9/11 -- Was it real?

Your missing a word, "effective". That hole matches the "effective" cross section of a commercial plane. Effective due to what I was explaning earlier. Think about an airplane for a second. It's huge. It's extremely heavy. EXCEPT for the wings. When engineers desing airplane wings, the make them out of the lightest material possible. Why? Well, engineers try to make planes as "light" as possible because the lighter the plane, the less fuel it will take to make it fly. That's a good thing!
What does this mean for the pentagon? Well, you've got this huge mass flying towards a building, but ALL the mass is in the fuselage, NOT the wings. So when the wing made contact with the building, you're talking about this rediculously heavy building, hitting this light, hollow, sheet metal wing. The building wins hands down! Alas, you can't see any destruction due to the wings.

If you want to actually "see" this happen, I posted a link from Purdue University that shows a video of EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I promise it will only take like 5 min. to watch it and you will see exactly what I'm talking about. Go to that page, click on the first report I think, and click "watch movie"
Ah, so I did. Thank you for explaining that.



New member
Ok here we go

Not every *** **** piece of the plane is going to disintegrate LSU. Why are there no marks on the lawn of the Pentagon? It was said to hit the lawn beforehand. Why did the Government cover the lawn up so quickly? Why are there no clear big parts of the plane and wreckage everywhere, like there are in most ALL plane crashes!? Planes have hit lots of buildings, even one that was 80 stories tall, hitting the top and exploding, just damaging that part of the building. Not all buildings fall as a result of a plane crash. The World Trade Centers were the first ones that fell due to planes that I know of.

Clean Pentagon lawn: http://www.criticalthrash.com/terror/P1010015.JPG

The ******* plane is tall, how is it going to hit the bottom floors of the Pentagon without touching the lawn AT ALL? The top section collapsed 20 minutes later.

The neat holes are like this:


Also see the lawn there.

Also, after the first attack, over 20 cameras were trained on the WTCs. You can see the 2nd plane fly in, with something coming from the front and hitting the building. Also, explain all of the explosions you see on videos, like CNN or Fox. You can see explosions coming from the building before it falls...And my ***, tell me please that you are not stupid enough to think a plane crash 80 floors up can ******* knock marble off the walls of the lobby, blow out windows and cause over 4 secondary explosions throughout the building.


Lastly, there are crashes where wings have been hitting the building and not been demolished. In fact, I've seen pictures of quite a few. Planes have hit just one light pole and crashed soon thereafter.

BBC News.

Not Al Jazeera or a French site.

Supposed Hijackers are alive.


What's also funny is that a guy in Chicago spotted the plane that supposedly crashed in Shanksville and the one that supposedly crashed at the Pentagon at an airport o_O Same plane numbers. No joke. Also, I'm not an expert on this **** but how did the Hanjour do that kind of amazing turn at 530MPH in the skies? Even the Air Traffic Controllers said it seemed like a military plane the way it acted. Can you explain the mysterious white plane flying over the Pentagon about 30 seconds after the crash? It's ******* Washington *** **** DC. It's got incredible security! That little jet recently that flew within like a couple miles of the White House had planes on it's *** ASAP. What's different for the Pentagon? Ok and the last thing I have to say is how come the plane dissapeared 45 minutes before the crash? Wouldn't it dissapear when it crashed? (not sure about this question)


Hey, have you even watched the Loose Change videos?

If not, you should at least watch this short about 3 minute video. http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/flash.htm



New member
Exactly but the chances of terrorists and the US Government crashing planes on the same day is like wtf. That's what makes me think it was all faked.


New member
lol how? I think it was all perfect except 9/11 was ****** in one way. The government screwed up on the Pentagon, which is obvious, and that unviels it all from there >_<


New member
Okay, honestly, I'm getting tired of this now. The same questions that I continue to answer are just being rehashed over and over again in a slightly tilted manner, and it's solely due to ignorance on the subject at hand.

Alas, your first paragraph is rediculous. You actually said "The WTC are the first buildings to fall due to plane crashes that I'm aware of." Dude, seriously, don't even act like you've been this connoisseur of plane crashes with this wealth of information at your disposal. I'd be willing to bet the WTC and the Pentagon are the ONLY plane crashes into a building you've ever heard of. I don't understand why you continue to state things that should or should not of happened during the plane crashes.

When somebody throws up a thread entitled "How I hate what I see when I look in the mirror; Is it true, or is this bid for negative attention the only angle I have?" Dude, I expect you to be all over that thread with an introduction, body, personal experiences, denouement, and works freaking cited. Ya know, a real best seller!

But when it comes to applied physics, structural integrity, and freaking plane crashes; feel free to go look in the mirror and hate what you don't know anything about. All of your critiques of what the plane crash "should" have looked like.....come on man, you, that's like me telling you what it's like to hate yourself.

Oh, and those "neat" holes you found a picture of....not the pentagon there chief. Unless the government decided to buy a few "No Parking Anytime" signs and throw them up on a building that doesn't even have a street in front of. But I guess people like to park on the front lawn from time to time.




New member
It's my opinion ok? Can you just reply to my original long post like 3 posts down about what I asked you and not turn into a communistic smartass on the ******* way?


New member
Oh I see, you're just filling that desperate want for deleted lyrics. There's like what, 9 10 threads a day on people asking for what LP didn't say. Got ya.


New member
Oh I see' date=' you're just filling that desperate want for deleted lyrics. There's like what, 9 10 threads a day on people asking for what LP didn't say. Got ya.[/quote']
Um no, can you just discuss the topic we're on and stop getting off topic please?


New member
Oh I see' date=' you're just filling that desperate want for deleted lyrics. There's like what, 9 10 threads a day on people asking for what LP didn't say. Got ya.[/quote']
Dude how about you shut the **** up....and do what Mark just said....


New member
"Just because Deleted Scenes sell a couple hundy more DVD's, it won't make you the "cool guy" on an internet forum to find Deleted Lyrics."

--Deleted line from a book written by Everybody Else called "How to spot complete B.S."

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