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Everything posted by phreakwars

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OywzvHLGbmY
  2. So which tax would that be that's went up? Never did see an answer. . .
  3. Nope, I stand by my last statement. The more people educate themselves about religion, the more they know how full of shit it is. Just ask former Catholic priest Ray Fontaine: http://www.deism.com/to-natures-god.net/ . .
  4. Your thinking of George Bush senior. Obama never promised no new taxes.. . . And you claim I am stupid? So which tax would that be that's went up? Never did see an answer. . .
  5. A large number of Deists (which I am), are composed of Ex Catholic's (which I also am). We understand the bible so much, that it can make you sick. Peg one against a Christian on the game show Jeopardy and my money's on the Deist/Ex Catholic. I'd say this statement is 100% accurate: . .
  6. http://thethingsrepublicanshate.com/
  7. So which tax would that be that's went up? . .
  8. Your thinking of George Bush senior. Obama never promised no new taxes.. . .
  9. Boy you have an excuse for everything, don't ya TJ. . .
  10. Then you tuned out of listening. There are several way. Medicare buy in, increase in the (measley 1.3%) medicare tax, but let's not get into that. Your slow, we understand why you don't get it. . .
  11. That wasn't the point he was making. The point he was making, was the REASON people were against it. For instance I MYSELF was against it. Go back and look at my old posts and you'll see this holds true. Had it been improved on, I would have liked to see it pass. The one that was passed into law, had too much Republican ass kissing smeared on it which made it useless and corporate endorsed. Progressives don't like big business, remember. Right wingers do. . .
  12. Yet another fine example of how TJ is too stupid to know he's stupid. Let's get this right. Obama is ALLEGEDLY a progressive. He proves he is progressive by using the normal politics that a progressive uses. He's so progressive in fact, that he went "MAVERICK" and "ROGUE" on progressives and never did what the progressives wanted. Anybody else catch the total stupidity in that assessment? . .
  13. Happy Birthday. These were on sale, so I got you a cake too. [attach=full]3031[/attach] . .
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExzINsaq4LI
  15. Generic answer that you always dodge, yet accuse me of the same shit. HOW would they do it? They sure haven't done it in the last 8 years, why should ANYBODY expect change with Right wingers in control? What services are Republicans gonna cut? What big sacrifices and boot strap pulling are Republicans gonna do? The REAL answer Borrow 700 billion from the fucking chinese to give tax cuts to the wealthy, then accuse the rest of us of being fucking socialist class war players when we bitch about it. Where's that deficit reducing plan? Borrowing 700 billion ain't reducing deficits, no matter how much you wanna spin it. . .
  16. So where is it TJ? Where is that great Republican alternative solution that would have fixed us starting on Jan 20 2009? What was the timeline on that promise? That's a pathetic excuse. The economy hasn't recovered in 18 months after 8 years of Republican abuse, so it's a total failure? What kind of crock of shit is that? Keep dreaming. . .
  17. Works for me. Right wing SCOTUS judges already gave corporations the go ahead to buy elections, might as well bribe some unions. . .
  18. There's the problem right there. Your trying to make a comparison to different types (stereotype) government.. Who said anything about giving handouts? What handouts, I want mine. And what the fuck are you talking about business is the enemy? Nevermind, your talking out your ass with parroted Hannity shit just like you were programmed. Like you always do. You make bullshit claims and can't back them up with evidence of any sort. So where's that socialism at were all doomed to be under? Everything the progressives have done has ended in failure? Again, since your a complete fucking MORON. There are NO progressives except Kucinich and Grayson and a couple others. Obama is NOT a fucking progressive Glen... oh excuse me... ALEX. Get AT LEAST one fucking fact straight for once in your life. . .
  19. http://www.huffingto...t_n_735911.html SURRREE THEY WERE... Yep, the good ole' GOP, sure looking out for them small business owners. Just four hours after unveiling the pledge, which included a promise to give small business tax deductions, Republicans went back to the House and voted against $12 billion in tax cuts for small businesses. Only one Republican voted for it. Oh yeah, they're on OUR SIDE, TEAM AMERICA, GO REPUBLICANS. . .
  20. Yep. Trickle up poverty, the Progressive plan. Can't wait. 100% fear mongering to yourself. That's why our opinions on this will never change. You believe your own fears, and parrot them like they are fact. That is no where close to what the plan of action is.. what, fuck all the unemployed? Guess I will NEVER EVER EVER hear a REAL Republican proposal for our nation. Just complaints. . .
  21. I'd be supportive of a Republican President (like I was Bush & Bob Dole), if they actually had ideas. Fact of the matter is, none of them do... All any of them have is a stupid talking point about lower taxes, smaller government... when confronted with "HOW WILL YOU LOWER TAXES, WHAT WILL YOU DO" all you get from these morons is the run around. Vote for THAT? Hell no. The Republican party needs to straighten it's shit out before I would decide to ever vote for them again. It doesn't mean I'm a fucking socialist just because I support the Democrat, it just means the guy I voted for has a clear proposal. Whether he is able to follow through depends in part on the actions of congress, and in part in his willingness to follow through. The beef Democrats have with obama is NOT the same beef the Republicans have. The issue with Obama Democrats have, is something that won't sway them to vote for Republicans, who, of course have NO ideas what so ever, just hot air bitching. Yeah, I'd like to see that Republican plan of creating million and millions of jobs in just a couple years like TJ and other morons have expected the President to do in this last year and 1/2 he's been in office. All they can ever fire back with, is cut taxes, and smaller government... Yeah, and in 2 years with cut taxes and smaller government, everything will be peachy? Get out of your fucking dream world. . .
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