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  1. S

    embarassing moments.....

    well i was in 8th grade and there was this dance right after school...and during school was we i was just eating...i ate alot. my stonmach in 8th hour started to hurt really i really wanted to go to the time went by it got worse...then it was after...
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    embarassing moments.....

    lol....omg :eek: i cant believe yeah i had an embarrassing moment..... :thumbsup:
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    Woah, I'm an adult?

    im im not really looking forward to my 18th birthday....LMAO....still feel like im 16 though..but when i do turn getting a car!! or maybe a truck...
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    well ok i finally went to work yesturday which was kewl :D . payday is in another two days so im excited :eek: about that too so can go out and have a good time with a couple of frens....yeah well this guy i talk to asked me to go on a date with him and i swear he just bugged me out :mad: so i...
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    lol....last night was crazy!....well i was at home and i didnt want to be home at all....i just had to a called a fren up who i havent seen or talkin to for a while, got dropped off at his relatives house....kicked back for a while..and we went for a i told him i...
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    lpgirl's journal^__^ should get rid of it or something.....or do you really want ppl sleeping on it??!!? LMAO
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    Linkin Park Tatoos

    pics! :thumbsup: yeah! pics would be nice to
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    Why are you still an LP fan?

    i will always be a LP fan!!!!!! even when im 90 yrs old!!....if i make it that far...
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    Linkin Park Tatoos

    i was thinking of getting a LP tat, they know what mood im in when i play their music....i was thinking just having the initials LP or....a design...not sure yet..still looking...any siggestions??
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    A ghost expierence

    lol.....a ghost....never seen one yet....just found a body....
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    My life

    wow...i feel like hanging myself right now...i feel like ive been living tired.....ive been through so much..jabbed, chokes,beaten,slapped,thrown down,..i have little support here at home.....i cry everyday.....but..i always look at the small amount of good memories i have.....they...
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    i pretty much say i have anger problems too...i seem to get PO off the littlest things...i remember i used to be nice and ppl see me smiling all the time, but that was before me ex treated me bad, took me away from my frens....but now that i think of it, going to work on it....
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal started out pretty good. I was feeling good this morning...i had to cook breakfast for my brother and sister. my ex called this morning..saying he was going to pick me out...he then did...we went to this place where i bought a LP shirt which was hot....then we went back to his...
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    How do you have your hair today?

    well i just woke up but its not really a mess since its to my cousin, i miss my long hair!! LMAO but yeah i was thinking of dying it streak white/blond plus i want to let it grow long again so im trying not to cut
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    well i just woke yesturday was a plain day for me...i wasnt really thinking about my bf who recently broke up with me...i was just thinking about what might happen next...well yeah i was in my room, just got done clearing a space on my wall to put up a LP poster when i hear the...
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    Songs that make you cry or feel emotional..

    wow....there are alot....for me....but i say Metallica....every ex idolized them.....
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    Guys are dumb! (help thread)

    well thats the prob,....i dont know how to aproach him telling my side of the story.....its been like 7 months now...
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    Guys are dumb! (help thread)

    maybe theres hope..... oh yeah i need advice or was with my bf for almost 6 yrs and i we stop seeing each other for 2 months, thats when this guy in one of my classes asked me out and i went for it. it was perfect, i was drama free and fell in love again, yeah we were together for...
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    sexy_LP_fan's journal

    hey! well im new to this, so this would be my first journal entry.ive been through alot..and yeah i could say my life isnt really what i expect it to be...but i try and make the best of it...i have alot to say and and downs..happy and sad moments..just bare with well im...