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  1. Spleefman

    Which Organ is Better? {GRAPHIC PIX MAY BE SHOWN} just haven't had the right kind of foreplay! :cool:
  2. Spleefman

    US May Nuke Mecca your opinion, and with your understanding of Islam.... What would be the step by step process, or processes to deterring the rampant acts of terror that have been occuring. Again...I know that you are not an Islamic Cleric, or leader..... I'm asking you as a follower of Islam, and to...
  3. Spleefman

    Latest bombings....

    Very true AIG...I misquoted...sorry about that. My ignorance slipped out a bit...****! :o
  4. Spleefman

    Latest bombings....

    ooof! Yes's true.... Ricky
  5. Spleefman

    Latest bombings....

    Well it seems like Ricky Martin as a goodwill ambassador is sticking up for followers of Islam...he dosen't want them targeted for retaliation based upon their faith. Great...Ricky Martin! "Livin la Vida ****tard!" :D I am behind his opinion.......but seriously....Ricky Martin??? As i have...
  6. Spleefman


    Thanks for all that great input Phreak! :D I will deffiantely keep all that in mind! I have been away for a week.....My boys were in town and I was on vacation! :D Didn't get near a computer or work the whole time! It was great fun, as well as relaxing! Anyway...still sorting through...
  7. Spleefman

    Breaking up is hard to do? Off Topic Forum does it best.

    I find leaving town and planting root somewhere else seems to put an end to any and all headaches! :D
  8. Spleefman


    I uploaded a new Mp3 on the Mp3 site. It's called the "The Thrill of The Ride". It's another Collins & Hill tune. It's a tribute to Dale sure to pass the info along to Nascar Junkie!!! By the way Phreak....everything that was recorded was done by me and Pat on the equipment...
  9. Spleefman

    First Names

    ...and a pretty flower it is Snafu!!!!! :D walked right into it.......but I digress! :D We'll just go with Rose! :cool:
  10. Spleefman

    First Names

    Ah yes....flower......but what kind of flower?!? ;)
  11. Spleefman

    First Names

    James - Supplanter - To take the place of and serve as a substitute for; especially by reason of superior excellence or power. Ah yes...superior excellence or power! :D
  12. Spleefman

    Is masterbating better than sex?

    What??? :eek: Giving or getting??? :D Sorry Phreak.....I couldn't resist!
  13. Spleefman


    Thanks Phreak......the sound will get MAJORLY better. "Honk Tonk Therapy" was an unfinished song...nowhere near close to being done. The vocals were scratch, etc. We are salvaging Pat's guitar tracks however and use on the new recording. No...when we get the new recordings done, they will blow...
  14. Spleefman


    Well get to a throw down soon I promise...I have alot of penned up anger that I need release of!!!! Hang in soon as i get a few fires calmed down, we'll go!!!! :D
  15. Spleefman


    Thanks Snafu!!!! Appreciate the heck out of it! :D
  16. Spleefman


    Ok...Mp3's are up and running. Just go to.... Follow the navigation promps till you get to the Mp3 Page. The songs that are up right now are... Saturday Night in Mingus The Thrill Of The Ride Honky Tonk Therapy All songs were actually done pre-Bumpercrop days. Honky...
  17. Spleefman


    Toby? Just kidding Hugh! :D Well right now I am waking up over at my bass player and musical partner's house. Spent last night going over the material we want to went real well. We have got so much to pick and choose from....Working with Frankie is going to be a blast! We are...
  18. Spleefman

    The Official **** list!

    **** all this Low-Calorie, low carb, low sugar, and low fat bullshit!!! Enough is enough...i like my beer loaded with calories, and carbs......... It's with a ****ing flavor! :mad: and **** Michael Ian Black....this idiot is not funny! :mad:
  19. Spleefman

    OK so I am hurt and pissed

    Something that can make the dead walk the earth...but don't worry...they will be peaceful, smiling, brownie lovin' zombies!!! :D
  20. Spleefman

    2 term limit under fire !!

    I feel if you are going to keepin place a two term limit on the president, you need to enact one for the Senate and the House! Alot of those kooks need to be outta there! No more than two terms for President.....with our luck, Hillary will be the next moron to run this don't...