9/11 -- Was it real?


New member
You didn't listen to me. The structural integrity of an airplane wing is similar to you sticking your arm out the window of a car at 500 mph and trying to knock over a mailbox. Seriously, what's going to win that battle, your arm or the mailbox? Same with the wing going into a BUILDING. That building all but disintegrated those wings.
As far as the bodies...go light yourself on fire with jet fuel, and tell me what's left. Also, google the word "cremation."

Most of the rest of the plane suffered the same fate as the wings did...pure disintegration in the heat, but there were parts that can be identified through pictures, but I can't seem to find the website right now. When I do, I'll post the link. But you can clearly see remains of one of the turbine engines, and even the symbol of the commercial airline in the rubble.
Then how come the wings made imprints in the towers then?

Also, in the videos, it identifies the recognisible parts as being from a different type of plane than the one we were told crashed.

Add that to the fact that the FBI seized the only known video footage of it and havent released any of it and I smell some sort of conspiricy, the scale of which I am still unsure.



New member

The towers fell dude. How do you have any clue what the exact dimensions of impact zone on the towers looked like? And where did you get those see through an explosion glasses?



New member
Who said anything about exact dimensions? Maybe for the pentagon, but of course not the towers.

Plus, if yould actually take the time to watch the video you can see what Im talking about very clearly.

The only big explosion is right when the plane hits the building, after that you can clearly see the main hole with smoke coming out of it and on at least one side [because of the angle] where the wing went all the way in. :rolleyes:

You can kinda see it here too.


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New member
After a breif look, that seems like an interesting site, Ill have read some more of it though. Im open to all the opinions on this since no one really knows what happened. Im also not trying to argue that fact that a plane hit the pentagon, just that the government MIGHT be [or might have been] lying about what type of aircraft hit it. Just an opinion based on what I have watched and read. *shrug*

On a friendly note, how do you know so much about planes?

And on a mod note, please use the "Edit" button. :p



New member
Okay, well that last link is confusing to follow, and not the one I was intending. Here; http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages...e_evidence.html
That is a FULL COMPREHENSIVE investigation of pictures, structures, evidence, remains, everything!
I check that out tomorrow, gotta go for now.

To answer your last question; I'm about to graduate in Mechanical Engineering, and I'm applying for my masters in Thermal Fluids, as well as Aerodynamics.
Basically, HUGE nerd.
At least thats something interesting. Well, I think so anyway. :p




New member
You didn't listen to me. The structural integrity of an airplane wing is similar to you sticking your arm out the window of a car at 500 mph and trying to knock over a mailbox. Seriously, what's going to win that battle, your arm or the mailbox? Same with the wing going into a BUILDING. That building all but disintegrated those wings.
As far as the bodies...go light yourself on fire with jet fuel, and tell me what's left. Also, google the word "cremation."

Most of the rest of the plane suffered the same fate as the wings did...pure disintegration in the heat, but there were parts that can be identified through pictures, but I can't seem to find the website right now. When I do, I'll post the link. But you can clearly see remains of one of the turbine engines, and even the symbol of the commercial airline in the rubble.
Our arms can't withstand thousands of degrees of heat and collision with pressure and force. And the turbine engine, was not of a Boeing commercial aircraft. It's too obvious when you compare pictures found in the wreckage, with ones of an actual Boeing engine. No resemblance whatsoever regardless of how ****** up it got upon impact.

How funny would it be if buildings ate airplanes like you say they do. ALL of airplane crashes eventually reveal an indestructable black box in the wreckage but none were found on 9/11. You say because it couldn't be found in all the rubble? It wasn't found in the open fields of Pennsylvannia either.



New member
Good point Wakka, also on another note, Anyone got a good link to what happened at the George Washington bridge? I haven't been able to find a good site with information about that incident


New member
Sorry to double post, but i do have something to add about the attack on the pentagon, on the link below


Note: IF the link doesnt work then I probably messed it up, but do go to it, it is very comprehensive about the attack on the pentagon.

Also not on the video- The FBI moved pretty **** quick when it came to recovering the videos of the attack on the pentagon



New member
Actually, they found like 1 of 6 black boxes I believe. But as far as I know, they didnt reveal any of its data either.

About identifying the people, did they actually do it physically, person by person? or did they just have the list of casualties made up from the list of people who boarded?



New member
The only way they could of identified anybody that didn't disintegrate in the heat would have been by their teeth. My dad used to actually do just that. Anytime there was a really bad fire somewhere, he would be sent in to pronounce people dead and remove their teeth for identification. Sometimes, however, it's impossible to identify people, and family members acknowledgement pronounces them dead.

As far as wikka; I'm not really following your argument. But as far as the towers, dude, a needle in a haystack doesnt even begin to describe what finding two black boxes in that **** would be like. Also, look at how the excavated the wreckage. Huge equipment just started shoveling that **** outta there. Do you actually think somebody went through every piece of the 11 story tall rubble to find two boxes about 1 square foot? As far as the Pennsylvania, I was unaware of them not finding the black box. Regardless, the black box only records telemetry of the flight. It didn't hold any "secret" information that the government would need to hid anyways. All the black boxes would tell you is air speed, altitude, etc. Just pure telemetry data. A black box doesn't tell you the government did it, sorry.



New member
Well i mean you can't expect something to survive no matter what. But still, more black boxes should have survived. Also (talking about the pentagon video) the government took all the tapes to that incident within minutes of the attack. If the government wasnt behind it why would they worry about that? And also, the hole the plane made was a net circle. If you watch the video i posted youll see theres almost no chance in **** a Boeing 757 would make something that neat and small. And some of the windows were still intact after the plane hit. Not to mention eyewitness reports that they saw a plane that appeared to be of military brand. And the supposed pilot of the plane that hit the pentagon was said to be "A very bad pilot. Clearly had no idea what he was doing." Im basically saying what the video says but my point is this. How the **** does a 80 ton plane not even leave a trace of its existance?


New member
Okay, go back 2 or 3 posts ago. I posted an in depth investigation of pictures, settings, reamins, etc. You can CLEARLY see Boeing 757 parts. Also, you are making a huge mistake! HUGE! You are assuming and hypothesizing. Stop! You have absolutely no experience in the fields of fluid mechanics, structural engineering, or ****, plane crashes in general. Saying what you "think" should of happened, and making decisions on your intuition not jiving with what you see in the pictures is a horrible mistake. Also, if you wanna go with witnesses, I've got a family member with his office directly across the street from the pentagon, and he told our family that it was most definitely a commercial airline plane that hit the building. Alas, the witness accounts don't really mean much because their are just as many people crying conspiracy as there are people crying legit. Forget witnesses and go with scientific facts. Go back to the very first post I made and watch the video of a 3-D modeleing of what the crash would have looked like.


New member
justin.. go home. you lose at life... you ******* nerd.

hahahah... yeah, i pretty much rock your face off. :)

oh, and yeah.. i know this is off topic...

go die.



New member
It's great to see a rebutal to the 1st conspiracy. It proves a good few facts about what could have happened to the plane. I didn't really read the link LSU provided becuase It would take a while, so instead I just skimmed through.

Both sides still have some things I question so I guess I'm back in the grey with this whole is it a conspiracy or not. I mean it's hard to judge with these kind of things.

LSU made some real good points with the wings strength and how it's possible that one could mistake a speeding plane for a missle.

Since I have no clue on how planes works or anything like that maybe some of these questions could be answered.

1) On the video that this thread was based upon they showed a truck fly off into water when it drove behind it. Now ieye witnesses say it, the plane, was really close then would numerous vehicles have been flipped over?

2) Apaprently a near buy hotel(?) filmed some footage of the plane, but the video was quickly confiscated. If this video was just a video of the plane crashing then wouldn't the CIA just release it instead of being so shady about it?

3) Now I'm no physics expert nor am I to well at geometry, but the video also points out that if a plane hit the light polls like it did, would they have been bent, uprooted, or even damaged? From the pictures I saw they looked neatly placed on the ground.

I know one could argue, how the **** would someone remove the light polls from there standing position so fast after the explosion but it's just a thought.

Then wouldn't the law have shown some destruction? From the looks of it, it was pretty neat. I mean if a plane came sipping through the front lawn I'd expect to see some kind of mess.

I don't know just some questions that I feel haven't been answered or that I just haven't seen/ heard answered.



New member
The black boxes record input voice data and radio transmissions. It would contain dialogues of the people who were pilotting the plane, and confirm whether they were terroists or not. It closes the argument that terroists were the ones responsible, so why wasnt the one box found on 9/11 released to the public?

Yeah Azem that pentagon thing is shady too... Gov officials have stated that the plane skidded on the lawn and rammed into the pentagon. If that were true, then the grass would have some kind of damage, no?

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