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  1. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Is smoking a crime?

    Eh, I think they've gone overboard with a lot of this ****. But, even so, some of the places smoking REALLY makes me want to take someone down aren't banned, like outdoor lines. Here, let me reverse that cigarette for you! It would be one thing if they kept the mosquitos away, but all they...
  2. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    I agree about the avatar, but I didn't get it myself. The admins gave it to me without my knowledge....Good deal! Psalm 22 is a good one as well. And Daniel gives an actual timeframe for His appearance. Jesus shows up alot in the Old Testament. I really don't see God not wanting us to...
  3. Thermite Wielding Troll

    is violence ever an appropriate response to racism?

    Wow, it's amazing to see how many are engaging the unipolar thinking here. Violence is always a detestable response, eh? So, if a guy comes at me with a knife for no reason other than to practice carving someone up, it's detestable for me to kick his knee out to interrupt him? How about if I...
  4. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Thank god they died!

    I'm bigger than that. I'm the Emperor of France.
  5. Thermite Wielding Troll


    Whoa! I see what you mean
  6. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Oh yeah, and the laws of an "Eye for an Eye, and a Tooth for a Tooth" is not a commandment, as in "You MUST go and do this on your own when someone wrongs you". it's more or less a way to settle disputes in an orderly fashion. If two parties couldn't settle an issue between them and went to the...
  7. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Hard case, eh? I'll have to look at that math there and compare with the Bible accounts, and see how everything syncs up. The question is, did the Sumerians come before the supposed start of the human race as recorded in the Bible? We first have to confirm the actual date BC (if it can be done)...
  8. Thermite Wielding Troll


    Maddox once said he's a genius, so he is.
  9. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    On what basis do you say the Bible originated from Sumarian scripts Phreak?
  10. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Alright, that explains it...well, not really, but I'll find some way to accept it.
  11. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    I've gotta wonder where you're getting this stuff from, fullauto.
  12. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Muslims praying 5 times a day? What's with that?

    Hey! Something we agree on! Don't get fuzzy about it, I'm sure it won't last....
  13. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Weekly Church Service

    Well man, just so you know, the Catholic Church is not only out of touch with reality, it's pretty out of touch with the Bible, too. "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons....They forbid people to marry...
  14. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Thank god they died!

    Actually, I'm campaigning for noone to like me, and I decided on you as the next stepping stone in my quest to become anathema. But I could still have a fan base despite the qualities you have attributed to me. After all, Micheal Jackson is a free man.
  15. Thermite Wielding Troll

    A question for non-Muslims

    Alright, lemme get this straight: A desert people ran around everywhere they went cleaning their asses with water, a premium supply in the desert (Maybe I'm mistaken here), everytime they relieved themselves?
  16. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Oil Depletion...this is some scary ****! THIS IS LONG, BUT A MUST READ!!!!

    I could only hope we'd run out. Then maybe we'd be seeing some progress on the alternative energy scene. Maybe then more energy efficient engine designs would be used to burn lighter fuels/use solar energy, like turbines and electric motors. Then I wouldn't have to worry about maintaining this...
  17. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Thank god they died!

    It should be obvious that Jesus had a lot more on the ball than most people in His society, and and that His society was just as ****ed up intellectually as ours...So how do you get by saying that? If we're going to burn people for the ****ed up failures that don't properly reflect their...
  18. Thermite Wielding Troll

    Intelligent design taught in our schools. Good or Bad

    Alright, time to school the children.... Intelligent Design has NO religious leaning. All it is is the use of empiricism, logic, and mathematics to show that evolution is not a reasonable answer. It is NOT an argument from ignorance: "Oh, we don't know how it could have evovled, so it didn't"...
  19. Thermite Wielding Troll

    So he was Not a terrorist!

    Hey terroist hater, I don't think I'd invite Muslims to your BBQ. They'd dodge the pork and go straight for the watermelon...and leave none for the rest, thus reinstigating the conflict we thought was forgotten.
  20. Thermite Wielding Troll

    So he was Not a terrorist!

    I never made any claims as to Mohammed's motivations. And, motivation aside, he most obviously was a conquerer. He obviously gained followers peacefully, but he also gained them through conquest. Would the Meccans have converted if he hadn't taken Mecca? Would there be as many Muslims in the...