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  1. Crispy Critter

    The Official **** list!

    **** Imigration Pedro was trying to get into the U.S. legally through Immigration. The Officer said "Pedro, you have passed all the tests, except there is one more test. Unless you pass it you cannot enter the U.S." Pedro said, " O.K." The officer said "Make a sentence using Yellow, Pink...
  2. Crispy Critter

    Life liberty and teh persuit of...what was it again?

    Let's get this clear from the git go... The democrats have evicted more people from their homes than republicans. The dem's along with special interest groups take private property at the federal level and call it a national park. I remember as a young man driving down the eastern sloap of the...
  3. Crispy Critter

    Carl Rove you gotta love him

  4. Crispy Critter

    What does the right to burn the flag represent?

    The flag flown upside down indicates distress. How could America be in distress if a majority of elected officials representing the majority decided to do any damned thing they desired? If you don't ****ing like what the democratically elected majority decides overthrow the government or shut...
  5. Crispy Critter

    Do you pray? Why?

    Worship of gods is equal to art in the human species and it is what separates from other animals. Laws are meaningless without a higher being. Even the Romans held numerous gods as basis for certain truths. This guy Epitetius who wrote the words in my signature below refers to pagan gods...
  6. Crispy Critter

    Whose side is the US on?

    Good idea build nuclear power plants to make hydrogen fuel and drop the waste used cores on their oil wells and ban golden arches and Hollywood so they can pray in peace without western influence. Under those conditions Israel could fend for itself.
  7. Crispy Critter

    What does the right to burn the flag represent?

    You seem to hold a bias since you think democrats are for flag burning as free speech and republican are against it. That seems illogical since to amend the constitution a large majority of the citizens must agree with the vote in the congress... I think any amendment should be passed to the...
  8. Crispy Critter

    Who ARE You?

    Here are my thoughts on rational and emotional mindset and how they play in men. Men are rational creatures but at puberty and persisting on until sexual drive is lowered they rationalize much of their life with hormones driven by emotions of desire, or in other words their brain moves south...
  9. Crispy Critter

    How do you like your SPAM ???

    I associate SPAM with field training in the Army, I would always pack a few tins in my A bag to mix with the old C-rats along with hot sauce, German hot mustard, cookies and candy. You guys have some good serving ideas and I'll have to try em. The old farmers in WV would always pack potted...
  10. Crispy Critter

    what is a redneck

    Well the basis of conservatism is social Darwinism and it is only a stigma of republicans in recent times, reference Zell Miller, democrat along with Robert Byrd hold the same conservative views. Social Darwinism is the basis of all conservatism and structure of society in modern times. Under...
  11. Crispy Critter

    what is a redneck

    You are the class action guy not me. I say if they are responsible leave them the **** alone. I don't group people together the same way you do. I do group liberals together even though they differ widely to be feminine thinkers because of their internal desire to do away with social...
  12. Crispy Critter

    what is a redneck

    What is wrong with social Darwinism? To deny social Darwinism is to deny nature. Compassion should be for family and bible thumpers. **** your liberal understanding of all creatures regardless how stupid or lazy they act. I don't want to get to know or understand anyone who isn't...
  13. Crispy Critter

    what is a redneck

    I'm with Smut Butt! You are labeling a class of people like blacks all ******s when all people should be judged one by one. Liberal faggots, as Smut Butt points out, are really supposed to be inclusive and open sound more like a bigot than a liberal. Then again liberals pick and...
  14. Crispy Critter

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Is it true that all of those folks in Sconsin have their holstines stump broke? Whatever you're doing keep it up you guys put out some good cheese.
  15. Crispy Critter

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Dude I was checking out your profile and says you are a police in training...What the do they teach you in the land of no guns? I was an MP, no not member of Parliment, military police in the army and we did a lot of judo, numerous self defense tactics at bar room speed...You need a tazer or...
  16. Crispy Critter

    what is a redneck

    Redneck is only a state of mind. Usually poor, prejudice, southern and rural. In VA the people living in the county v. town are rednecks but the folks in town fit right in in a poolroom. Rednecks usually are packrats and keep broken washing machine and cars for parts even though they buy a...
  17. Crispy Critter

    Youngans showing skin...etc.

    The funny thing about politics is that both the republicans and the democrats blame each other for the crap on TV, radio and media in general. Capitalism is supposedly a republican thing but liberalism is a democratic thing... Do you remember the defining moment for Senator Kerry
  18. Crispy Critter

    French men want to be pussies!

    Maybe it was the wording of the survey...And if properly asked they answered...I would be a whore and my wife would go to work. Naaah! French men are equipped like their tanks three speed reverse and one speed forward...
  19. Crispy Critter

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Let me see if I can figure this out...nite life is past your bedtime since it don't get dark in the summer? You would have preferred to be the twinkle in the eye of a Siberian family? I take it you live with your family or you would move to a destination of preference, right? Every aspect in...