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  1. stupidsoul1

    Teh Journalness pt. II

    Lately i have been off drinking. && well everyone knows smoking is bad :p But if it calms you down why the hell not, we are all going to die soon anyway. Have fun with the j-rock each pay check of mine arrives i try to get more and more visual/lollita. BUT it's kinda failing...
  2. stupidsoul1

    Member's Pictures 10.0

    Thank you lp soldier n__n
  3. stupidsoul1

    diana's journal

    Naked men :P hahahaha i guess i picked a good time to stop by.
  4. stupidsoul1

    Hyper's [JouRnaL] v2

    hehehehe what happpened with felicia's dad and you reminds me kinda what happend with me and my boyfriend..except different.
  5. stupidsoul1

    Member's Pictures 10.0

    I have some more pics in my journal :)
  6. stupidsoul1

    What are you up to now?

    hahaha ryan sounds like life is going good for you.. Um... I have gotten myself a cello, boyfriend and a better social life. Life couldn't be much better for me at the moment.
  7. stupidsoul1


    BAHAHA damn cloud is full of knowledge. But it's true..i lean on my boyfriend when i feel safe.
  8. stupidsoul1

    Member's Pictures 10.0

    hehe since i am back, i thought i would taint the threads once more.
  9. stupidsoul1

    Member's Pictures 10.0

    Timmeee for me to taint the thread!! I think i drink too much.. i am trying to start wearing make up (besides eyeliner) and look more decent. my best friend just happened to take the photo when i was damn pissed off my face.
  10. stupidsoul1

    What are you up to now?

    WWOOO hhaha i love you ruthy ruth face. um, i am thinking of cleaning my room, thinking about my bands gig in 25 days, thinking thinking &&more thinking, i also owe the tax department over $2000. So what are you up to pretty face?
  11. stupidsoul1

    Happy Birthday Brkng_Th_Hbt and scotty B!!!!

    happy happy happy birthday son!!!!
  12. stupidsoul1

    diana's journal

    hehe sounds like all is well here :)
  13. stupidsoul1

    Riss'z Journal

    Oh honey *hugs* sorry to hear that. I hate it when guys do stuff like's so hard to know if they like you or not.
  14. stupidsoul1

    Best Albums of 2006!

    Christ illusion- slayer. Helped me out heaps for my english related texts. The crusade- Trivium
  15. stupidsoul1


    BUMP! anyone attending their concert?? I got tickets for when they come here in april, i am excited!
  16. stupidsoul1

    pet names you call your loved ones

    haha i used to call my ex. Fag, faggot, betty, wang and other mean things :) ALL because he knew i loved him.
  17. stupidsoul1

    Member's Pictures 9.0

    Yeah, haha it looks better in real life.. for some reason it just doesn't look right in the photos..
  18. stupidsoul1

    Member's Pictures 9.0

    Less than a week ago : a few days ago.
  19. stupidsoul1

    Third Chaces..

    Now worries.
  20. stupidsoul1

    Need some girl help.....

    is there a way to get into the school not in school hours?