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  1. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    SpongeBob Square Pants GAY?

    spongebob is not gay, the purple telly tubby tinkie winkie is gay, a guy carrying a purse, you all know spongebob wants to tap sandy...dont try and deny it, spongebob is the ****, hop off his spongy dick
  2. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Vote for newest Off Topic Forum Mod here

    cuz i JUST DO!!!!
  3. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Vote for newest Off Topic Forum Mod here

    tehe outlaw, hahaha dude i luv you
  4. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    **** Kanye West

    Hating the pres. has not one ****ing thing to do with donating to the people who are dying, its the ****ers who thought...or were ignorant enough to think///"ill just steal a TV in the middle of a crisis and maybe in 4 hours 20 feet of water will be gone and I will be able to sell the TV i Stole...
  5. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Can't get that ***** smell off your dick

    douching is the worst thing a woman could possibly do, proven fact...however if any girl is smelling up your dick that bad, maybe you should get that checked out you dirty ****...thanks for the USELESS post since none of us share that same problem
  6. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    **** Kanye West

    yea **** those ******s if they were not using the system that we are paying for then when ****ing Katrina hit they would have had money and vehicles to evacuate by, no instead they were poor, dirt bags who sat there like trash because they had no other way to get help, rely on someone else...
  7. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Plan B: The morning after pill

    um run cash register, dickhead, my name tag says DRUG ASSOCIATE, i count the drugs, pull the drugs, scan the drugs, and do drug orders, how the **** are you going to tell me, and um yes viagara can be addicting, as can every other drug in the whole world if not used properly, viagara is simply...
  8. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Plan B: The morning after pill

    Viagara over the counter, ahahahahaMY ****ING ASS, first of all i work in a pharmacy and about 80% who get that **** are adult black males, medicaid will no longer pay for viagara because they cannot detect who the sex offenders are. If the ****ing drug was over the counter,now running at myjob...
  9. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    ******s piss me off

    I could of swore we already had this convo, and everyone agreed it was played out and we were sick of hearing about ******s there no good poit blank, what else is there to argue...they all suck, there a waste of society...done?
  10. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Gay Ass Names

    Lol, yes these name sare just downright retarded, how about the girl I work with, her name is MUFFIN, um yes I will be naming my kid cupcake? And my boss's name is HERBERT STUMPFT how depressing....Wow, no even some white names suck ass, how about Larry, Harry, Herb, Stu, Mason White as day...
  11. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Gay Ass Names

    wtf going through some medicaid cards today at work, we have the HOTTEST NAMES!!!!! yea...right...stupid high parents must have came up with these Naytasha Sherlonda Vai Jayshaen Heaven Lorisha Lorasha....yes those are twins... Starazia Lavayette Rakima Lakonda Shakia Jesus people learn how to...
  12. SoNyaThEBiTcH


    There is to much damn drama about this **** where i ****in work...ppl having heart attacks because there"drugs" are t o early to fill. Wtf how does one person swalllow 180 vicodin in 5 days...jesus christ ppl need to calm down, our world is popping vicodin pills like their candy... And the...
  13. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    lmao you guys never cease to ****ing amaze me with your words, hurt, i think not, i can take ne thing you say just calm down with the skank ****, its a long story of y i dont like it, and particularly important to me, so yea..well wutever, maybe we wanna move on and stop talking about...
  14. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    or what could be wrong is the fact that your spitting words at me that in no way describe me, that at the bottom of all my posts it refers to me as a skank, not that i care what other people think, but if mine has t say skank, then everyone else should have a title, like all the rude arrogant...
  15. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    perhaps wut could be wrong is that this is a debate forum yes, but not stupid chances for dumb ass ****ers to spit words at me who dont now me, and say the same thing over and over again,. okay ive come to the conclusion that you think im a skank...well then i guess im a skank, okay come up with...
  16. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    im talkin to **** wars...the asshole that he is put me in the ****in idiot box, um i dont give a ****, kick me off of the site, **** up my pics, words,posts, do whatever your little heart desires...haha laughs and i was jokin in the first post, however after phreak wars called me a nothing...
  17. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    im glad your everyc omeback is to call me a skank, haha a 17 year old skank, dude your so ****ing sick, switch whatever you may like on this site...this site is not my life, your only comeback is to **** with peoples pics, words, or quotes, you do that, hope it makes you feel 100% better you low...
  18. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    hahaa im so happy that i said all that and you had no dumbass comebacks, or no nasty ass comments, haha you must have really knew that that time i was right...yes!
  19. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    when i was a little girl, santa was my hero, now i sometimes accidentally sell my soul to him...anal sex, um...eww thats just degrading, sperm good for your skin, i wouldnt know because i dont lotion my body with the nasty gooey "stuff", oral sex goood pain releiver, sure if your suffering...
  20. SoNyaThEBiTcH

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    haha your too funny you know what, you always critisize people for WHATEVER they do and i mean whatever they do, why dont you just find a way to say something, that doesnt discust anyone, everytime i ever make a post in here, all i think about is what the "*******" is going to say about it, your...