lpgirl's journal^__^

im real board so im oainting my nails and going fully out, lol base coat and everything:thumbsup:
edit:eww its all gloopy and thick, im taking it off
omfg this is so weird and funni ok, at my house at the moment out side our garage there is this couch, lol its there cuz mum is to lazy to ask for help to bring it up stairs, anyways dad told us that there was some person sleeping on it last night, omfg, and my mums like why did u go see who it was and if they need help or something and dads like i didnt think of that i was to tried.. so we had some random people sleep on our spair couch thats was outside in frount of the garage.. crreeeeepppppppy
today omg i felt soo sorry for bee, me and bec stole her shoe during sport(we were doing it was to wet, but we were still on oval) and if was funny for a little while and then was just mean so i gave bee my shoe and when went down to the primary skool bec put them on top of the sign which was 3-4 meters of the ground so i climbed up even tho i was **** scared and got em for her and bec put em up there again and got em down and now bees pissed at bec, but she wont be tomoro..

(earlier that day)
and at lunch and through sport omfg it was sooo annoy my friends like tell me to go to a shrink and have been for days and they just kept ****ing talking about if it was sooooooooo annoy i dont want to go to one and they cant ****ing make me! and they said they where thinking of tricking me to go and im like **** off!! arhhhhhhhhhhhh.......!!!!!!!!!
oh to do with my brother and stuff they think it will "help" and fix my depresstion because i might kill myself(oh yea im going to kill myself, righttt... o!), like hell, im not going to talk to some person i dont even know..
why the **** would i kill myself, 1. its wayyyy to much well, everything on my family
2. funral bills
3. why the **** would i kill myself?
4. there is no point, its just another stupid way of "running" from problems, when you cant
5. its a waste of a life, god i havent even had my first bf yet, i havent done a LOT of things
6. its the ***** way out
7. i have to much to live for
8. the list ****ing goes on!

I WOULD NEVER KILL MYSELF, how ****ing dare they even think it!
stupidsoul1 said:
well they suck
just ignore them, tell them to go home
im thinking of sitting by myself for a while, or pretending to be "happy" just to get them the **** off my back, god just cuz im quiet at skool, and like to draw stuff like the grim reaper(hes soo kool) i need help god just cuz im having problems and im a bit dam depressed ! arhhhhh.........*rips hair out* god and bec **** she keeps calling me a goth and im like im not a dam goth, thats more of a cult not a way to dress, dressing in black, etc, is called EMO not goth and i dont even dress ****ing emo, i dress skate! ****ing hell i hate them right NOW!
why am i awesome, lol ?_?<--confused face, i told my parents and there like just laugh it off and im like ****ing did, so tomoro i sitting by myself and ****ing icnoring(sp?) them thats how much im pissed with them