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  1. Asmodai

    Quick question about sponsorship...

    That's right - whooo! And I don't even have a job. ^_-
  2. Asmodai

    Quick question about sponsorship...

    I'm doing it right now, actually. XD I'll be a sponsor in the morn'.
  3. Asmodai

    Quick question about sponsorship...

    haha, this probably doesn't say anything too great about me, but I don't trust myself enough at the moment to use a checking account. >_> I really am very terrible with money. I think I'll con my Dad into letting me use his. (Yes, I AM a pathetic teenager, thank you.)
  4. Asmodai

    Having to read Fox news every other day at school

    Actually, Critter, I make it a point to occasionally read/watch news that's slanted every which way, and if I had to make a personal judgement call, I'd say that Fox was "the biggest peice of propaganda you could ever watch". It pisses me off the way you can't just go to any one news source and...
  5. Asmodai

    Quick question about sponsorship...

    Where would I go/who would I talk to if I wanted to donate? Being the wee child that I am, I'd have to jump someone with a credit card and pay through them, but I rather want the little star under my name. ^_-
  6. Asmodai

    Having to read Fox news every other day at school

    It's a Political Studies class. Apparently most of our studying of politics is coming from Or... straight from the horses mouth, as it were. Ugh.
  7. Asmodai

    Who is hotter?

    And sorry for the double post, but - frame more of yourself in the picture, and less background. You're pretty fine, but most idiots don't want to spend the time picking you out from the background of the photo.
  8. Asmodai

    Who is hotter?

    1. Me being stupid and unintelligible, and 2. I'd like to think your standards weren't that low, dear. XD
  9. Asmodai

    Gas prices are HIGH? Not nearly high enough

    Thanks, Critter, my point exactly. If people would be willing to find more efficient forms of energy without hiking gas prices that would be great, but we can't see anything that isn't right in front of our noses.
  10. Asmodai

    Gas prices are HIGH? Not nearly high enough

    lol, are you kidding? If I care enough about that sort of thing to bitch like this, I'm sure as hell not going to spend 5 bucks a gallon on WATER. I drink good ol' free water out of the well in my backyard. :D
  11. Asmodai

    Having to read Fox news every other day at school

    Okay, so it doesn't really inflame me, (like people who piss on toilet seats) but it does irritate me. I could handle being required to read conservatively biased articles at school, as long as they were counterbalanced with some from the other side. I, personally, am too independent and...
  12. Asmodai

    Peeing on the goddamn toilet seats.

    Is it profound or thoughtful? No. Does it piss me off? Hell yes. I go into the restroom at the grocery store, and it's like someone's let loose a tropical storm in there. Seats completely soaked. And this is the WOMEN'S bathroom. What the hell are these chicks DOING, that they can miss that...
  13. Asmodai

    Jesse Jackson to the rescue again!

    On a completely different note: it's funny how everything hinges on WHO it is that's saying something. I can talk loudly about overthrowing the government and assasinating major world leaders, but no one cares because I'm a little middle class white girl. Sorry, I'm all done attention-whoring.
  14. Asmodai

    Gas prices are HIGH? Not nearly high enough

    Yeah, that was a bit out of line - sorry. ^ ^ And as soon as I get my kickass new camera, I'll be sure to do so. I don't have a car, and don't want one - at least not for a while. I really don't think people my age should be driving - I know I'M a clumsy ****, and so are most of the people I...
  15. Asmodai

    Too many stereotypes at once

    Yes, but not en masse. :rolleyes:
  16. Asmodai

    Who is hotter?

    Cooome on, Outlaw. If we don't know what everyone looks like, how can we custom tailor insulting pictures?
  17. Asmodai

    Too many stereotypes at once

    I think at that point it would just be funny and kind of sad... -twitch-
  18. Asmodai

    Who is hotter?

    To give a completely different opinion.... Awwwww, Komrade, you're so cute. -pinches little gothy cheek- I'll have to post a picture of me sometime so you guys will have something to keep you awake crying at night...
  19. Asmodai

    Too many stereotypes at once

    It's easy, if not pleasant. Imagine a bunch of rednecks driving around in a circle, and then sing- at the top of your voice - DIG through the ditches and BURN through the witches!... etc. It's scary.
  20. Asmodai

    Twenty Questions.

    Hahaha, it's so fun to **** with that thing. Q20. I am guessing that it is umeboshi (pickled plum)? Right, Wrong, Close 19. Is it found on a desk? Yes. 18. Does it break if dropped? Yes. 17. Is it living? Yes. 16. Is it used to calculate? Yes. 15. Is it part of a set? Yes. 14...