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  1. Gentilhomme

    Islamic cowards attack women.

    Terrorists use terror tactics. They have no chance of taking out the US army, this simply isn't possible for them, so they'll do the next best thing; get them out. Basically for every terrorist killed (or "martyred") the terroists want to kill 10 Iraqi innocents and and Americans standing...
  2. Gentilhomme

    The Official **** list!

    MILF... M= Mom I= I'd L= Like to F= **** Somebody else should fielded that question. :)
  3. Gentilhomme

    Sex as a weapon

    Nice to hear it didn't fuk you up but isen't that more a case of holding to principal or bringing to light a problem then using it as a weapon. I guess you could say you used it, well yah you used sex, but when i think weapon i think agressive. You were more reacting to his jack-assery. EG; were...
  4. Gentilhomme

    P.E.T.A.-Do you buy their ****?

    Livestock aeem no different to me then Vegitables, however they do have feelings of pain and tourment and thats kinda a scetchy area. He is a, to some sick, proposition; We developpe cloning technology and use it to make animal 'shells' Shells are a fully functional body that has no brain and...
  5. Gentilhomme

    The Official **** list!

    **** religious Zealots and their Hedgehog parents with their refined knifery! :mad:
  6. Gentilhomme


    Happy birthday Gov, I've nothign to give you but a poorly thought-out Haiku: Blue Rodeo Rocks, Oh ****, I just Flipped the Cat Do you have a Mop?
  7. Gentilhomme

    Is it OK for Christians to insult islam?

    I simply believe that propagating hate towards anyone is bullshit. If ppl would stop 'Insulting' and start 'arguing' (Healthy argument that is) then i got no problems with pointing out wht you consider wrong in anothers religion so long as they have the oppertunity to do the same and neither of...
  8. Gentilhomme

    Hunting. Right or wrong?

    I'm not a vegitarien or a memebr of PETA or anything, i just don't agree with hunting. When chickens or livstock is reared, it is ment for eating; like growing fields of vegitables. but in the wild i appriciate animals living as they are, i thuink the free ones have that right and we've...
  9. Gentilhomme

    Sex as a weapon

    Guess i'm the first serious poster so the pressure is on! I think sex as a weapon is bullshit. I don't think anybody should sell-out their bodies for any reason so dum as getting free cable or a raise or something (or even worse, to make somebody else feel like ****). Now i support recreational...
  10. Gentilhomme

    Who ARE You?

    Not schizo but close i just run on 2 trains of thought. I don't hear voice (anymore :) ), but thats my problem and like Phreak, i don't believe in mind meds. Although i run instead of walk. And also rationalize my shite, trying to realize that the past is the past etc, so you an't alone there...
  11. Gentilhomme

    Do you pray? Why?

    Prayer is a comfort, when you accually believe in the 'Fairy tales' chances are its going to make you feel better when theres something (god) to turn to to make sense of the shite going on. Remember that religion is not based in logic, it is there to give an anwser to people without anwsers...
  12. Gentilhomme

    American Liberials give Liberial a Bad Name!

    According to the Political Spectrum liberials are ppl who desire change, but gradual. Conservatives are people who wish to maintain the Status Quo. Liberials wish for a moderatly strong central goverenment which provides for the people. Conservative want a smaller central government which allows...
  13. Gentilhomme

    Who ARE You?

    This question coming for a guy who duel minded so forgive me if i make some assumptions based on myself as to how your mind works but... Who is the real you? It seems that the mind is usually split into 2 warring (but sometimes co-operative) factions. The rational and the emotional. Pending on...
  14. Gentilhomme

    Un-Anarchist Anarchism: A New Political System

    Yah i know growth of 1 or 2 guilds would pose a threat to the rest but wht i was trying to to is allow for kind of micro-World. Each guild being a nation in a way, which as we know, nations like to fight now and then. I hoped to remedy this but installing an Overwatch, the CR, and limiting it so...
  15. Gentilhomme

    Un-Anarchist Anarchism: A New Political System

    thanks for the input man! :)
  16. Gentilhomme

    Un-Anarchist Anarchism: A New Political System

    Why thats quite the shitty/cool idea GH, I enjoyed the part about 'X' but i disagree with 'Y' and 'Z'
  17. Gentilhomme

    American Liberials give Liberial a Bad Name!

    Pourquoi les Americans pensent que Canada est completement Liberial dans nos pensons? Oui je fais parti des NDP mais presque toute ma province (Nouvelle-Ecosse) sont des conservative. Aussi nous avons une province nomme Albetra. C'est presque exactment comme Texas! Les attitudes politique et...
  18. Gentilhomme

    Liberals Piss Me Off!

    Heres a general outline of wht OUR idiots are about. Conservatives: These guys are all for big business, they believe that by giving tax breaks and money to big business that'll create more jobs and better canadian economic powerhouses. This is also the religious (Christien) folks, they want...
  19. Gentilhomme

    Un-Anarchist Anarchism: A New Political System

    Alrighty, i made this new political system up for my Political Science class the other day, Not saying its perfect or anything but i'ld like you guys to critizes and rip it to ****, but compliments are welcome too :D Society is broken up into guilds. A guild consists of a group of people...
  20. Gentilhomme


    He's not a facist, just a nut-job. Mandatory Toking? I suppose after the decades of brain rot ppl might stop caring about the rest of the dum **** in there. (Not ALL bad, but too much to be taken seriously) And keeping teens of the net won't prevent pedophiles from roping in young dim-witted...