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  1. Spleefman

    My grandma is a NUN

    Hey.... I'm not sick! I just like nekkid women! :D
  2. Spleefman

    My grandma is a NUN

    Ok...AIG...could you agree to just the burka and nothing else....that could be kind of sexy! :D
  3. Spleefman

    Which of the following should be legal (fixed version)

    I still want somebody to come up with decent reason why marijuana should not be legal in a society where cigarettes and alcohol are.
  4. Spleefman

    Oil Depletion...this is some scary ****! THIS IS LONG, BUT A MUST READ!!!!

    All this over an oil depletion post? Just another reason to find alternatives and quick! :D
  5. Spleefman

    Japan declares US trade war

    A piece of Legislation from Robert Byrd having a negative effect on the U.S.....imagine that! :o
  6. Spleefman

    Gay Ass Names

    No one will believe this but here it goes.... In third grade we had a girl in our class by this name.... Shetheed.....this is the way it was bad it wasn't spelled this way! The butthole parents spelled it... Shithead. These people should have invested in a rubber! :mad:
  7. Spleefman

    Who is the biggest asshole here

    Whatever happened to Nazz? :confused:
  8. Spleefman

    Thank god they died!

    Madilyn Murray O'Hare... I bet the wench screamed God's name when those dudes were cutting her up into pieces of cord-wood! :D
  9. Spleefman

    My grandma is a NUN

    Yes he does...and GOD BLESS HIM!!!!!! Yep...Angie...we have changed the pool contents to Jello! :D
  10. Spleefman

    My grandma is a NUN

    Done deal...I'll buy the kiddie pool! Ok AIG...what about you? :D
  11. Spleefman

    My grandma is a NUN

    Uh...ok...I was just asking about what made your aunt, Grandmother, Sister through Allah, Sister in Arms....whatever....Catholic. Obviously she converted....that's all I was inquiring about. Didn't mean to start a "chick fight"! Unless both of you are willing to get nude and drenched in oil...
  12. Spleefman

    Oil Depletion...this is some scary ****! THIS IS LONG, BUT A MUST READ!!!!

    Wow....I didn't know posting that would resort to this! :eek: ****..I think I might go for the bleachers on my next something about the KKK!
  13. Spleefman

    Gay Teens Hanged in Iran ?

    I did find out this weekend there is a congregation worse than Baptists! Assembly Of God...these ****ers are so lame! I D.J'd my step-daughters wedding party, and the groom's family are these Assembly of God ****s! What a bunch of stiff, snotty, ****s! :mad: Then aftrer the party, one of...
  14. Spleefman

    Gay Teens Hanged in Iran ?

    Pastor Spleef....I like the "ring" to it! :D
  15. Spleefman

    My grandma is a NUN

    Oh...ok. Was your AUNT (that's just what she is)...was she raised Muslim, did she convert to Catholisism. Just wondering.
  16. Spleefman

    A question for non-Muslims

    Maybe so....but I am not putting my ass down on something that over several thousand truckers, junkies, AIDS infested, Herpes ridden, child molesting, animal fornicators, and butt-monkeys have peed all over 365 days a year! No thanks! The tree is doomed!
  17. Spleefman

    Gay Teens Hanged in Iran ?

    Let's be clear AIG...I still do not "trust" the practitioners of Islam in whole. I will however not pass out judgements of all who practice Islam. I realize that not all of Islamic followers support terrorism. Then again I do not trust Baptists either! I just have changed the way I used to...
  18. Spleefman

    Gay Teens Hanged in Iran ?

    Such a shame...a good John Lennon moment lost between the posts of bitterness and anger. Personally...I think these two really dig each other! :D
  19. Spleefman

    My grandma is a NUN

    She's your Aunt.
  20. Spleefman

    My grandma is a NUN your family of Arab descent? By the way....I am not trying to be funny.....I am curious.