You're not buying this "competition" horsesh!t are you?


New member
wow! 150K a year is now classified as lower middle class? I must be sub-low then.
You do know that was a bull line by Obama don't you? Cap and Trade will put taxes on everybody. How do you think we're gonna pay for all this debt?



New member
Your mean. And when he pulls into the bushes and has his way with you I hope you won't be able to identify him! :p
I will. It was the faceless man with the miniature weiner! :p



New member
I will. It was the faceless man with the miniature weiner! :p
Line from Adventures of Ford Fairlane...

One of the Pussycats from Josie and the Pussycats, to Ford, "It looked like a ****, but only smaller".



Active Members
You do know that was a bull line by Obama don't you? Cap and Trade will put taxes on everybody. How do you think we're gonna pay for all this debt?
Magic.......and hope :)

Oh......don't forget change.



New member
Don't forget it was GW's expansion of medicaid that gave Obama the opportunity to declare our current healthcare system is unsustainable. Don't forget when we compare US vs. Canada healthcare systems we are simply comparing a 70% socialist system against a 90% socialist system.


New member
We've known for a while that Democrats love to appeal to emotion, rather than logic. This would be because liberalism is a philosophy based on emotion rather than fact rationality. We particularly discovered this during the last presidential campaign. That's why they have developed a particular fondness for focus groups ... and they are ecstatic when they discover words like "change" that can fit brilliantly on campaign signs.

So now the Democrats are trying to use the same tactic to pass their precious healthcare reform. Their goal: to dupe middle-class Americans into believing it will help them achieve a better level of healthcare then they presently receive.

Third Way, a think tank, is circulating a memo on Capitol Hill and through the administration explaining how Americans "need to be convinced of the value of what they are buying." Now here is the dangerous line, folks. The memo says, "Stability can offer that."

The American people are no longer in love with freedom. What the American people want is security ... another way of saying "stability" ... and that is exactly what the current Democrat Party plans to give 'em.

Now, back to this memo. Jim Kessler, who co-authored this memo, says "Most of the current words used to describe and sell reform are computational words -- cost, access, quality ... They are Mr. Spock words, not Dr. Spock words. ... You need to use terms that are warm, evocative and emotional." Here we go with this "emotional" versus "logical" argument again. Yeah ... terms like "change you can believe in."

The memo also offers Obama some suggestions on how to frame his message: "Stable coverage that cannot be taken away from you through life's ups and downs. Stable costs that won't eat away an increasing share of your paycheck. Stable quality so you can get the treatment you need, when you need it, and from the doctor you choose."

Apparently Democrats are catching on to this idea of stability. According to a June 23rd memo distributed to House Democrat Caucus members, "stability and peace of mind" are to be included its daily talking points. So there are now four buzz words for Obama's healthcare plan: cost, choice, quality -- and stability.

OK ... so let me play with this idea of a "stable" lifestyle for a moment. How would one define a stable lifestyle? Let's see ... you are guaranteed a place to live. That's stability, right? So, you have a place to live, what more could you want? How about a guarantee of three meals a day! Getting more stable all the time. Now let's throw in a guaranteed job, and just to top things off we'll include health care! Sound good? Well .. this wonderful "stable" lifestyle is available to you right now! Just commit a crime heinous enough to get you sent to prison.

That's what we're building for ourselves in America, folks. We're all going to have a life of security and stability in a gilded prison.



Active Members
That's what we're building for ourselves in America, folks. We're all going to have a life of security and stability in a gilded prison.
And you have people like Bender who are educated enough to understand this fact but who believe that "security" is better than freedom.

I call it the castration of society, we are timid, weak, and need to be taken care of.



New member
I never said anything about Americans being timid and weak, that's just how you guys view anyone not in your class. The poor already get subsidized, are THEY timid and weak?





Active Members
I never said anything about Americans being timid and weak, that's just how you guys view anyone not in your class. The poor already get subsidized, are THEY timid and weak?.


The poor are poor because they want to be poor 99% of the time. Wallowing in their "downtrodden" status offers comfort. It is easier to complain and hold your hand out for "free" goodies from the Government than to actually go out there and work.

Again, Bender, you do not live the way you preach, I wonder at how you can work hard and take responsibility for your own prosperity but you also believe other people do not have the same ability you have.



New member
99% are poor because they want to be?

There is no other rebuttal for you then, YOU ARE A ****** JERK.

It's more like 99% are poor because people take for granted the remedial jobs they do that no one else wants to do, and pay them less. It's that whole class argument again. The lowly waitress at the coffee shop is not worthy of better wages, she is scum.





Active Members
99% are poor because they want to be?
There is no other rebuttal for you then, YOU ARE A ****** JERK.

It's more like 99% are poor because people take for granted the remedial jobs they do that no one else wants to do, and pay them less. It's that whole class argument again. The lowly waitress at the coffee shop is not worthy of better wages, she is scum.
The waitress does not have to "STAY" a waitress. I do not look down on a waitress or anyone else but I see the fact that only that person can undergo the actions to improve their life.

Just like your doing now Bender. You lost your job and your now taking action, big action at that, to improve your situation, bold really.

Again, why do you live a life of taking action to be responsible for yourself but you preach that some people are incapable of doing the same thing?

If anyone is "looking down" on people it is you. Your saying some people "can't" take care of themselves. That somehow they are too stupid to function the way you function. I say 99% of the people in this world have the same abilities me and you have to find a way........if they are motivated with the same work ethic we have that is.

That low man seeks a little thing to do, Sees it and does it; This high man, with a great thing to pursue, Dies ere he knows it. That low man goes on adding one to one, His hundreds soon hit: His high man, aiming at a million, Misses an unit. ~ Robert Browning



New member
99% are poor because they want to be?
There is no other rebuttal for you then, YOU ARE A ****** JERK.
The percentage may not be that high, but I am going to be a fukken jerk as well.

No one wants to be poor, yet very few have the ability to bring themselves out of their economic situation.

The average so-called "poor" person in a America has a higher standard of living than the average European. Let's not even compare them to third world countries.

It's more like 99% are poor because people take for granted the remedial jobs they do that no one else wants to do, and pay them less. It's that whole class argument again. The lowly waitress at the coffee shop is not worthy of better wages, she is scum.
You work for the money you want to make. If you are making minimum wage after six months with a company, then it is time for you to move on.

And now we have Mexicans to do those remedial type jobs and do they complain? Despite their status in this country, the average Mexican "landscaper" is more proud of their lifestyle than the average slum-dwelling WASP or black.

Do Mexicans act entitled to this and that and the other? No. They keep their heads down, do their job, and continually beat Americans out of jobs because they are willing to do what it takes to make a better life.



New member
Do Mexicans act entitled to this and that and the other? No. They keep their heads down, do their job, and continually beat Americans out of jobs because they are willing to do what it takes to make a better life.

For the first couple generations. Then, unfortunately, too often they learn too much from the American kids, that they are entitled to this, entitled to that just like everyone else.



Active Members
Do Mexicans act entitled to this and that and the other? No. They keep their heads down, do their job, and continually beat Americans out of jobs because they are willing to do what it takes to make a better life.
The best installer I have is a green card holding Cuban. In over three years he has called in not able to come to work 2 times. He has been sick and I have sent him home for it but he has always made it to work outside of those two days.

He has earned steady raises by being the most dependable installer I have. To put it in his words "I got bills to pay man". He is always the first guy to volunteer for overtime and out of town work. He never complains about work conditions or needing new tools, in fact I see him trying to make do with worn out tools all the time and I have to just get him new ones and swap them out.



New member
For the first couple generations. Then, unfortunately, too often they learn too much from the American kids, that they are entitled to this, entitled to that just like everyone else.
Then that will pave the way for a new ethnicity to pick up where the Mexicans/Latino left off.



Active Members
I like the part where the woman had to wait a year for treatment and lost both her legs because of the wait......but some people think America can be the exception.

I love it when the idiots spout "we are the only advanced Nation without universal healthcare". Well sure, every other Nation that has it has proven it sucks, why should we follow them over the cliff?

Why not learn from their mistakes and avoid such horrible abuse of our people?

Universal healthcare sucks universally for everyone.

I also liked where two different people in the Canadian medical system advised the guys to seek their medical needs at private establishments. So even the workers of the system are admitting it is hopeless to get help.

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