We've known for a while that Democrats love to appeal to emotion, rather than logic. This would be because liberalism is a philosophy based on emotion rather than fact rationality. We particularly discovered this during the last presidential campaign. That's why they have developed a particular fondness for focus groups ... and they are ecstatic when they discover words like "change" that can fit brilliantly on campaign signs.
So now the Democrats are trying to use the same tactic to pass their precious healthcare reform. Their goal: to dupe middle-class Americans into believing it will help them achieve a better level of healthcare then they presently receive.
Third Way, a think tank, is circulating a memo on Capitol Hill and through the administration explaining how Americans "need to be convinced of the value of what they are buying." Now here is the dangerous line, folks. The memo says, "Stability can offer that."
The American people are no longer in love with freedom. What the American people want is security ... another way of saying "stability" ... and that is exactly what the current Democrat Party plans to give 'em.
Now, back to this memo. Jim Kessler, who co-authored this memo, says "Most of the current words used to describe and sell reform are computational words -- cost, access, quality ... They are Mr. Spock words, not Dr. Spock words. ... You need to use terms that are warm, evocative and emotional." Here we go with this "emotional" versus "logical" argument again. Yeah ... terms like "change you can believe in."
The memo also offers Obama some suggestions on how to frame his message: "Stable coverage that cannot be taken away from you through life's ups and downs. Stable costs that won't eat away an increasing share of your paycheck. Stable quality so you can get the treatment you need, when you need it, and from the doctor you choose."
Apparently Democrats are catching on to this idea of stability. According to a June 23rd memo distributed to House Democrat Caucus members, "stability and peace of mind" are to be included its daily talking points. So there are now four buzz words for Obama's healthcare plan: cost, choice, quality -- and stability.
OK ... so let me play with this idea of a "stable" lifestyle for a moment. How would one define a stable lifestyle? Let's see ... you are guaranteed a place to live. That's stability, right? So, you have a place to live, what more could you want? How about a guarantee of three meals a day! Getting more stable all the time. Now let's throw in a guaranteed job, and just to top things off we'll include health care! Sound good? Well .. this wonderful "stable" lifestyle is available to you right now! Just commit a crime heinous enough to get you sent to prison.
That's what we're building for ourselves in America, folks. We're all going to have a life of security and stability in a gilded prison.