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Everything posted by RoyalOrleans

  1. Then go over they and show your disgust. You cunt mouth is writing checks your body can't cash.
  2. That's fucking enough, humane.
  3. Shouldn't you have died in a senseless fucking jihad already, Hamsalad? You appear to be young enough.
  4. Anytime a fucking Muslim dies, I cash a check. Ka-ching!
  5. You're a fucking troll, JAW. Get it right.
  6. Yeah... errr... whatever. Adidas is gay.
  7. Ohhh... I don't doubt the reasoning behind the 9/11 attacks. I just find it hard to believe that our foreign policy could be the only cause.
  8. [attach=full]366[/attach]
  9. So killing 3,000+ innocent lives was justified. Ohh... now I can sleep better. Cocksucker.
  10. You don't have to have full faith in our government to be a patriot or a cavalier for our fighting soldiers.
  11. Clicking the link made it propaganda. Not clicking the link made it just what it is... a link. That's the great thing about this nation, the freedom of choice. You don't have to click on what you don't want to click on or view what you don't want to view or believe what you don't want to believe. Assclown.
  12. I think Smutt may actually be prettier than me.
  13. I'm a geek, smutt butt. Not a dork. Thanks.
  14. I didn't know Adidas made swaddling clothes.
  15. I've heard this song before... it's Eat Your Mama Alive by the Cerebral Hemorrhages.
  16. Steve Irwin's last words...
  17. Not funny, dude. . This was me in Tampa back in March.
  18. Nine Inch Nails and a compilation clip that explores that latent love affair between Kirk and Spock. Closer: NIN and Star Trek
  19. From the interaction between Andy (Steve Carell) and Mooj in the 40 Year Old Virgin. Shit stained balls
  20. And I was simply stating my disgust for your opinion, JAW. Define propaganda. I'll bet you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about.
  21. JAW... shouldn't you be wetting beds somewhere? Go on and bitch like the little lapdog you are, JAW. I can't think who sounds worse you or Builder. At least I respect Builders opinion.
  22. That video gave me a hard-on! Uh-rah!
  23. Here around the ATL we have Chipotle and Moe's which has the Subway... build your own sandwich/burrito/taco concept. I hate them... the fucking hot tables are a melting pot for bacteria to multiply as they sit for the 'recommended' 90 minutes. The cold tables' food is discolored by the florescent lighting. There is no telling how sick a person could get from food kept under such conditions, despite the FDA's stringent codes. A date took me to Chipotle once and I flat out refused to eat. I almost wretched standing right there!
  24. You fuck with a bull and you'll get the horns. Stay tuned for a treasure trove of Steve Irwin: Croc Hunter specials, dedications, marathons, and memorials. Actually... I hated to hear the news. Always enjoyed Animal Planet shows and he put them over. Kind of disturbing to hear this Labor Day morning.
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