Azem's journal

What reminds you of me

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Ah life. It's one of the few things that I look forward to in...Life. Well, I must say conversing with Carrie is a pretty modest job for a man of my carisma. She speaks with tunes of s soft whisper and yet has so much to say. I rub in facts that she is afriad of mettalic object that are tainted in the name of dull. My life is surrounded by a nothingness named Joe. I am the rejected coffe cup that is never used becuase it says number one dad, and clearly it's owner is number 2. And yet I want to be filled. I want to be remembered and cherished. Please oh please fill me with that schorching hot coffe. I want the Love flavoured coffe beans to beat against my cup.

Um, chyea. Bored. Me. Nothing special. Still taking stride that seem to move in an unbearble slow motion to ask Carrie out. And just as i think im ready the owner watching my life rewinds the tape and sends me back to scene one. Depressing it may seem but this wall that blocks my wave of love for her only makes me more determined to go down to home depot to retrive a sledgehammer so that I may bash in that wall like a gay elf would do rudoulph.

I leave you guys alone to ponder in lost thoughts...
Yesterday was pretty fun. After packing a whole lotta boxes I went over to Chad's house for his Bday. We were like wrestling. We held chad down and shoved cheese in face. We played some resident evil4 and just kinda talked and fought somemore...then chads coke had a pik of kate beckinsale on his cake..she was in a bikini
that one to be exact...whats gay is Chad got the ****.....Anyways then we went bowling...when we went there this girl named brittney and lindsay where there...They were like hey. The brittney came up and hugged me...and was all smiley...Now usually I would be like whatev...becuase I mean its just a hug....But ive known brittney for a good damn while and she NEVER comes up and hugs me...And I mean she was like soo happy to see me...I was like wow...Meanwhile the guys are sitting back their laughing at me...Then when I was leaving she an back and hugged me again...I dunno but then one of her friends was laffin and like you know she wants to date you. but I just ignored it and left...LOL..i dunno.....well I think I have Migrane issues....lately ive been getting headaces frequently...ystrday it got so bad I was like seriously steps away from puking...If i didnt lay down I woulda.....So yeah im gunna have to visit a doctor...
Lol, Well some peeps have been wondering why I havent been around much. Well I've been in a ghetto mixshaped studio working with some of my bois...we're trying to get some rekords out but our studio ekwipment is gay and we need alot of stuff still...I've been writing and working out some tunes on the keyboard for some fresh beat samples. Once I jump on a track Ill be sure to post it up here...but as of now IM just helping out in promitin and im learning and helping to make beats. I have a really pimpin sample im working on...and Im going to keep it secret for mine
well i asked courtney out

sed nah

sed that im like one of the only guys she can really talk to and feel comfortable around...and that she doesnt wanna mess that up

classic reasoning for a no.

oh not really trying hard fr carrie...i just i guessed used her as something to get my mind off crtny..that worked meh...oh well
good u?

"Came back wit that flow, had yall beggin fo we asked azk to vocal out a new flow..."

"Ay yo...I ain't trippin Im no G, never held a real gun *sike* but I have been charged for molesting a nun. Doing wrong **** on the daily you shouldve recognized, when A-Z spit a verse he's gunna womanize."

A tast of what maybe my first track

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