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  1. th3ory

    What'choo listenin'?

    simple plan-everytime. this is my first ltime listening to them and i am really impressed. besides the fact that there logo looks too much like linkin park's, simple plan is a great band. They have a future.
  2. th3ory

    hybrid theory EP

    I believe it. I saw it on eBay, not sealed, and with like 4 days left for 140 bucks.
  3. th3ory


    what kinda question is this, of course they have meanings.
  4. th3ory

    Did anyone know that mike shinoda is working on a solo album

    I guess its not really a good sign, buts defiantely something to look forward too.
  5. th3ory

    Contrast (poem)

    I took the leap over the gap And at this point I"m frozen above the hole. Hoping I dont realize reality Just to find the other end slipping further away But with every second that goes by the gap widens And I cant help but stare down into the end This is make or break, all or nothing...
  6. th3ory

    Gallery of yourselves who wants to upload ur designs about everything

    These where all made by me: And same with this stuff:
  7. th3ory

    Member Pictures 4.0?

    wtf stupidsoul your not ugly, i dont see how you think you are. Dont worry about your appearance ss, you shouldnt when your that pretty. oh, heres me: ;)
  8. th3ory last resort...

    Good God, thats terrible. All i have to say is this, the lpf boards, although being a pretty good place for advice, isnt the place for this. Get in touch with some sorta family psychologist, and get this all straightened out. But for now, try to forgive and forget. You cant waste the time that...
  9. th3ory

    This doesn't happen every day....

    Yeah some kid got hit by a car at my school a couple months ago. I dont even think he broke any bones, or sprained anything. It was some idiot being chased by the cops for possession, or robbery, or something i dont remember but he slammed right into the kid going about 50. IDK how the kid...
  10. th3ory

    what the hell do i do now?

    okay, edit that and use a period every once in a while. then i'll get back to you.
  11. th3ory

    I am really depressed

    Dont. Your gonna look back on this moment sometime in your life and feel very, very fortunate that you didnt. Belive me.
  12. th3ory


    Yep. i think thats why i like them so much. And about there other album, stanley climbfall, its good. I wouldnt say its as good as No Name face, but some of the songs, take me away, out of breath, spin, my precious, great songs. spin and take me away are unbelievably good. i"d buy the album...
  13. th3ory


    lifehouse is a great band. No name face is such a good album, theres not one song on that album that i dont love. So anybody else like them? i'm not so sure how lifehouse will come over on an lp forum seeing how there not as hardcore as lp. but hey. there a close second behind LP as my favorite...
  14. th3ory

    The Lyrics Game

    ^Dedicated "with my thoughts cataloged, analoged, rap battle log"
  15. th3ory

    Will 65 Days Of Static usurp Linkin Park?

    what friggin dumbass makes beats that sweet and doesnt put lyrics on them. umm, your not going to be mainstream with instrumentals.
  16. th3ory

    im so sad

    Well thats common sense, if they diss the group by saying chester is a gay white boy then i'm not saying you shouldnt go off on them (even though i personally would just say "you have your opinion"), but if they just say, nah i dont like linkn park, i would hope you wouldnt go off on them.
  17. th3ory

    im so sad

    Or maybe they just like different music... You can defend LP but come on now, dont call people who dont like LP ignorant, and stupid, just because they dont like the music. That is very immature.
  18. th3ory


  19. th3ory

    I was bored

    Filters dont really do you any good, stick to brush's and patterns. to make a pattern, make a new image, 5x5 pixels. You can either draw a horizontal line in the midle of it for scan lines, horizontal line for a horizontal line pattern. Mess with the opacity on the layer its on. Brush's, search...