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    The Da Vinci Code

    {I put this in a comment b4} Anyway.... Whatever you people do ..don't waste your money on this movie...don't even buy the DVD. but if you are one of those losers who is obsessed with the Da Vinci code and actually believes it's real, then go see it so that you can visualise the stupidity of it...

    The Da Vinci Code

    Whatever you people do ..don't waste your money on this movie...don't even buy the DVD- but if you are one of those losers who is obsessed with the Da Vinci code and actually believes it's real, then go see it so that you can visualise the stupidity of it all. I went to see the Da Vinci code...

    HIV Came From Cameroon Chimps, Doctors Confirm

    Okay - now - Ive been through this with 'someguy' already in another thread and I'm not the reppetative type but if and when I have time to waste then I'll argue about this topic yet again!

    HIV Came From Cameroon Chimps, Doctors Confirm

    OHHHHH LMAO! (so I was missing something) No - I'm not a dumb bitch - but I obviously made a mistake there...And you have a lot of nerve!! Hello? You didn't even reply to what I'd said before- I think because I merely said your comment was irrelevant you suddenly got pissed and thought any...

    HIV Came From Cameroon Chimps, Doctors Confirm

    I replied to this again. :)

    HIV Came From Cameroon Chimps, Doctors Confirm

    ? - Actually it was around 7/8:40(where I am)at time I posted this and I'm female which makes the sentence above irrelevant....? so I guess it looks like 'someone' didn't have much to say..:rolleyes:

    HIV Came From Cameroon Chimps, Doctors Confirm

    BULLSHIT!! Anyone who believes that is mentally ill. This just proves that they're full of lies! "look everyone! After all this time, even after others proving this couldn't be possible, we've decided we want AIDs to have originated from chimps - Believe us!" :)

    Playing World of Warcraft causes suicide.

    I've been playing video games since..forever and I was never influenced in any way, shape or form by a game that I played..This child was nothing but mentally weak a.k.a stupid.....and a victim of poor parenting - And at 13?! - um hello - he's not even a little kid or anything! And 36 hours...

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    WTF ARE YOU ON?? I don't take responsibilty? what?? I never said I didn't take responsibilty for anything that goes on in MY life!!!! Your so hung up on this responsibilty thing - wtf?? When did I point at the white man for MY problems??? I said in repsonse to 'some guy's post (and then you came...

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    You're obviously not a very happy person are you.. You sound very bitter - you're like a loose cannon. Nothing I've said on here has made me feel warm inside.. I never said my life was **** and judging by your attitude - getting worked up (about to have a heart attack) over what I've said -...

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    Um...Are you thick or something? NO - it's not only being spread by mosquitos - I don't have time for people who have the stupid, retarted selective reading disability... and I wasn't about to spell the whole thing out for you either & It's not as though the organization that made it is...

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    Aids? You are so dumb and ignorant it's not even funny. AIDs was one of YOUR white inventions actually tested on Africans and it spread like a wildfire since then. If you consider the fact that there are millions of mosquitos in Africa you will easily see one of the methods of it's spreading...

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    Correction; every morning you wake up an ugly, old, pathetic, racist white man with a tiny d k - that's what you wake up as. As for me- last time I checked I didn't climb trees, have fur, a tail or a particular interest for sitting on porches... & How the hell can the fact that you're pasty...

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    HAR DE HAR! Sure...If that makes you feel better..

    5 Years!!

    $0.00, out of kindness?, for absolutley nothing, FREE :) - Isn't it free for five years?

    5 Years!!

    I'd want a housekeeper/nanny-type service -but not until I had a child & all that. For right now I'd want a super smart personal secretary who would do all my work -hehe.

    Can't you ****ing BRITS guard your ****ing money right ??

    I think the people who stole the money will get away with it - lucky bastards. Even if someone found them all they have to do is bribe that person with like 5mill and they'll let them go - at least I know I would :p They would have to let me have at least around 5mill tho considering the reward...

    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    I think it's so rediculous how some of these muslims carry on. They are too bloody sensitive when it comes to anything to do with their so-called religion. I find it all soo sickening!! And they think killing and destruction is the answer to all of their issues. PSYCHOTIC!!!!

    White People

    When did I say I couldn't handle 'flaming' ?....there you go again... And you seem to use a lot of profanity in your posts - but yet again fail to realise that this does not make them any more valid, or (for me) any more only takes away from whatever you're trying to say....but...

    White People

    Please Jhony5, a 4 year-old could probably hold their own with think your sooo hard don't you? You're seriously sad dude - I don't give 2 flying pigs what you have to say about me - which is exactly what the two of us DON'T have in common..I'm not a faggot, an idiot, and I will not be...