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  1. Marizka

    What was your first favourite song...EVER.'m afraid, very very afraid that my first fav song ever was ehhm... from the Backstreet Boys?!
  2. Marizka

    Stupid Shows

    out of these: Spongebob> kill that sponge!! and else Dr.Phill, I hate that show.
  3. Marizka


    I have alot of LP, some Nightwish, Evanescence, Greenday, Within Temptation, and some non-music, like one with a cree Indian prophecy, I want to put up more but my walls, closets and door are full! :(
  4. Marizka

    The FOC-Fans Of Chester

    lol it took me awhile..but I'm here and I love the pics! I had to clean my keyboard of drooling lol! can I join this?
  5. Marizka


    yeah I like that song too, but that's the only song I know of them, and it'\s kinda hard to judge them by one song.
  6. Marizka

    the keza journal

    heya girl, what's up?! still havent seen u on MSN. Thought I'd bless u back with my my emm..presence in your journal, forgot my holy water though, I'll do it better next time! hope to cu soon! -xx-
  7. Marizka

    Lacuna Coil

    I just downloaded some songs and I really like them, Heavens a lie is very good and also to To myslef I turned(or sth?) but I like Evanescence too, you'll always have bands that make similar music, that's how it's always been.
  8. Marizka

    Google ur name !!!

    the first thing I got was a report of a sports tournament, and apparently me and my 'partner' did very bad, with pics I got friggin nothing!
  9. Marizka

    twilightcrimson7 VS Hyper

    wow another amazingly difficult choice, I dont have much time so I'll be short. I really loved what Hyper did, it's like your also looking through the writers eyes! I love the way he's done that. With Twi's I just got completely "into" it, you just feel what the writer feels, thats an amazing...
  10. Marizka

    Show Me Your Shoes!

    hmmm.. I think all my shoes are dirty, I hate cleaning them :p but I have those like SS1 only then darkblue, some sneakers, yellow boxingshoes and some more but I have no idea how to translate or describe them lol.
  11. Marizka

    Hello, I'm Forgotten!

    haha schoolslave! thats funny! :p welcome! I'm Mariska, hope u have a great time here!
  12. Marizka

    Personal Quotes.

    That one's so funny! I really can't think of any of my own right now but if I remember one, Ill post it
  13. Marizka

    during sex

    At least i know I'm a sinner during sex why do you love me during sex she's a rebel during sex vampires will never hurt you during sex In bloom during sex LOL
  14. Marizka

    Not a toy.

    Wow! I loved it! especially the last line: I agree with uwantme2be: you really have talent!
  15. Marizka

    Members Pictures 7.0

    lol yea it is in my room, my room's a mess :p ow and ss1-no way!
  16. Marizka

    walking dead vs.state of the art

    I'm gonna go with Walking Dead, It's longer, darker and and I like Chesters singing in it better.
  17. Marizka


    I guess as long as it's fast and not painful. drowning doesnt hurt i think, but it takes very long, burning hurts alot and takes a long time, I guess I'd rather be shot in the head, so it'd be over in a sec. But my 'favourite' is just not at all lol.
  18. Marizka

    Members Pictures 7.0

    lol yeah and so are you lol Chris-hehe nice shirt, it looks somewhat familiar.. misselement and stupidsoul1-your both very pretty! Jomama-I love those clothes! Me: ;)
  19. Marizka

    What song are you listening to? vol. 2

    The Rasmus-Smash
  20. Marizka

    XERO-Limit VS brokenangel

    Wow! their both great! Brokenangel: I really love your flow, that made it just good to read, also the visionarys you used are very good. I really love this part: XERO-limit: very intense, you made it extra intense with your visionary, you make the reader 'feel' your pain. very good. I...