Al Gore's Tennessee Home Wasting Electricity

Anna Perenna said:
I'm not sure what you mean by all environmentalists being "no men"

I was referring to those who continually preach that we get off of fossil fuels in favor of cleaner alternative fuels, yet put up every kind of roadblocks to expanding those same alternatives that are technologically available.
Anna Perenna said:
No need to apologise. I didn't realise the University research system in the USA was open to .... suggestion.

Are there any organisations with the means to carry out research independently?

Now you see why us American's aren't so much part of Yokeltown, USA, when we are skeptical, but have become that way through experience.:D
BP and Conico both have commercials saying they are spending tremendous amounts of money on research for newer technologies. They're not gonna wanna lose out when the change comes.
People are finally waking up.
ImWithStupid said:
Now you see why us American's aren't so much part of Yokeltown, USA, when we are skeptical, but have become that way through experience.:D
The person paying for the research usually gets the results they pay for. Look at big tobacco years ago - then the anti-tobacco people.
ImWithStupid said:
I was referring to those who continually preach that we get off of fossil fuels in favor of cleaner alternative fuels, yet put up every kind of roadblocks to expanding those same alternatives that are technologically available.

Who is doing this?
ImWithStupid said:
Now you see why us American's aren't so much part of Yokeltown, USA, when we are skeptical, but have become that way through experience.:D

Old Salt said:
The person paying for the research usually gets the results they pay for. Look at big tobacco years ago - then the anti-tobacco people.

Well then, focus your attentions on the truly independent research organisations in Scandinavia and yes, Australia (I'm not bragging, just bein' real yo).

Their research suggests that the current climate change problems are due to anthropological influence and that green steps can be taken to help ease the dilemma.

Didn't Prince Charles put a nix on a wind farm a few years ago because it spoiled his view? Seems to me I remember reading something about that in the news.

And there have been wind farms proposed on the US East coast that got cancelled.
Old Salt said:
Didn't Prince Charles put a nix on a wind farm a few years ago because it spoiled his view? Seems to me I remember reading something about that in the news.

And there have been wind farms proposed on the US East coast that got cancelled.

Ala Ted Kennedy and his rich Martha's Vinyard buddies.
Anna Perenna said:
still waiting for that list .....

Do you mean environmental lobyists? If so, start with the Sierra Club and then Goggle the rest of the list. I know how things work in US politics. Educate yourself if you want to get in this argument.
ImWithStupid said:
Do you mean environmental lobyists? If so, start with the Sierra Club and then Goggle the rest of the list. I know how things work in US politics. Educate yourself if you want to get in this argument.

What's the matter - can't you come up with at least a few examples?

You seem so knowledgeable on the subject .... so very sure ....

Teach me :D
Anna Perenna said:
What's the matter - can't you come up with at least a few examples?

You seem so knowledgeable on the subject .... so very sure ....

Teach me :D

I guess you ignored the Sierra Club as an example and seem to be incapable of using Google, so I'll help the less able.

Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League

Save Western Ohio

Innisfil Windwatchers

Center for Biological Diversity



This is just an example of a few of those who are opposed to the "clean" energy options. It doesn't inclued those opposed to use of any carbon based energy sources like coal to oil, natural gas, OCS/ANWR drilling or shale oil.

I'm sorry you aren't able to use the internet effectivly, and this is just a handfull of the hundreds out there trying to block any effort to advance the US energy battle, but I can't hold your hand all your life and you really should learn to use the resource known as a "search engine", and as you will find, many articles only cite the opposition as an "environmental group" but if you do some research or personal education, you can find the names of these organiztions.