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Everything posted by hugo

  1. Pat Buchanan: Of course we never had the Korean War, just a conflict, wars have to be declared by Congress.
  2. Do ya actually spend time with blacks or hispanics? I have never heard any of them refer to themselves or another of their ethnic group as an African-American or Mexican-American. It is a stupid charge racists use. The fact is it is racists that prevented an indivisible nation.
  3. Even Barney Fife got one bullet.
  4. If you are an atheist simply pause while everyone else says under God. Then finish the pledge and go back to eating children and being a communist.
  5. That "melting pot" included segregated schools, restrooms, restaurants, etc. There were no hyphenated Americans. Us Anglos were Americans. The rest were ******s, spics, chinks, wops, etc. A few facts, as opposed to the fantasies of an America that never existed: Of course, TJ would not wantcha takin' that meltin' pot idea too far and have ya end up with biracial children.
  6. A bit of history:
  7. Didn't he used to be just a UFO guy? I remember catching one of his radio shows years ago and thinking he was a nutjob.
  8. You'll soon learn the gospel according to TimesJoke and IWS: "Liberals" are to blame for absolutely everything Actually, global warming is due entirely to natural causes and it is only everything else that liberals are to blame for. Not sure why we don't just execute all the liberals in the name of liberty.
  9. Has there ever been a disaster that was handled well by a government?
  10. To answer Anna's question not many American's give a damn about the Constitution except for when it agrees with their agenda. I want to answer why people should care. It is the Constitution which guarantees our civil liberties. Without it there is no protection of government abusing its' citizens as has been the rule, rather than the exception, since man first started engaging in agriculture. This unconstitutional action ain't cleaning up a single pelican or a single grain of sand. It was simply a political machination so Obama shows he is doing something. Get to work. The feds can get in line on BP's list of creditors. And a way for this administration to get it's hands on another slush fund to pay back unions. Most of the shrimpers I have met ain't the type of people Obama will hand out goodies to.
  11. To answer Anna's question not many American's give a damn about the Constitution except for when it agrees with their agenda. I want to answer why people should care. It is the Constitution which guarantees our civil liberties. Without it there is no protection of government abusing its' citizens as has been the rule, rather than the exception, since man first started engaging in agriculture. This unconstitutional action ain't cleaning up a single pelican or a single grain of sand. It was simply a political machination so Obama shows he is doing something. Get to work. The feds can get in line on BP's list of creditors.
  12. The greatest attack on our Constitution in the last 200 years was the McCain/ Feingold Act. The Republicans nominated the co-sponsor for President and picked a bimbo communist as his running mate an wonder why they lost. Palin: I think I can see Russia from here. McCain: Shut the phuck up, ya dumb bitch.
  13. I think we must recognize that what made Obama possible is conservatives long time support of depriving minorities of equal protection under the law that has driven blacks from the party of Lincoln and is now on the verge of pushing hispanics into the liberal camp. The constitution applies to all.
  14. The wife still don't believe I was sleepwalking the time she caught me sticking a dollar in a strippers' thong.
  15. Sowell is one of the greatest living Americans. Yes, Obama's extortion of BP is unconstitutional.
  16. You're close. If you go one or two steps back, you would find somewhere, somehow, a woman is at fault. negative rep!! Well that canceled out my positive rep... damnit There's more men here than women.
  17. You're close. If you go one or two steps back, you would find somewhere, somehow, a woman is at fault. In the modern era sometimes it is a gay male.
  18. Anything less than 1/32nd don't count.
  19. That's good and dandy. Just don't cry when we take back our land in numbers:) The kid pretends he is Mexican. Still don't know why we bought out the French. Their asses' would have been the easiest to kick. TJ ain't gonna be happy when he has to dial two for English.
  20. I am 100% white, a good part English, and we got the right to be here because we kicked the Injuns' ass. we kicked the Spaniards' ass, bought out the French and kicked the Mexicans' ass.
  21. What about Sheriff Joe Arpaio and all the redneck freaks who think he's great? The thing that really annoys me about this (bullshit) issue is that everyone who came over on the Mayflower was an illegal alien. Everyone "legal" living in America today, except for Native Indians, is a descendant of an 'illegal immigrant'. Then, to add to the bullshit, you have bigots in denial like TJ who live to spread negative 'facts' about illegal immigrants to justify their own selfishness and hatred, and to try to breed it in others. How very UN-CHRISTIAN of him. And TJ wonders why I can't stand him. And not only that, but the "illegal aliens" who are being targeted now ironically are or are descendants of those Native Indians who were here first. If anything, everyone else should go back to their country. We are in our country. If you want to play that game (not you, but those with TJ's thinking.) No. Most are descendants of Mexico/Central American native populations. Not from here. I'm 1/8th Cheyenne. I have more claim than any Guatemalan to this area. At least my people's land is incorporated in the borders of the US. http://www.emersonkent.com/map_archive/mexico_1824.htm
  22. And not only that, but the "illegal aliens" who are being targeted now ironically are or are descendants of those Native Indians who were here first. If anything, everyone else should go back to their country. We are in our country. From the looks of ya I would say your country is Spain. <_<
  23. And TJ wonders why I can't stand him. He's racist scum. Get's all his "facts" from white nationalist websites. In ten to fifteen years the Republican Party will no longer be able to win a national election if his kind are not purged from the party.
  24. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't a conservative gov in power in your country at that time? I know they were calling the shots in my country at that same time. The "low docs" loans had just infiltrated out banking sectors. A so-called conservative government held the executive branch. In my opinion borrowing and spending is less conservative than taxing and spending. What both the Clinton and Bush administrations had as a goal was increasing the minority home ownership rate. A problem was minorities tended to have lower incomes, credit scores and often wished to buy in riskier areas. The feds actually encouraged the banks to lower lending standards; It did not take much arm twisting, There is a lot of blame to be spread around and there were huge failures in both the public and private sectors. I think a bigger factor than the low doc loans was the easiness of getting second liens that basically covered the down payment with very low credit scores. I was a realtor from 2001 to 2005. I saw people get in homes for less than a $1000 who I would not loan a plug nickle to.
  25. Did you mean irresponsibility, hugo? if not, please explain. Actually, there are standards that lenders need to apply, meaning proving that the loaner has the capacity to repay at least the principal of the loan amount. The "low docs" and then the "no docs" loans were the start of the rot, hugo. The lenders assumed that the market bubble would continue to inflate, and after foreclosure, they would profit from lending on the increased value after reselling it. With car loans, the auto is auctioned off for whatever they could get, and the outstanding debt remains, to be recouped in any way possible. Come on buddy. If I make regular payments on my credit card, I'm offered upper limit increases every second week. They (banks and sharks alike) were throwing money around. After all, it's just a bunch of zeros with a number at the start. Irresponsibility, of course. Yes, the banks were throwing money around. I could have bought a bigger house. I did not. Just because you can get a loan does not mean you should take it. The fact is many of these "home" buyers were simply investors; just like the banks they were gamblers. The financial crisis was brought on by gamblers at both the corporate and individual level. Of course, the corporations gambles were less risky because of the past history of government bailouts. When you privatize gains and socialize losses you increase risk taking.
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