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  1. Gentilhomme

    Whats with your username?

    Gentilhomme comes form Moli
  2. Gentilhomme

    Logic and emotion, felt like ranting.

    Well when the folks on TV are fleeiing form perile or various knids are they Screaming "NO NO, i don't want to sustain injury!!" or are they screaming "I DON"T WANT TO DIE" to live is our main drive, hell we've an entire section of the nervous system beyond our control dedicated to sustaining...
  3. Gentilhomme

    "Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain"?

    So you were (or are) the type that likes to get in a scruffle about shite? I'm not one to support unecessary violence, especially over something so trivial as a "Listen here BOY" comment. I was brought up into Martial Arts, benn at it since i was eight and under the instruction of one of the...
  4. Gentilhomme

    Gentilhomme's beef with MRIH

    opps, posted again. :rolleyes:
  5. Gentilhomme

    Gentilhomme's beef with MRIH

    Said nothing about taking a ribbing, MRIHs been at it since my VERY FIRST POST and has amintained a steady lvl through-out my time here, i don't mind it. i PM him cause he gave me bad rep, the gullible thing was tied into that as it was "Bad rep for being GULLIBLE!" when my post was not relevant...
  6. Gentilhomme

    Gentilhomme's beef with MRIH

    Little note for ol Johny boy, The apology was because he insulted me and gave me bad rep for something that i didn't do, but YOU did accually. Just to clairfy. (Look at the 'Condredictions in the Bible' thread) Again,. thanks for the concern MRIH.
  7. Gentilhomme

    Logic and emotion, felt like ranting.

    Well you'll note that the little native cultures are 'cultures'. this means that they too are conditioned en-masse to not fear death. Fear of death is a curse layed upon humans by the very thing that seperated us form our ancestors; the ability to plan ahead. We know its coming and our main...
  8. Gentilhomme

    Gentilhomme's beef with MRIH

    I don't know if thats sarcasim or not.....I'm a little scared right now shudders And its no so much a beef with you, its your insults. I've seen you make some good points but they are usually lost in a fog of 'well you're a dum fuk" and things of the like. If this is a genuine apology then...
  9. Gentilhomme

    What does the right to burn the flag represent?

    No, just as people can worship as they wish so long as they don't harm people or spred hate, a flag is NOT excuse for harming others and things of the like. "Now if thats wht they believe in then fine, let them. But its when ppl start usiing their icons (or anything really) to propigate harmful...
  10. Gentilhomme

    Sex as a weapon

    Still can be considered using sex, as a tool or weapon, guess it depends on how YOU define it.
  11. Gentilhomme

    What does the right to burn the flag represent?

    When it comes to things like the Confederate flag i'ld still leave it be. I don't agree with the many dum things associated with it (factuel or not) but i do reconize that it is a representation of somebody else beliefs. In this particular it has been abused as an excuse for nationalism and...
  12. Gentilhomme

    Logic and emotion, felt like ranting.

    Percisely, the "Baby" has been conditioned to realize the best way to fulfill his needs, such as life and freedom, and your response was overidden to insure your 'greater' satisfaction, or rather survival. Basic human drives
  13. Gentilhomme

    Logic and emotion, felt like ranting.

    The whole evolutionary purpose of emotion is motovation outside of logic. In most cases people can be totally rule by their emotions, defending their mate or children etc. Now being the ever malable balls of Playdough that our brains are, we can be 'experienced' into controling this ****. A baby...
  14. Gentilhomme

    Logic and emotion, felt like ranting.

    Well there is a tricky debate aside form the above, What is logic? I'd agree with Tizz that its the black and white of the universe however wht peopel precieve as black and white CAN differ, so is logic the gerenrally precieved reality or the unique personal reality of each individuel. Its not...
  15. Gentilhomme

    What does the right to burn the flag represent?

    Flag Burning eh? Well it's definatly freedom of expression and a strong statment against a government but personly i don't think it's the way to go. The first and most simple of these reasons this; It is THAT VERY FLAG that gives you the freedom to burn it. Now for most people respect is...
  16. Gentilhomme

    Logic and emotion, felt like ranting.

    why thank you, for my birthday i would like intelligent conversation about the above subject or atleast critique on my conclusions.
  17. Gentilhomme

    Logic and emotion, felt like ranting.

    Sweet jesus Tizz, i only JUST posted this! you're a quik'un eh.. :eek:
  18. Gentilhomme

    Logic and emotion, felt like ranting.

    Self esteem keeps getting in the way of the truth. Computers have none and are able to function properly in part to this. We have come to the point where we must ask ourselves which is better; logic and efficiency or emotion. A healthy balance would be nice but I
  19. Gentilhomme

    Do you pray? Why?

    You need not religion to tell you right form wrong. If you think its wrong, then its wrong to you (and chances are MANY others) this is why we discuss laws, to see wht people think about them and wither or not they're good or bad. The impression you leave with a post like that is that you are...
  20. Gentilhomme

    Hunting. Right or wrong?

    I sincerly hope your tatics for hunting deer are greater then you women hunting tatics, a true gentleman would simply say "Hey baby, wanna breed?" then pass out form the intense pain left a by a boot to the groin. PS: Jhony5, the canuk ladies are too used to real men for you to try anything so...