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  1. cybacaT

    Why racial profiling HAS to be used.

    builder Anyone that takes action against Carmen Lawrence is ok by me. Hey I remain sceptical and cynical, but the key is "healthy" scepticism. Go too far with conspiracy theories and you may require professional help!! This isn't the builder I remember who used to have fairly sensible...
  2. cybacaT

    The Rebel Flag!

    I have a very large rebel flag and I'm proud of it. To me it's nothing to do with hate, racism, slavery etc, it just brings good memories of my time down South spent with the good old boys I went to school with at the time - shooting, driving pickups, watching the dukes of hazzard - all good...
  3. cybacaT

    Who do you suspect is behind the Amman Jordan Bombings?

    PART 2 - Shaking the Pillars of Islam
  4. cybacaT

    Who do you suspect is behind the Amman Jordan Bombings?

    PART ONE - Shaking the Pollars of Islam
  5. cybacaT

    I'm either going to lose my ****ing job

    I'd seek some preliminary legal advice now. Builder was spot-on with this comment. Courts and other industrial abitrators(even if it's your supervisor's boss, or the HR Manager) are always impressed by detail. The number of incidents where you can recall exactly what was said, the sequences...
  6. cybacaT

    Why racial profiling HAS to be used.

    builder What evidence do you have for the whacky conspiracy theory that the Govt timed the arrests???? That's sheer lunacy! The Police told the govt they needed the laws amended. The govt did the bidding of the police. The police then did their job and arrested the suspects. Even Labor...
  7. cybacaT

    Why racial profiling HAS to be used.

    Builder I'll have to call you out on this one. The amendments to the anti-terror laws passed through the Parliament a week or so ago were needed to arrest the alleged terrorist planners. The crux of the change was in the wording - there had to be evidence of "a" terrorist attack instead of...
  8. cybacaT

    France is on fire !! Muslim Riots galore !!

    Here's one of a rare breed - a media commentator prepared to discuss the real issues at play in France:
  9. cybacaT

    France is on fire !! Muslim Riots galore !!

    France has to wait for UN Security Council approval before they can deploy they should be able to start deployment of the army sometime around 2012...
  10. cybacaT

    Who misses AIG?

    I missed her a bit - like builder, I enjoyed watching her try to futilely defend the indefensible...islam. BUT...I did wonder why she left so suddenly. Had her time for martyrdom come? Was she finally allocated a target by her cell? Then I saw on the news that she(well I assume it was her)...
  11. cybacaT

    Who do you suspect is behind the Amman Jordan Bombings?

    Best thing you can do Hammy is go into your islamic communities and aggressively attack any and all hate. Hate talk, hate ideas, hate forums, hate of the west, hate of the US, hate of Israel, hate of other religions...all of it needs to be stopped in it's tracks. You need to have a...
  12. cybacaT

    Who do you suspect is behind the Amman Jordan Bombings?

    I'm with you eisanbt!! How do we know these people are islamic? I mean really... Like you, I'm going to ignore the current Islamic terrorist threat around the world, especially China at the moment, ignore the 15 islamic men arrested with terrorist plans and materials in Australia, ignore the...
  13. cybacaT

    The french had it comin'!

    wolfie I understand your point, but here's the difference. Countries like the US and Australia have been cautious in pointing out the problems that extreme islam poses. They have reviewed their immigration policies to try and filter out terrorists. They have increased security to try and...
  14. cybacaT

    The french had it comin'!

    Hey wolfie - what side are you on? Sounds like you hate Americans, and you hate Osama and terrorists. Is it both, or are you a terrorist sympathiser? You're a little wishy-washy in your description of yourself...
  15. cybacaT

    What is islam?

    Hameater I'll give credit where it's due - you certainly seem to have your intentions and heart in the right place. You openly oppose terrorism - whoever's perpetrating it. Your stumbling block is the propoganda and misinformation you have regarding terrorism and islam. It seems muslims have...
  16. cybacaT

    The french had it comin'!

    Read your history hameater, then get back to me... :rolleyes:
  17. cybacaT

    France is on fire !! Muslim Riots galore !!

    Hameater You invite bucketloads of termites into your house, don't expect your house to last long. You take poison into your body, don't expect to live long. You invite muslims into your country, don't expect it to last long either. France has the #1 largest muslim population in Europe...
  18. cybacaT

    How old to hunt ??

    Depends on 2 things: - the mental preparedness of the kid. - safety issues. I think most kids would be ok around 8-10 years of age to understand the concept of hunting. Wait any longer and they might pick up ideas from their lefty vegan schoolteachers, and not want to give it a try. Safety...
  19. cybacaT

    Why racial profiling HAS to be used.

    Hameater I think you grossly underestimate the support that islamic terrorists get amongst the muslim world community. We can only speculate on this, but for example in a country like Indonesia surveys were undertaken about a year ago asking their opinions on the Bali bombings, Sept 11 etc...
  20. cybacaT

    Does France deserve the rioting?

    I put my thoughts into action, and deliberately avoid buying any products manufactured in France or owned by French companies. Hit them where it hurts because their arrogance allows them to disregard the insults and world opinion about them...