, taking a year off had been in the back of my mind for a while but I just wasn't sure. I think I'm sure...I think I think I think!!

I'm an emotional wreck today.



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Actually I think she'll adjust better knowing you'll be away from D after the stress of the last few weeks, she might be annoyed and frustrated for all the backwards and forwards and indecisiveness you've had this year over study, but as a parent I reckon deep down she'll actually be all for this. Just don't put it off. Not only will you cause more trouble for yourself BUT if you're quick you can still wrangle the sympathy vote ;)


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It's not the sympathy vote I'm after, I'm after the understanding vote, in which I try to get every time I tell her what's been happening up here.


New member
She listens but listening and understanding to me, are two different things. I feel like she doesn't understand how I feel about the uni situation because the last time I brought it up she was like "You're ******* nuts to leave.."


New member
She listens but listening and understanding to me, are two different things. I feel like she doesn't understand how I feel about the uni situation because the last time I brought it up she was like "You're ******* nuts to leave.."
If you're looking for understanding you may be looking for sth that aint there and driving yourself crazy in the process. I still dont understand you and D and that's not new news to you, but just because I don't understand doesn't mean I don't care. It frustrates me, it ****** me off, I feel sorry for you, but really in the long run, I just have to accept it. I think your mum will be the same. And she won't understand the way you want her to anyway, she didn't go through what you did with study or D. Cut the woman some slack too. Mother's have a habit of masking fear with anger. She may not 'get it' and never will, but you shouldn't try and force her to either if she doesn't, accept it and move on. When she sees you adapt in your life outside of study she'll get over it. Bottom line she'd want to see you happy - right now her idea of what would make you happy and your idea of it would not be the same thing... be patient.



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I'll try that's all I can really do.

I know what boat you're on with me and D. I'm sorta on it as well, well now anywho. Urgh, I think why I get the way I do at times is because I tried so hard to work and improve our relationship but at the same time I wasn't ready to admit **** all and did not a thing about it. I don't know right now, about D, and I don't want to. I haven't contacted him at all today was tempted to walk over to his place but was afraid that he would call the cops over a simple little matter, I hate him when he drags the cops into it, I really do. I still haven't gotten my stuff back at all, and I want it back, along with the money he owes me...

Ma knows what went down, but still, I think she doesn't get it sometimes, especially when we break into an argument and I walk away/hang up.



New member
Amusing to see the older generations embrace new technology - considering my mother doesn't even own a computer for fears Big Brother will somehow quote 'get her' *shakes head* Yup... awesome.
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