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Everything posted by hugo

  1. A responsible person would have given the mother of his children help instead of divorcing her.
  2. The reason people commit crimes to pay for illegal drugs is because the fact the drugs are illegal drives the price up. Your kid may be killed by a drive by shooter fighting over drug turf. Whole neighborhoods in the US and whole nations south of our border are in chaos due to the drug war.
  3. Mr Williams has been expelled from the Tea Party. That new NAACP leader seems rational.
  4. So, a nearly extinct wing of the GOP is the only hope for a once-great nation? Hugo, I hope you realise how defeatist that sounds. The looming deficits are staggering.
  5. The best hope this nation has is if the nearly extinct Goldwater wing of the Republican Party can make a comeback.
  6. That 15% just represents the increase in domestic spending from 2001-2005. The looming healthcare and SS liabilities are frightening. Tax cuts should be accompanied by spending cuts and new domestic programs should be paid for. We need to return to the small government, balanced budget, principles of Barry Goldwater.
  7. She has no chance to win a general election. America will not elect a bimbo-in- chief.
  8. wez is older than I thought.
  9. Of those candidates above I have to go with Gingrich. His Contract with America was about the last time congress did something right.
  10. Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world. Robert Kennedy There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not? Robert Kennedy
  11. He is definitely an idiot. I believe the original Tea Partiers had a Ron Paul philosophy. Now they seem to have disgruntled individuals of all types.
  12. Corruption would be practically nil if partisans held their own party office holders to the same standard they hold office holders of the other party. These who was worse debates get kind of old.
  13. It is quite simple, if ya don't like being bad repped then stop being a total ass.
  14. From the student complaint letter: What kind of job opportunities do queer studies majors have?
  15. He is teaching a course on Catholoicism. Yes, the teachings of the Catholic Church is homosexuality violates natural moral law. Other natural law philosophies disagree.
  16. This is so common that the outrage factor is about nil.
  17. I think the real front of the war is the battle between moderate Islam and fundamental Islam and most of the victims are Muslim. What we need to do is help the moderates win. I believe many of our actions end up feeding the fundamentalists propaganda machine.
  18. This requires an essay type answer, Don't have time right now so let me give what I feel are the major reasons. 1) George W. Bush was liberal on immigration issues. This meant that the Republicans could not make a big issue on immigration without undermining a President of their party. They could not make it a wedge issue until they had a Democrat for Prez. 2) The recession, and slumping home values have left cities and states with huge budget shortfalls. A bogeyman must be found. 3) Increased drug related violence is crossing the borders.
  19. But the general concept of the "wetback" remains? While wetback is now considered an ethnic slur the disdain many Americans feel for hispanic illegals remains.
  20. I predict a three year old gets cited for dumping his play bucket, filled with oil contaminated water, back in the ocean before this is over,
  21. Amazing! Having to wait for approval. It is like when the FDA, back in the 80s, did not allow "unproven" drugs to be used by AIDS victims when the only alternative was death. There are times when you have to use basic common sense and say to hell with the regulations.
  22. Imagine today's gov using the term in any proposed operation, Hugo? LOL. They were not real PC back then.
  23. Good point, Em. I gave you positive rep, but unfortunately you can't see it because some fearful douche burger from the stone age negative-repped you for your simple, true post. Making kids pledge allegiance daily isn't anything better than indoctrination. Says one foreign-type person to another foreign-type person talking all foreignese and stuff. B) Does not both Canada and Australia have weapons of mass destruction?
  24. Pat Buchanan: Of course we never had the Korean War, just a conflict, wars have to be declared by Congress. Great post, Hugo. Let me add this.
  25. Do you consider the International Party of Crazed Communists a credible source?
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