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  1. Marizka

    Poetry Tourney

    I"ll be leaving the first of August :( so in about two weeks
  2. Marizka

    Hybrid-Heart sig request

    wow, ur sigskills are amazing....emm.. would you make me one??*angelface here*
  3. Marizka

    Stabbing the pain (A poem)

    no, you do. and lock yourself in it. anywayz..very good poem, as brokenangel said: intense. that's the right word.
  4. Marizka

    Poetry Tourney

    hey hey, I'm in. I love to write. I'll be gone for 3 weeks in August though..oh well..
  5. Marizka

    Suicidal thoughts?

    wow, very intruiging. alot of truth in it. thanx a lot for posting it!
  6. Marizka

    Are you a freak??

    hmm it looks cool, i think I'll join :p edit; i joined, username> Iced_Blood :D
  7. Marizka

    My Life Died Today

    wow, thats great, i like the length, it shows you really have got something to say and its definately worth reading it all! I really like that line, i like how you played with words. great job! :thumbsup:
  8. Marizka

    Poll for the ladies:: Guy on guy action?

    hmmm its hooooot! sure it depends on the guys, but why not guy on guy while guys think girl on girl is hot lol, i think if i'd have to choose i'd go for guy on guy :p ow and those pics are HAWT!!
  9. Marizka

    Stupidest Thing Ever Thread

    heard- a cd full of furby songs!! just thinking about it makes my ears die a slow death said- lol too many things, i should know better when to shut up seen- planet earth done- jump in a pool whilst i couldnt swim yet, so yeah nearly drowning myself :p
  10. Marizka

    and one vs. my december

    i voted and one, but after i voted i started to doubt again, i have to say this one is very hard
  11. Marizka

    Nightwish^ ^

    i couldnt stop talking about Nightwish even if i tried, so just gotta post. they rock! couldnt tell you all my favorites cuz there are too many :p
  12. Marizka


    depends on with who your going, all my camps have been never came to actual camping..last time we spent about 1 hour in our trent trying to sleep, not a big succes.
  13. Marizka


    a few weeks ago i got a job in a store. it's nice workin there and i cant wait to get my first pay! I already spent it in my mind :p one word: cds!
  14. Marizka

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    i got it yesterday and been a reading zombie ever since, 2 beraks yesterday: to eat and to sleep and right now im having my first break today cuz my eyes were going funny :p
  15. Marizka

    the how you feelin thread

    uhh... i dont know..havent thought about it do I feel today? umm quite good i think :p
  16. Marizka


    Im not religious. Ive been brought up Christian, but I dont believe.
  17. Marizka

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    lol imnot going to a party, id rather read the book, i preordered it just to be sure :p
  18. Marizka

    avril vs. amy

    I like Amy better..i think..their both okay..but I like Amy's music yeah: Amy. ;)
  19. Marizka

    The Killers - Views

    I like them, at least what i heard of them, which is about 5 songs, Kaiser Chiefs are good too, I like Less and Less and I predict A Riot.
  20. Marizka

    Songs that make you cry or feel emotional..

    BTH-LP Hello-Evanescence Numb-LP Bleed Like Me-Garbage The End-The Doors Fall to Pieces-Velvet Revolver Have You Ever Felt-Ill Niño Hold On-GC thats about it..they dont make me cry but usually they do make me sad.