Search results

  1. S

    How "far" Would You Go On a First Date?

    i'd say level 4 for me because....uhh....XD.....i love a tease :P and for sure, i know they come back....;)
  2. S

    U like quizzes?

    i love quizzes, i mean they keep you occupied and **** you find out things about yourself you didnt even know about :D
  3. S

    Are you an "inny" or an "outty"?

    im an inny also.....:D whatever that means XD
  4. S

    Whuts your race?

    wow, this is so here goes: Name: Tawny Second name: T Surname: not sure about that one.... Interests: getting on the net, having fun, hanging out, going to local events Fav Element: water Zodiac: Aquarius Name Year: Dragon Dream: becoming a weathly person and be well...
  5. S

    do you believe in ufos and aliens?

    i also believe in signs...because i see them everyday...aliens im not really sure, but if they reallt exist, it would be ****ing cool!...XD Ufos; it would be kick ass to see one of those....but ppl probably just think im seeing things...:|
  6. S

    Britney Spears AKA Mum?

    ok i just dont get the point of this poll but yeah i voted XD
  7. S

    Gas Prices

    ****...the gas prices here are like $3 bucks now...a gallons! imagine what i can do with those 3 bucks...XD
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    LPF's Best Summer Movie '05:: August

    i just love the movie Dukes of Hazzards, its so ****ing funny....XD some of the other movies i havent seen yet so i guess thats why i chose this one:P
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    LPF's Best Summer Movie '05 :: July

    oh hell yeah!!! i voted for wedding crashers because i like watched that 4 times in the theaters...XD
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    speaking of wonka i like some chocolate right now!
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    How clean is ur house?

    1. never heard of it... 2. just got done cleaning it and now cooking:D
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    lol im not really big on my wall since im never really home but yeah i have LP, a beach towel(lol), and some really old posters i still need to get rid of,.....and one of star wars calendar in chinese if the month and year i was born....i think thats about it, oh and school pics, like...
  13. S

    tats and piercings. u have any?

    i love the whole eye brow piercing! lol thinking of getting one myself....and tats? im thinking of getting some type of animal on my side, or maybe a plant :P...could happen...:D
  14. S

    Favorite Shoe Brand?

    im more of a Phatfarm person but i like ADIDAS....
  15. S

    Santa Cluas's List for 06

    i want a guitar because im still learning to play
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    Stupid Shows

    ****....what did i just pick?....:D its dumb though lol
  17. S

    How many hours of sleep do you get on average? that possible!?!? LMAO summer days i get like 10 hours of sleep and school days i only get like about 6 to 8 hrs of sleep
  18. S

    What's the latest you've ever stayed out?

    the latest i stayed out would been 3 days, i didnt call home or mom didnt get mad at all, just told me i should of called her, to let her know where i was at instead of letting her worry about me, so till this day, i call her..:)
  19. S

    It's Snowing!!!!

    some winters it doesnt snow and does....but all in all...i love snow, lol i wish it was snowing right now!:D
  20. S

    any tattoos???

    Hell Yeah! i also plan on gettin a LP tattoo someday by a professional, maybe when i turn 18....but for now i have a chinese symbol on my inner left ankle that means my middle name....