Azem's journal

What reminds you of me

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lol ok. Anyways, well ehh well yeah carie likes her BF. ITS KILLING ME! Like during church school she was like omg i love my bf. o_O. THEN COURTNEY WAS LIKE OMG i love my bf too hes soo awesome. Im like ....... @#%@!)(& ...... The carrie was like writin i love korey on her peaice of paper. I was like mehhhhh. So im trying to move on. I mean like after school i had a basket ball meeting so i missed the bus and while i was waiting for my dad to pick me up me and caitlyn(that girl who used to flirt with me alot were like mad flirting) and during the whole school time Valeria(Amandas friend) and I were flirting ALOT. But I mean I like them, but I still like carrie more. And damnit! Why'd she have to date that dickwad! But yeah ... ... ... Being single was good at first but know its getting old. Like meh, i dunno I guess i just want a girl who wants a long relationship(know what I mean) im tired of all this two week dating ****. ****...well we'll see what happens next week, I dont have school today or tommorrow so its all goody. I started a Myspace account Oldschoolflunker is the name so if u want me to add you or what not. Meh

Im out
Love peace and gonads
*huggles* I'm sorry, I don't have school tomorrow either (awesome, yay), y don't u have school though? Anyways, I bet something good will happen will happen any... second now..... *slips a 20 in hamid's back pocked while hugging u*
Haha, well my birthday party shall be next week on a friday. I'm thinking of inviting Chad, Anthony, Austin, Courtney, Megan and possibly some others. I dunno....well courtney sed she couldnt show....DAMN...LOL...I dunno well see
First off. Weed is bad. Shouldnt be legalized. Name 10 people who smoked pot and are genious's. Im not talking about musical or artists. Im talking about people who really contributed to sciences / governments / that kind of stuff. Answer none. Now how many people are broke, have no job, or drop out of school and take marijuana. Answer to damn much. Weed in the end damages you. Alot of my friends smoke a bowl a day. I dont abandon them, becuase thats not me, but I certainly dont condon that ****. Im pretty succesful in life. I'm smart, I make lots of money, I've had some pretty good relationships, people look up at me, I've won so many awards its not funny, my name is known across the school in a positive way. None of that was gained through smoking weed. I stayed away from that ****. On the flipside my buddies have girlfriends and their name is known across the school(not for good reasons). I'm not saying potheads are going to be unsuccseful in life, but I have yet to see one that is. Weed is so easy to get addicted to. It is. After you take one puff you need one more to get high the next time. It goes and goes. I dont know about you but I don't want to spend the rest of my life scratching my ass wondering if my paycheck from McDonalds is going to be enough to pay the guy at the corner. If you smoke weed and are a genious well good for you. Pat yourself on the back. But you better be in the record books becuase I haven't heard of any. I haven't heard of any succesful HAPPY weedsmokers. Sure right now it's all fun and games while you live in your parents house, but wait till you move out and have to live on your own. When jobs start firing you becuase you didnt pass the drug test. Even if its legalized Jobs will still fire you for smoking that reefer. Weed has no benifits.

Second off, As for Spike. Yeah sure maybe he was behaving a little immature. We all do. I have done the same(trying to fuel a certain antiwarner campaign)But hey thats what makes the earth spin. Hey but for everyone who doesn't like the idea of smoking pot, i suggest we do this. Put "Weed Is For Fags" on your sigs. Becuase I mean alot of people have Smoke Weed / Make Weed legal on theres so we have that same right. It's not being immature. Dont put it in huge big bolded letters just have it small and Simple.

I felt as though this thread needed an Azk two cents before a Mod locks it and the forums miracously get shutdown for a day.

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